. Contact Data

Name : Fawzy Hassan Abdel-Kader
Business Address        : Department of Soil & Water Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, El-Shatby, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
Tel.  : +203 5855436
Mobile   01222282967  Email: Sfawzy02@yahoo.com
Modified 12/8/2013

Personal Data

Year of Birth               : 1940, in Alexandria.
Citizenship                  : Egyptian.
Matital Status              : Married, three childen.
Title                             : Professor of Soil and Water Sciences.
Major Field                 : Soil Pedology.
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Academic History

 Ph.D.   1968  Soil Science German Academy of Agriculture at Berlin,
                                                 Institute of Soil Science, Eberswalde, G.D.R.

B.Sc.   1961     Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University

Ph.D. 1968 Soil Science German Academy of Agriculture at Berlin, Institute of Soil Science, Eberswalde, G.D.R. B.Sc. 1961 Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University

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Major Professional Posts Held

2000-present Professor Emiritus of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt 1978-2000 Professor of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt. 1973-1978 Associate Professor, Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Egypt. 1968-1973 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Egypt. 1962-1968 Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Egypt. 1961-1962 Instructor, High Institue of Agriculture, Edfina

2000-present             Professor Emiritus of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
                                     University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt
1978-2000                     Professor of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
                                                 University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
1973-1978                    Associate Professor, Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty
                                                 of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Egypt.
1968-1973                    Assistant Professor, Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty
                                                 of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Egypt.
 1962-1968                   Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty
                                                 of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Egypt.

 1961-1962                   Instructor, High Institue of Agriculture, Edfina

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Teaching Experience

Soil     1     General Soil Characteristics          Soil 101 Soil as a Medium for Plant Growth
Soil 102      Land ReclamationSoil 103          Soil Genesis, Morphology and Classification
Soil 104      Soil Survey                                  Soil 108 Soil Chemistry
Soil 110      Soil Conservation                        Soil 111 Soil Evaluation
Soil 112      Soils of Egypt                              Soil 121 Water Chemistry
Soil 152      Arid Lands                                  Soil154Soils of Tropical and Subtropical
Soil 156      Soil Mineralogy                          Soil 158 Modelling and Simulation of Soil
Soil 160      Soil, Water and Plant Analyses   Soil 201 Geographic Information System (GIS)
Soil 202      Remote Sensing                           Soil 203 Advanced Pedology
Soil 204      Soil Micromorphology                 Soil 208 Advanced Soil Chemistry
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Research Experience

  • Soil Morphology and Classification.
  • Land Resources Assessment, Evaluation and Conservation.
  • Land Resource Management
  • Soil Morphology, Soil Mineralogy, Soil Chemistry.
  • Soil Erosion and Watershed Management.
  • Dry Land Agriculture.
  • Remote Sensing.
  • Geographic Information Systems. 
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Administrative Positions

            · 1988-1994                 Chairman, Department of Soil & Water Sciences,
                                                 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Egypt.
            · 1989-1994                 Director, Soil & Water Unit for Information, Service
                                                 and Training. Special Unit, Faculty of Agriculture,
                                                 University of Alexandria, Egypt.
            · 1994-1998                 Editor-in-Chief, Alexandria Journal of Agriculture
                                                  Research, Fac. of Agriculture, Univ. of Alexandria.
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Grants and Research Projects

1963-1968       Graduate Student, Institute of Soil Science, Eberswalde, G.D.R.
1974-1977       Visiting Research Associate in Soil Mineralogy and Chemistry, Dept. of Soil Science, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
1979-1982       Investigator: ASRT-Project :Soil and Water Conservation; EPA-Ford Foundation-UNESCO-AB.Project:RegionalEnvironmental Management of Mediterranean Desert Ecosystems of Northern Egypt (REMDENE).
1981-1982       Soil Consultant, International Center of Rural Development, Maryut, Egypt.
1981-1982       Investigator, IDRC- Project: Fertilizer Efficiency, Soil Dept. Alex.
1982-1983       Visiting Scientist in Soil Mineralogy, Dept. of Soils, NCSU, Raleigh, USA.
1983-1985       Principal Investigator.MALR- Project: Soil Management for Forage and Barley Production under the Rainfed Condition in the North-Western Coastal Region, Egypt, EMCIP University Grant Program, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt.
1990-1992       Principal Investigator. AU-Project: Development of Some Wadis of North Wester Coastal Region, Egypt, University of Alexandria Grant Program.
1990-1994       Co-principal Investigator. NARP-Project: Adapted Technology for Crop Production in North-Western Coast of Egypt. National Agricultural Research Program (NARP), Ministry of Agriculture & Land Reclamation, Egypt.
1994-1996       Principal Investigator., MALR-Project: Water Harvesting
Technology, North-Western Coast, Egypt. Funded by the Regional Councel for Research and Extension /West Delta. Minestry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Egypt.
1995-1997       Team Leader. MAP-Project: Soil Degradation and Desertification, Fuka Area, Egypt, UNDP, Mederr, Action Plan.
1995-1995       Visiting Fulbright-Scholar, Dept. of Earth Sciences,
1993-1997    Principal Investigator , IDRC-Project: Phase I : Water/Land
Management, North-Western Coast, Egypt Funded by the International
Development Research Canter (Canada)
Principal Investigator , MALR-Project Land Evaluation of Newly Reclaimed Area, West Noubaria Using Geographic Information System(GIS). Funded by the Regional Councel for Research and Extension /West Delta. Minestry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Egypt.
Principal Investigator BADP-Project: Land Degredation Assessement       Of Bustan Area Using Satellite Imagary.Funded by Bustan Agricultural Development Project.MALR Egypt
Principal Investigator. IDRC-Project Phase II: Participatory Land And Water Management In Dryland Agropastoral Areas NW Coast Of Egypt :Funded by the International Development Research Centre (Canada).
Principal Investigator : ASRT-Project: Improvement       of Harvesting Technology of Rianfall and Floods . Fuded by Acadamy of Scientic Research and Technology Egypt  
Co-principal Investigator : ASRT-Project: Development and Protection of the Coastal Areas in Egypt. Fuded by Acadamy of Scientic Research and Technology ,Egypt 
2002- 2006    Partner (P03) , EC-Project: MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Thematic Network, Funded by the European Commission (EC),
2010-Now Cosultant: ARDF-Project: National Information Bank for Soils of Egypt(NIBSE). Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, ARC , Egypt.
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Organization Memberships

  • Egyptian Soil Science Society.
  • Egyptian Geography Society.
  • Permenant Committee for Professorship Nomination, Hight University Suprim      Counsel
  • National Committee of Soil Science, ASRT
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Conferences & Workshops

 -Water Resources Planning in Egypt, Cairo, Jan. 1981.
-Computer as a Teaching Aid in Higher Education. Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering. October 1993.
-Land and Water Management, Cairo, 13th-15th December, 1993 IDRC, Cairo
-Africa GIS'95, Abidjan, 6-10 March 1995..
- New Waves in Soil Science, Tunis, January 10-19, 1997.
- Integrated Land Development of Southern Egypt: Available Resources and Alternative Options, Alexandria Conference Hall, December 14, 1997 .
-Intern. Conf. Earth Observation & Environ. Information, Alex., Egypt, Oct. 13-16, 1997.
-Rainfed Agriculture Conference in Arab Countries, Acadmy of Scientific Research and    Technology, Cairo, 7-9 March 1998.
-National Forum on Support of Remote Sensing Techniques to Planning and Decision Making Progresses for Sustainable Develoipment in Egypt, NARSS, CTM, RAC/ERS, Cairo, Egypt, 8 March 1998.
-International Conference on Environmental Management, Health and Sustainable Development, Alexandria, 22-25 March, 1999.
 -Sixth International Conference on the Development of Drylands. 22-27 Augest 1999 Cairo. Egypt.
- 2nd International Conference on Earth Observation and Emvironmental Information, 11-14 November 2000, cairo, Egypt.
-OICC 7th International Seminar on Geographic Information System Application in Planning and Sustainable Development, The Organization of Islamic Cities and Capitals , 13-15 February 2001 Cairo Egypt .
-The International Conference on the Western Desert of Egypt: Geological Environment and Development Potentials 17-20 Janurary 2000,Cairo,Egypt.
-Regional Workshop on Degradation & Rehabilitation of Marginal Lands in the Arab Region. CEDARE, Cairo, 2-4 July 2000.
-First meeting on Work progress of the eastern Mediterranean Soil mapping at 1:1 million scales Lebanese National Council for Scientific research. Beirut, 15-18 January 2001.
-Ecosystem-based assessment of soil degradation to facilitate land users’ and land owners’ prompts action. .MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop1, Adana, Turkey ,2-7 June 2003
- Income-product generating  land conservation management MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop2, Marrakech, Morocco, February 2004.
- 3rd EARSeL Workshop ,Remote Sensing for Developing Countries ,National Research Centre Cairo, 26-29 September 2004 ,Egypt .
-Promoting Participatory Management of the Land System to enhance soil Conservation. , MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop 3, Alexandria , 9 – 13 October - 2004 , Egypt
- MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop 4: Drafting Appropriate Policies and Guidelines to Support Sustainable Land Management in the Mediterranean Region Bari, Italy 6-11 September 2005
- Third International Conference on Soil of Urban , Industrial, Traffic, Mining, and Military Areas  SUIMTA 2005, Cairo, Egypt, 17 to 25 November, 2005
- MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop 5:Draft Agreement to ensure long-term collaboration among the Mediterranean Countries in sustainable use of natural resources Malta 13-17 January 2006
- MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop 6: Euro-Mediterranean Conference: Managing Natural Resources through Implementation of Sustainable Policies. Beirut, Lebanon 25-30 June 2006.
- Dissemination Conference: "Development of European compatible soil and water management MSc courses in Epypt-SATET". TEMPUS CD_JEP-34036-2006(EG). Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 16-17 May, 2009.
- First International Conference on "Coastal Zone management of River Deltas and Low Land Coastlines""(CZMRDLLC). Sheraton Montaza Hotel Alexandria, Egypt. 6-10 March, 2010.
- International Conference titled “Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands”, ICSC-2010, Abu Dhabi, 17-19 May 2010.
Modified 1/16/2012


Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1969). Zur Kenntnis und Systematik der DDR. 1. Mitteilung: Auensubstrate und Nodentypenin Auengebieten. Albrecht-Thaer-Archiv., 13: 3-16.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1969). Zur Kenntnis und Systematik der Boden der DDR. 2. Mitteilung: Bodenformen in den Auengebieten. Albrecht-Thaer-Archiv., 13: 129-150.
Abdel-Kader, F.H.; I.M. Gewaifel; M.N. Hassan and E.M. Abou Bakr (1971). Soil units of mechanized farm area in the Western Desert, Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 19: 343-350.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. and F.H. Armanious (1972). A pedological study at the Western Desert-Nile Delta fringe between Ferhash and Nidieba, A.R.E. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 20: 321-331.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1973). Soil units of the salt-affected soils at Ferhash and Tell El-Kebir regions, A.R.E. Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 13 (2): 261-267.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1973). Characteristics of the salt-affected soils at Tell El-Kebir region, A.R.E. Beit. Trop. Landwir-H., 4: 387-394.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. and S.P. Abu-Ghalwa (1973). Distribution of total and free iron forms in different soils of Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 21: 443-449.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. and N.E. Abdel-Hamid (1974). Comparative micromorphology of some main soil types of Lower Egypt. Geoderma, 12: 245-262.
Abdel-Kader, F.H.; I.M. Gewaifel; M.N. Hassan and E.M. El-Zahaby (1975). A study of calcium carbonate in a topsequence at Bourg El-Arab area, Egypt. Egyptt. J. Soil Sci., 15 (1): 1-10.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. and M.L. Jackson (1977). Effect of CEC on amorphous material by KOH and NaOH. Agron. Abstr., p.188.
Abdel-Kader, F.H.; M.L. Jackson and G.B. Lee (1977). Mineralogy of Glassoboralf soils developed in siltcapped cambrian and precambrian formations of North Central Wisconsin, Agron. Abst., p.187.
Abdel-Kader, F.H.; M.L. Jackson and G.B. Lee (1978). Soil kaolinite, vermiculite and chlorite identification by an improved lithium DMSO X-ray diffraction test. Soil Sci. Soc., Am. J., 42: 163-167.
Jackson, M.L. and F.H. Abdel-Kader (1978). Kaolinite intercalation procedure for all sizes and types with X-ray diffraction spacing distinctive from other phyllositicates. Clay and Clay Minerals, 26: 81-87.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. and H.A. Mesherref (1979). Morphology, genesis and classification of soils in the North-Eastern region o Nile Delta (Dakahlia Governorate). Alex. J. Agric. Res., 27: 699-708.
Abdel-Kader, F.H.; M.N. Hassan; M.F.A. Zahow and A. El-Gazzar (1979). Iron and some micronutrients contents of three citrus seedlings used as stock roots as affected by source and form of iron. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 27: 99-106.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1980). Distribution of calcite and dolomite in different soils of Lower Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 28 (1): 279-286.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1980). Soil erosion assessment. Progress Rep., Vol.IV. Regional Environment Management of Mediterranean Desert Ecosystems of Northern Egypt. (REMDENE) Academy o Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1981). Land resources of Egypt. Conference of Water Resources Planning in Egypt, Cairo, Jan. 1981.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1981). Soil conservation studies. Progress Rep. Vol.III. REMDENE, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1982). Assessment of soil erosion at the North-Western Coastal region of Egypt. First National Confr. on the Problems of Land Degradation in Egypt, 2-5 Feb., 1982, El-Minia, Egypt.
Ismail, H.S.Abdel-Rahman and F.H. Abdel-Kader (1982). Pedological study of Omayed Toposequence North-Western Mediterranean Desert of Egypt. ORSTOM, Paris, 1982.
Noman, I.K.; F.H. Abdel-Kader ; A.M. Abdel-Hady and O.M. Ali (1982). Gypsiferous soils, east of the Bitter labes, Suez Canal region, Egypt. I. Pedological studies. Research Bull. 2012, Ain Shams Univ., Egypt.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. and S.B. Weed (1983). Hydration of kaolinites and Halloysites. Progress Report, Soil Dept., NCSU, Raleigh, USA.
Abdel-Kader, F.H.; Y. El-Shafei; N. El-Husseiny and M. Table (1984). Soil management for forage and barley production under rainfed conditions in the North-Western Coastal region, Egypt. EMCIP University Grant Program, First Annual Report.
El-Zahaby, E.M.; F.H. Abdel-Kader and F.S. El-Naggar (1986). Effect of solid calcium carbonate addition on magnesium status of some Mg-affected soils. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 11 (2): 849-855.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. and M.M. El-Garawany (1989). Magnesium forms in some soils of Northern Nile Delta. Progress Report, Dept. of Soil and Water Sci., Univ. of Alex., Egypt.
El-Husseiny, N.; M.A. Tabl; Y.Z. El-Shafei and F.H. Abdel-Kader (1990). Soil and water management for forage production under rainfed conditions of the North-Western coastal region, Egypt. Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 30 (1-2): 299.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. and M.F.A. Zahow (1993). A computer simulation model for salt dynamics in calcareous soils. Progress Report, Dept. of Soil and Water Sci., Univ. of Alex., Egypt.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. 1993 The Role of Geographic Information System in Interdisciplinary      Education. Proceeding of the Workshop on “Computer as a Teaching Aid in Higher Education. Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering. October 1993.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. and H.M. Ramadan (1994). Land evaluation of Dabaa-Fuka area, North-Western Coast, Egypt using Geographical Information System (GIS). Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 35 (2): 203-214.
Abdel-Kader, F.H.; H. Schreier and J.G., FitzSimons (1994). Water/land management: North-West Coast, Egypt. Paper Presented at the Round Table on Land and Water
Management, Cairo, 13th-15th December, 1993 (Proceedings Published by IDRC, Cairo, January, (1994).
 Fathi, A.M. and F.H. Abdel-Kader (1994). Water management for rainfed farming system. NW Coast (Fuka, Matrouh, Egypt). Proc. Reg. Seminar, Optimization of Water in Agriculture, Amman 21-24 Nov., 1994, Comm. E.C. French Mini. of Foreign Affairs.
 Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1995). An integrated spatial model for resource management, Northwest Coast, Egypt. Africa GIS'95 Documents, Abidjan, 6-10 March 1995, pp.227-228.
 Abdel-Kader, F.H. and A.M. Fathi (1995). Water harvesting at North-West Coast, Egypt.
Workishop Development of Irrigation System. Balba Assoc. Fac. of Agri. Alexandria.
Ramadan, H.M. and F.H. Abdel-Kader (1995). Land variability of Dabaa-Fuka area, North-Western Coast, Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 40 (2): 243-264.
 Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1997). Water/Land evaluation: Northwest Coast of Egypt. Workshop, New Waves in Soil Science, Tunis, January 10-19, 1997.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1997). Constraints for sustainable agricultural development in Western Desert of Egypt: Toshka Basin and New Valley. Workshop, Integrated Land Development of Southern Egypt: Available Resources and Alternative Options, Alexandria Conference Hall, December 14, 1997, pp.85-107.
 Abdel-Kader, F.H.; John FitzSimons and Christopher T. Lee (1997). Rapid assessment of cisterns on the Northwest Coast of Egypt using Spot Panchromatic Imagery. Intern. Conf. Earth Observation & Environ. Information, Alex., Egypt, Oct. 13-16, 1997.
 FitzSimons, J.G.; F.H. Abdel-Kader; G. El-Mallah and A. Mustafa (1997). Land tenure and natural resource management: Studying Bedouin land and water management systems on the North-West Coast of Egypt. Paper Presented at the Sub-Regional Workshop on Land Tenure Issues in Natural Resources Management. Addis Ababa, 11th-15th March, 1996 (Proceedings Published by OSS/UNECA/GTZ, Paris, August, 1997).
40. FitzSimons, J.G.; F.H. Abdel-Kader; G. El-Mallah and A. Mustafa (1997). Rainstorms and barley: Combining indigenous knowledge and GIS to predict cereal production on the NW Coast o Egypt. Paper Presented at the International Conference on Earth Observation and Environmental Information, Sponsored by the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Boston University, USA, NASA and George Mason University, USA. Alexandria, Egypt, October 13th-16th, 1997.
 Abdel-Kader, F.H.; M. Bahnassy and A. Moustafa (1998). GIS analysis of landscape units for coastal area management of Fuka Basin, Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 43 (1): 109-127.
Abdel-Kader, F.H.; M. Bahnassy and A. El-Menshawy (1998). GIS analysis, Wadi El-
Kasaba watershed, Northwest Coast, Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 43 (2): 303-321.
 Abdel-Kader, F.H. (1998). Remote sensing data as a GIS input for modelling land dynamics on the Nort-Western Coast of Egypt. National Forum on Support of Remote Sensing Techniques to Planning and Decision Making Progresses for Sustainable Develoipment in Egypt, NARSS, CTM, RAC/ERS, Cairo, Egypt, 8 March 1998, pp.87-94.
Abd El-Hady, A.M.; F.H. Abdel-Kader and M. Bahnassy (1998). Limitation and potential of remotely sensed soil surface mapping, Mariut Plain, West Noubaria, Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 43 (1): 95-108.
 Abdel-Kader, F.H. and A.B. El-Menshawy (1998). Land use planning for sugar beet area, West Nubaria, Egypt using linear programming techniques. Alex. J. Agric. Res., (2): 267-276.
 Abdel-Kader F.H., H. Schreier , A. Moustafa , M.Bahnassy and S. Heneidy 1998
Evaluation Of Soil And Forage Biomass: Wadi Naghamish-East Matrouh, Northwest  Coast Of Egypt. Presented at Rainfed Agriculture Conference in Arab Countries, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Cairo, 7-9 March 1998.
 Abdel-Hady, A.M. and F.H. Abdel-Kader (1999). Remotely sensed mapping of waterlogged soils at West Nubaria and Bustan: Problems and Solutions. International Conference on Environmental Management, Health and Sustainable Development, Alexandria, 22-25 March, 1999, p.42.
Abdel-Kader, F.H.; M. Bahnassy; H.M. Ramadan and H.M. Yehia (1999). Coupling GIS with modelling tools to support land use planning and management, West Nubaria, Egypt. International Conference on Environmental Management, Health and Sustainable Development, Alexandria, 22-25 March, 1999, pp.47-48.
Bahnassy, M.; N. Nashed; F.H. Abdel-Kader and A. Suliman (1999). Spectral signature characteristics of calcareous soils, West Nubaria, Egypt. International Conference on Environmental Management, Health and Sustainable Development, Alexandria, 22-25 March, 1999, pp.5-6.
FitzSimons, J.G.; F.H. Abdel-Kader; M. Bahnassy, and A. Moustafa (1999). Integrating Indigenous Knowledge and Modeling for Agropastoral Systems Development .In: Ryan, J.(ed).2002. Desert and Dryland Development: Challenges and Poential in the New Millenium.Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on the Development of Dry Lands, 22-27 August 1999, Cairo. Egypt. ICARDA,Aleppo,Syria. xiv+655pp.
Abdel-Kader, F.H. et al. (1999). Wadi Naghamish-East Matrouh, North-West Coast of Egypt. Final Report. Fac. of Agric. Alexandria.
Abdel-Kader, F.H.; A. Fathi; G. Hassan; S. Brown; H. Schreier and J.G. FitzSimons (1999). Efficiency of Bedouin water harvesting cisterns along the NW Coast of Egypt. Progress Report. Faculty of Agric. Alexandria.
 Abdel-Kader, F., Bahnassy, M., Moustafa, A. and FitzSimons, J. (2000). Characteristing and Improving the Effectiveness of Land and Water Resources Management in Dryland Agropastoral System. 2nd International Conference on Earth Observation and Emvironmental Information, 11-14 November 2000, cairo, Egypt.
 Abdel-Kader, F., Bahnassy, M. and Ramadan, H. (2000). Drainage Pattern in Relatgion to Potential Land Use, Northwestern Desert, Egypt. The International Conference on the Western Desert of Egypt: Geological Environment and Development Potentials 17-20 Janurary 2000,Cairo,Egypt.
Abel-Kader,F.H., J. FitzSimons, M. Bahnassy, and A. Mostafa 2000. Combating        Degradation by Dryland Agropastoral System:Sustainable Resource Management of Marginal Lands Northwest Coast, Egypt. Regional Workshop on Degradation & Rehabilitation of Marginal Lands in The Arab Region.CEDARE, Cairo, 2-4 July 2000
Abdel-Kader ,F.H. 2001 Diagnostic RS/GIS Layers For Sustainable Resource Management of Drylands , Northwest Coast ,Egypt .The Organization of Islamic Cities and Capitals -OICC 7th International Seminar on Geographic Information System Application in Planning and Sustainable Development 13-15 February 2001 Cairo Egypt
Bahnassy, M., Ramadan, H.M., Abdel-Kader, F., and H.A. Yehia (2001). Utilizing GIS/RS/GPS for Land Resources Assessment of Wadi El-Natroun , West Delta Fringe, Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 46(3).
 Moustafa,A., M. Bahnassy, F. Abdel-Kader, and J. FitzSimons (2001).     Integrating Bedouin Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge for Land Resources Management in Dryland Agro-Pastoral Area, Northwest Coast, Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 46(3).
Abdel-Kader, F. and M. Bahnassy 2001. Digital soil map of Egypt at scale 1:1000.000. In: First meeting on Work progress of the eastern Mediterranean Soil mapping at 1:1 million Scale. Lebanese National Council for Scientific research. Beirut, 15-18 January 2001.
 Abdel-Kader ,F.H. 2003.Land Degradation And Conservation Measures In Egypt.       MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop1:Ecosystem-based assessment of soil degradation to facilitate land users’ and land owners’ prompt action . Adana , Turkey ,2-7 June 2003
 Abdel-Kader, F. H., and R.K.Yacoub 2003. Evaluating Human-Induced Land Degradation in Newly Reclaimed Areas West Nile Delta, Egypt. MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop1:Ecosystem-based assessment of soil degradation to facilitate land users’ and land owers’ prompt action . Adana , Turkey ,2-7 June 2003
Abdel-Kader ,F., J. Fitzsimons , M. Bahnassy , And A. Moustafa 2003 Challenges For     Land And Water Management In Dryland Areas: NW Coast Of Egypt.MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop1:Ecosystem-based assessment of soil degradation to facilitate land users’ and land owners’ prompt action . Adana , Turkey ,2-7 June 2003
Abdel-Kader ,Fawzy H. ; Jonh. Fitzsimons ; Mohamed. Bahnassy   and Ashraf Moustafa 2004. Challenges in   Resource Management in Rainfed Agriculture in Wadi Maghamish, North Western Coastal Region, Egypt. Egyptian J. Desert Res., 54,No.2, 237-258 (2004) .
 Abdel-Kader F.H. and I.Y .Daoud 2004. Impact Of National Rural Developmental Programs On Land Productivity In Rain Fed Areas Of The Northwest Coast Of Egypt. MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop2: Income-product generating land conservation management, Marrakech, Morocco, February 2004.
 Yacoub ,R.K. and F. H. Abdel-Kader 2004  Link Terrain with Spectral Characteristics for Waterlogged Areas Development, West Delta , Egypt. 3rd EARSeL Workshop ,Remote Sensing for Developing Countries ,National Research Centre ,Cairo, 26-29 September 2004
Abdel-Kader,F.H. 2004 Challenges For Participatory Research For Agropastoral System Development: NW Coast Of Egypt. MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop 3: Promoting Participatory Management of the Land System to Enhance Soil Conservation. Alexandria , 9 – 13 October - 2004 , Egypt    
Abdel-Kader ,F. J. FitzSimons , M. Bahnassy , and A. Moustafa ,2004 .Challenges In Resource Management In Rainfed Agriculture In Wadi Naghamish, NW Coastal Region, Egypt.    Egyptian J. Desert Res., 54,No.2, 237-258 (2004)
 Abdel-Kader F.H. and H. M. Ramadan 2004 .Land Degradation Assessment for Nile     Delta: DPSIR Approach.  Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 45,No.4.pp.437-460(2005).
Abdel-Kader,F.H. ,A. M. Abdel-Hady and A. M. Saleh. 2004. Integration of Terrain, Thematic Mapper, And Soil Quality Data For Surface Hydrology, Water Erosion And Land Suitability Modeling: NW Coast, Egypt. Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 45, No.2. Pp.225-138 (2005).
Yacoub , R.K. , F. H. Abdel-Kader and W.F.Erian. 2006.Monitoring Waterlogged Areas Using Thermal and Multi-Spectral Analysis, West Nubariya Region , Egypt. Egypt. J. Soil Sci., In Press.
Abdel-Kader ,F.H. and R. K. Yacoub .2005.Land Resource Assessment of Landmine-    affected Areas, Northwest Coast, Egypt. SUIMTA 2005, Cairo, Egypt, 17 to 25 November, 2005
Abdel-Kader ,F.H. and R. K. Yacoub .2006.Land Resource Assessment of Landmine-affected Areas, Northwest Coast, Egypt. Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 46,No.2.pp.175-191(2006).
Abd El-Hady, A.M. , Abdel-Kader, F.H ,Slaeh, A.M. 2005. Accuracy Assessment Of Remotely- Sensed Data For Soil Surface Mapping. Egypt. J. Remote Sensing & Space Sci., V. 8, pp. 21-38 (2005)
 Abdel-Kader,F.H. and Abd-Alla Gad . 2005. Supportive Policies for Land And Water Resources Management And Protection In Egypt. MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop 4: Drafting Appropriate Policies and Guidelines to Support Sustainable Land Management in the Mediterranean Region Bari, Italy 6-11 September 2005JECT
Abdel-Kader,F.H. 2006. Toward Sustainable Land and Water Resources Management in Egypt: Strategic Axes of Action. MEDCOASTLAND PROJECT, Workshop 6: Euro-Mediterranean Conference: Managing Natural Resources through Implementation of Sustainable Policies. Beirut, Lebanon 25-30 June 2006 .
 Gad,A.and F. Abdel-Kader.2007. Egyptian soils survey and GIS land resources database. Mediterranean Conference: Status of Mediterranean soil resources: Actions needed to promote their sustainable use. Tunis, Tunisia 26-31 May 2007.CT-2002-10002)
 Yehia,H.A., M.Bahnassy, H.Ramadan, and F.H.Abdel-Kader.2007.Land Quality Indicators for sustainable Agricultural Development of Wadi El-Natrun Districy,El-Behira Governorate,Egypt. Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 45,No.2.pp.177-197                                         
Abdel-Kader ,F. H. and R. K. Yacoub .2008. The Execution Of Specific Assessments In The Coastal Areas Of Port Said: Land Resources .Final Report. February 2008.Action Programme (Smap) “Plan of Action for an Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the area of Port Said (Egypt)” ACTION5. www.iczmportsaid.uniss.it/Intersectoral Analysis/Land. PDF.
Abdel-Kader,F.H., and R. K. Yacoub .2008.Integration Analysis of LANDSAT-7 and SRTM DEM Images for Agricultural Land Expansion in the Western Desert of Nile Delta. Ninth International Conference on Dryland Development :Sustainable Development in the Drylands - Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change,7-10 November 2008, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt
Abdel-Kader F.H.and R. K. Yacoub.2009. Assessment of Land and Water Resources Potentials using RS/GIS Analysis and Hydrological Model for Rain-fed Agriculture, Northwest Coast, Egypt . Egypt. J. Soil Sci., 49.In Press.
 Abdel-Kader , Fawzy Hassan. 2009. Digital Soil Mapping for Sustainable Land Expansion and Management in Egypt. Tamas, J. Editor. Dissemination Conference: "Development of European compatible soil and water management MSc courses in Epypt-SATET". TEMPUS CD_JEP-34036-2006(EG). Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 16-17 May, 2009.  
Abdel-Kader,F.H. and R. K. Yacoub.2010.Land Covers Change Assessment in the Coastal Areas of Port Said – Manzala, Northern Nile Delta, Egypt. First International Conference on "Coastal Zone management of River Deltas and Low Land Coastlines""(CZMRDLLC). Sheraton Montaza Hotel Alexandria, Egypt. 6-10 March, 2010.
 Abdel-Kader,F.H. and R. K. Yacoub.2010. Land Resources Assessment of the Coastal Areas of Port Said – Manzala, Northern Nile Delta, Egypt. First International Conference on "Coastal Zone management of River Deltas and Low Land Coastlines""(CZMRDLLC). Sheraton Montaza Hotel Alexandria, Egypt. 6-10 March, 2010.
 Abdel-Kader , F. H. 2010. Digital Soil Mapping Using Spectral and Terrain Parameters andStatistical Modeling Integrated into GIS:Examples from the Northwestern Coastal Region of Egypt. - International Conference “Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands”, ICSC-2010, Abu Dhabi, 17-19 May 2010.
Modified 1/16/2012