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 الاسم بالكامل:أ.د. مجدي عبد الوهاب السيد عمر خطاب

تاريخ الميلاد : 1/1/1957 محل الميلاد: الإسكندرية
العنوان: 48 شارع عبد السلام عارف – سابا باشا – عمارة الكوثر – الدور التاسع شقة 103
التليفون: ( منزل ): 5852209                                           (عمل):     (محمول): 0122617696

الايميل: Khattab_2@Hotmail.Com   

Modified 12/6/2011


المؤهل الدراسي
التاريخ / السنة
التخصص الدقيق
التخصص العام
البرامج الإرشادية
الإرشاد الزراعي
جامعة الإسكندرية بالتعاون مع جامعة مونتانا الأمريكية
مصر والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
البرامج الإرشادية
الإرشاد الزراعي
جامعة الإسكندرية
الإرشاد الزراعي
الإرشاد الزراعي
جامعة الإسكندرية
Modified 12/6/2011


الهيئة ( المؤسسة )
أكتوبر 1980
ديسمبر 1984
جامعة الإسكندرية
مدرس مساعد
ديسمبر 1984
فبراير 1988
جامعة الإسكندرية
فبراير 1988
أغسطس 1989
عضو بعثة قناة علمية بجامعة مونتانا الأمريكية
أغسطس 1989
فبراير 1990
جامعة الإسكندرية
فبراير 1990
أغسطس 1991
جامعة الإسكندرية
أغسطس 1991
أكتوبر 1991
عضو مهمة علمية بهيئة كوري الايطالية
أكتوبر 1991
سبتمبر 1995
جامعة الإسكندرية
أستاذ مساعد
سبتمبر 1995
يوليو 1996
جامعة الإسكندرية
يوليو 1996
يناير 1997
عضو مهمة علمية بجامعة طوكيو الزراعية باليابان
يناير 1997
أغسطس 1997
جامعة الإسكندرية
أغسطس 1997
أغسطس 2002
كلية نظم الأغذية والزراعة - جامعة الأمارات العربية المتحدة
أغسطس 2002
أغسطس 2004
جامعة الإسكندرية
أغسطس 2004
جامعة الإسكندرية
رئيس قسم
أغسطس 2009
جامعة الإسكندرية
Modified 12/6/2011

 1- البحثية:


·         تقييم البرامج التدريبية.

·        الدوافع الداخلية والمكافآت الخارجية للرضا الوظيفي.

·        أنماط واستراتيجيات التعلم.

·        نقل واستخدام التكنولوجيا الزراعية.

·        تخطيط وإدارة أنشطة البحوث والتطوير.

·        طرق الاتصال الإرشادي.

·        مشاكل العمل الإرشادي الزراعي.

2- التدريسية:

·        مناهج البحث في الإرشاد الزراعي.

·        تقويم البرامج والأنشطة الإرشادية.

·        النظريات الاجتماعية والإرشاد الزراعي.

·        نقل التكنولوجيا الزراعية.

·        الأمن الغذائي في الوطن العربي.

·        التدريب في الإرشاد الزراعي.

·        الإرشاد الزراعي وقضايا التنمية المعاصرة.

  • الطرق الإرشادية المقارنة.

3- الاستشارية:

·        تقديم استشارات علمية للمنظمات والمشاريع البحثية مثل:

·        Business Development Services Project (BDS Project), USAID & QED GROUP.

·        EL-SHAMS Project (Enhanced Livelihoods for Smallholder Horticultural Activities Managed Sustainably), Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes (AERI), USAID & CARE-EGYPT.

·        Dairy Directive Program, ACDI/VOCA.

·        Assiut Businessmen’s Association (ASBA).

·        مخطط وميسر ومدرب لورش العمل وخاصة ورش:

·        Strategic Action Planning.

·        Training of Trainers (TOT).

·        Training Needs Assessment.

·        Time Management.

·        Building Private-Public Sectors Partnership.

·        Effective Dialogue and Persuasion.

·        Effective Communication.

Modified 12/6/2011

 1-   محلية: (17)

2-   مؤتمرات: (1)
Modified 12/6/2011

 (أربعة مراجع)

Modified 12/6/2011




جيد جداً















Modified 12/6/2011


  • Worked as a Research Scholar in the Department of Agricultural and Technology Education, Montana Sate University, USA.


  • Worked as a Researcher in the Department of International Agricultural Development, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan.


  • Represented Egypt in a Workshop on "Upgrading Capabilities of Planning and Management of Research and Development Projects for Scientists from North Africa and Middle East (Arab Countries)" Organized by National Research Center (NRC) and Canadian International Development Research Center (IDRC), Egypt.


  • Represented Egypt to Attend the Course No. 129 "Agricultural Extension and Rural Development" Organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Agricultural Experts, from Middle and Far East Asian Countries as well as African Countries, held at Mutigliano (Lucca), Italy.


  • Principal Investigator of a Research Project on "Planning and Management of Research and Development Projects in Japan and Egypt", Japan Foundation.


  • Principal Investigator of a Research Project on “Extension Needs for Improving Date Palms Productivity in the United Arab Emirates”, Research Council, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Member of a Research Project on "Role of Alexandria University in National and Environmental Development", Canadian International Development Research Center (IDRC).


  • Member of a Research Project on "Comprehensive Analysis of Determinants of Egyptian Village Underdevelopment", Academy of Science and Technology, Egypt.


  • Member of a Research Project on "University Extension Programming with Small Farm Operators: Research and Training", Canadian International Development Research Center (IDRC).


  • Member of a Research Project on "Socio-Economic Dimensions of the Environmental Degradation in Rural Areas of Lower Egypt”, Ford Foundation.


  • Member of a Research Project on " Mothers' Training Needs Related to Health and Nutritional Care for Infants: Research and Training”, Research Council, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated as a Facilitator in a Workshop Entitled “Management Information System of Assiut Businessmen’s Association (ASBA)”, Organized by Business Development Services Project (BDS Project), Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes (AERI), USAID & QED GROUP, LLC, held at Mercure Hotel (El-Minia).


  • Participated as a Facilitator and Trainer in a Training Program Entitled “Assiut Businessmen’s Association (ASBA) Lending Officers Technical Training Program”, Organized by Business Development Services Project (BDS Project), Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes (AERI), USAID & QED GROUP, LLC, held at Mercure Hotel (El-Minia).


  • Participated as a Facilitator in a Workshop Entitled “Assiut Businessmen’s Association (ASBA) Lending Officers Training Needs Assessment Workshop”, Organized by Business Development Services Project (BDS Project), Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes (AERI), USAID & QED GROUP, LLC, held at Mercure Hotel (El-Minia).


  • Participated as a Planner and Trainer in Six Training Programs (18 days) about “Training of Trainers (TOT)” for the Representatives of Farmers’ Associations in the Upper Egypt Governorates, Organized by EL-SHAMS Project (Enhanced Livelihoods for Smallholder Horticultural Activities Managed Sustainably), Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes (AERI), USAID & CARE-EGYPT.


  • Participated as a Facilitator in a Workshop Entitled “Training Needs Assessment” for Extension Agents in the Upper Egypt Governorates, Organized by EL-SHAMS Project (Enhanced Livelihoods for Smallholder Horticultural Activities Managed Sustainably), Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes (AERI), USAID & CARE-EGYPT, held at El-Maamoura Training Center for Agricultural Machinery (Alexandria, Egypt).


  • Participated as a Facilitator in a Workshop Entitled “BDS Project 2nd Strategic Action Planning Workshop”, Organized by Business Development Services Project (BDS Project), Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes (AERI), USAID & QED GROUP, LLC, held at JW Marriott Hotel (Mirage City, Cairo).


  • Participated as a Planner and Trainer in a Training Program (2 days) about “Training of Trainers (TOT)” for Extension Agents in the Upper Egypt Governorates, Organized by Agricultural Exports Rural Incomes Project (AERI), Animal Production Component, ACDI/VOCA.


  • Participated as a Planner and Trainer in a Training Program (2 days) about “Effective Time Management” for Rural Female Advisors in the Upper Egypt Governorates, Organized by Agricultural Exports Rural Incomes Project (AERI), Animal Production Component, ACDI/VOCA.


  • Participated as a Facilitator in a Workshop Entitled “EL-SHAMS 4th Strategic Action Planning Workshop”, Organized by EL-SHAMS Project (Enhanced Livelihoods for Smallholder Horticultural Activities Managed Sustainably), Agricultural Exports Rural Incomes Project (AERI), USAID & CARE-EGYPT, held at Palmera Hotel (El-Ain Souhkna).


  • Participated as a Facilitator in a Workshop Entitled “Building Private-Public Sectors Partnership”, Organized by EL-SHAMS Project (Enhanced Livelihoods for Smallholder Horticultural Activities Managed Sustainably), Agricultural Exports Rural Incomes Project (AERI), USAID & CARE-EGYPT, held at Cataract Pyramids Resort.


  • Participated as a Planner and Trainer in Three Training Programs (9 days) about “Effective Dialogue and Persuasion” for the Representatives of Farmers’ Associations in the Upper Egypt Governorates, Organized by EL-SHAMS Project (Enhanced Livelihoods for Smallholder Horticultural Activities Managed Sustainably), Agricultural Exports Rural Incomes Project (AERI), USAID & CARE-EGYPT.


  • Participated as a Planner and Trainer in Three Training Programs (9 days) about “Knowledge and Skills of Effective Training” for the Representatives of Farmers’ Associations in the Upper Egypt Governorates, Organized by EL-SHAMS Project (Enhanced Livelihoods for Smallholder Horticultural Activities Managed Sustainably), Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes Project (AERI), USAID & CARE-EGYPT.


  • Participated as a Planner and Trainer in a Training Program (3 days) about “Planning, execution, and Evaluation of Extension Programs” for the Extension Agents in the Upper Egypt Governorates, Organized by Agricultural Exports Rural Incomes Project (AERI), Animal Production Component, ACDI/VOCA.


  • Participated as a Planner and Trainer in Three Training Programs (9 days) about “Training of Trainers (TOT)” for the Extension Agents in the Upper Egypt Governorates, Organized by ACDI/VOCA and EL-SHAMS Project (Enhanced Livelihoods for Smallholder Horticultural Activities Managed Sustainably), Agricultural Exports and Rural Incomes Project (AERI), USAID & CARE-EGYPT.


  • Participated as a Planner and Trainer in Four Training Programs (12 days) about “Training of Trainers (TOT)” for Rural Female Advisors in the Upper Egypt Governorates, Organized by Dairy Directive Program, ACDI/VOCA.


  • Participated as a Reporter in a Conference Organized by UNESCO on "Agricultural Education in Arab Countries" at Alexandria, Egypt.


  • Participated in a Conference Entitled "The Seventh Conference for Agricultural Extension and Rural Development”, Organized by University of Guelph (Canada) and El-Mansoura University, held at El-Mansoura University.


  • Participated as a Trainee in a Training Program Entitled "New Extension Workers Training Program ", Organized by Montana State University, Extension Service, held at Bozeman, Montana, USA.


  • Participated as a Trainee in a Software Course on the Use of "GRAPHICS", Organized by the Advanced Teaching Methods Program, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated as a Trainee in a Software Course on the Use of the Internet, Organized by the Advanced Teaching Methods Program, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated as a Trainee in a Software Course on the Use of authoring software in the development of interactive course materials. Organized by the Advanced Teaching Methods Program, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated as a Trainee in a Software Course on the Use of Internet in Searching for Information, Organized by the Advanced Teaching Methods Program, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated as a Trainee in a Training Program Entitled “The Use of Information Technology in Teaching”, Organized by the United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated as a Trainee in a Training Program Entitled “The Effect of Information Technology on the Educational Process”, Organized by the United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated as a Trainee in a Software Course on the Use of Internet in Teaching, Organized by the Scientific and Educational Resources Center, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated as a Trainee in a Software Course on the Use of Power Point, Organized by the Scientific and Educational Resources Center, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Member of the Organizing Committee for a Conference Entitled "The Second International Conference on Date Palms”, Organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, held at Al-Ain Hilton Hotel.


  • Participated in a Conference Entitled "First Annual Conference for Research Funded by the United Arab Emirates University”, Organized by the United Arab Emirates University, held at Al-Ain Intercontinental Hotel.


  • Member of the Organizing Committee for Participation in the Exhibition associated with the Second Arab International Conference and Exhibition on Environmental Biotechnology, held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.


  • Member of the Organizing Committee for Participation in the Water Conservation Exhibition, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


  • Member of the Organizing Committee for Participation in the fourth Abu Dhabi International Exhibition for Agriculture and Environment, held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.


  • Coordinator of a Training Course on “Agricultural Extension” for Agricultural Extension Workers from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Department of Agriculture and Livestock in Al-Ain, and Abu Dhabi Municipality, Organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, held at Scientific and Educational Resources Center, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Coordinator of the Research and Training Activities Between the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the United Arab Emirates University and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Department of Agriculture and Livestock in Al-Ain, Dubai Municipality, and Abu Dhabi Municipality.


  • Coordinated and Assisted in the Preparation of a Video-Film Pertaining to the Teaching, Research, and Extension Activities of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated in the sixth Annual Conference for Animal Production under Arid Conditions "The International Conference on Reproduction/Production in Camelides”, Organized by the Arid Land Agriculture Department, Faculty of Food systems, United Arab Emirates University, held at Al-Ain Intercontinental Hotel.


  • Participated in a Symposium Entitled "The First Symposium on Ornamental Horticulture in the Arabian Gulf Region, Funded by Al-Ain Municipality of Abu Dhabi Emirate, Organized by the Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, held at Al-Ain Rotana Hotel.


  • Participated in the Fourth Annual Meeting for Animal Production under Arid Conditions "Future Perspectives of Salt-tolerant Plants in the Gulf Region”, Organized by the Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, held at Al-Ain Intercontinental Hotel.


  • Participated in a Workshop Entitled “Innovative and Modern Teaching Methods”, Organized by the Advanced Teaching Methods Program, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated in a Symposium Entitled “Safe and Effective Use of Pesticide”, Organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, held at Scientific and Educational Resources Center, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated in a Symposium Entitled “Efficiency of Soilrich Applications to Different Crops”, Organized by the Plant Production Department, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, in Cooperation with Gulf Commercial-U.S. AmeriGro, held at Al-Ain Hilton Hotel.


  • Participated in a Symposium Entitled “Food Quality Control: Its Effect in Securing Proper Nutrition in Gulf Region”, Organized by the Food Science and Nutrition Department, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, held at Al-Ain Intercontinental Hotel.


  • Participated in a Workshop Entitled “Modern Trends in Fruit Handling and Storage”, Organized by the Plant Production Department, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, held at Scientific and Educational Resources Center, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated in a Workshop Entitled “Animal Production Information Network”, Organized by the Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, held at Scientific and Educational Resources Center, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated in a Conference Entitled "International Conference on Camel Production Under Arid Conditions”, Organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, held at Al-Ain Intercontinental Hotel.


  • Participated in a Workshop Entitled “Methods of Evaluation and Exams”, Organized by the Faculty of Sciences, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Participated in a Conference Entitled "The First International Conference on Date Palms”, Organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, held at Al-Ain Hilton Hotel.


  • Participated in a Workshop Entitled “Social Sciences: Its Role in Community Service”, Organized by the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Chairman of the Female-Students Advising Unit, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Chairman of the Educational Outcomes Assessment Committee, Faculty of Food Systems, United Arab Emirates University.


  • Member of the Educational Outcomes Assessment Committee, (at university level), United Arab Emirates University.
Modified 12/6/2011

مبادئ التعليم الإرشادي الزراعي
من 2002 حتى الآن
الإرشاد الزراعي والنظريات الاجتماعية
دراسات عليا
طرق البحث في الإرشاد الزراعي
دراسات عليا
من 2002 حتى الآن
تقييم البرامج الإرشادية
دراسات عليا
تعليم الكبار (متقدم)
دراسات عليا
نظريات التعلم
دراسات عليا
التدريب في الإرشاد الزراعي
دراسات عليا
الطرق الإرشادية المقارنة
دراسات عليا
الإرشاد الزراعي وقضايا التنمية المعاصرة
دراسات عليا

Modified 12/6/2011