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الاسم بالكامل: أ.د. فاروق عباس حيدر
تاريخ الميلاد : 12/6/1937    محل الميلاد: الإسكندرية
العنوان:434 طريق الحرية رشدى
التليفون: ( منزل ):5429336/03      (عمل): 5915427/03                   (محمول): 0123115355
موقع الكلية:
Modified 12/4/2014


المؤهل الدراسى
التاريخ / السنة
التخصص الدقيق
التخصص العام
بكالوريوس هندسة معمارية
هندسة معمارية
ماجستير تخطيط عمرانى
تخطيط عمرانى ريفى
هندسة زراعية
ماجستير هندسة معمارية
تهيئة البيئة
هندسة زراعية
جامعة متشيجان
دكتوراه هندسة معمارية
هندسة زراعية
جامعة كنسنجتن
لوس أنجلوس
Modified 12/22/2011


مدرس مساعد
أستاذ مساعد
Modified 12/22/2011

 1-        البحثية: فى مجال الهندسة المعمارية والتخطيط العمرانى الحضرى والريفى والإسكان.

2-      التدريسية : تدريس المواد الهندسية المتعلقة بالهندسة المعمارية والتخطيط والبيئة.
3-      الاستشارية: دكتور استشارى فى الهندسة المعمارية والتخطيطية من نقابة المهندسين المصرية
   خبير التخطيط لهيئة التخطيط الكبرى لولاية نيويورك سابقاً.
Modified 12/22/2011

 1-   دولية:             10

2-   محلية:            11
3-   مؤتمرات:        3
4-   ندوات :           10
Modified 12/22/2011


Modified 12/22/2011


جيد جداً
Modified 12/22/2011


اسم الجائزة
تاريخ الحصول عليها
الجهة المانحة
الجائزة الأولى فى مسابقة تصميم منزل متميز فى ولاية نيويورك أمريكا
15/ 12/ 1975
حكومة ولاية نيويورك الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
Modified 12/22/2011


          أنشأت مركز فارسى للاندسكيب يشمل على صالات وفصول كبيرة وقاعة احتفالات ضخمة متميزة تتسع
لعدد 240 كرسى مجهزة بالتقنيات العالية وذلك لتعليم وتخريج طالب يلم بتصميم وتنسيق قواعد اللاندسكيب
Landscape Architecture وقد اعتمد هذا البرنامج من الكلية والجامعة والوزارة ورئيس الوزارة وقام المركز بعمل الندوات العلمية المحلية والعالمية كما يقوم المركز حالياً بتعليم طلبة تتخصص فى دبلوم اللاندسكيب على أساس يمكن تطوير هذا المجال إلى الدراسات العليا الأخرى ونحن بصدد لعمل برنامج جديد لدراسة بكالوريوس فى اللاندسكيب لتجميل إسكندرية ومصر كلها والدول العربية.
Modified 12/22/2011
أنشطة الرسم الحر واللوحات الفنية الزيتية وخلافه
Modified 12/22/2011


تخطيط المبانى الزراعية
البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا
3 / 4
الخرسانة المسلحة والحديد الإنشائى والخشب
البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا
مقررات اللاندسكيب
وعددها 8 مقررات
دبلوم اللاندسكيب
Modified 12/22/2011


Name:                                      Prof. Dr. Farouk Abbas Heidar  

Date of Birth:                          June 12, 1937

Sex:                                         Male

Marital Status:                         Married

Current Work Address:          Agricultural Engineering Dept.,

                                                Faculty of Agriculture,
                                                Alexandria University,

                                                Chatby, Alexandria, Egypt.

Home Address:                       434 El-Horreya Avenue, Roshdy, Alexandria, Egypt.

            Contact:                                  Phone: Home: (03) 5429336

                                                                        Mob.:   0122 3115355




1962                B.Sc. Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,

                              University of Alexandria, Egypt.

1968                M.Sc. Town Planning, University of Alexandria, Egypt.

1972                M.Sc. Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, U.S.A.

1978                Ph.D. Architectural Engineering, Kensington University, U.S.A.



Fifty years varied experience in practicing Teaching and Research in the Fields of Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, Agricultural Engineering and Management. Besides Study and practicing Fine Arts in Garem Studio and Fine Arts College afternoon as Follows:


1997 – Present:          Emeritus Professor of Architecture and Planning at Agricultural Engineering Department, plus Director of Farsi Landscape center since established 2006 for many years (The First Landscape Architecture Center in the Middle East) at Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt. Works involve Supervision Teaching and Research for Architectural Engineering, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Design, Landscape Engineering, Landscape Gardening, etc. with the coordination of Faculty of Engineering and Fine Arts College.


1993 – 1997:               Professor of Architecture, and Planning, Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Fine Arts College, University of Alexandria, Egypt. Work involved teaching and research for Architectural Engineering, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture, and Environmental Control, Fundamental of Reinforced Concrete Steel and wood constructions.



1986 – 1993:              Associate Professor of Architecture and Planning, Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Fine Arts College, University of Alexandria, Egypt Fine Arts College, University of Alexandria, Egypt. Work involved teaching and research for Architecture Design, Building Construction Technology, Town Planning, Working Drawings, Building Construction Administration, Quantity Surveying, Sanitary Installations, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture.


1983 – 1987:              Assistant & Associate Professor of Architectural Design, Architectural Department, Faculty of Engineering, The United Arab Emirates University,  Al-Ain, U.A.E. work involved Teaching and Research for the following courses: Architectural Design 1, 2, 3 & 4, Comprehensive Architectural Design 5, 6 & 7, Architectural Construction 1, 2 & 3, Building Construction for Civil Engineering, Special Construction Details, Quantity Surveying, Project Management, Sanitary Installations, Thesis of Final Architectural Graduation Projects.


1981 – 1983:              Assistant Professor of Architecture and Planning, Agricultural Engineering Department and Fine Arts College, University of Alexandria, Egypt, work involved Teaching and Research for Architectural Design, Building Construction, History of Architecture, Theory of Architecture, Town Planning Working Drawings, Quantity Surveying, Sanitary Installations.


1977 – 1981:              Senior Architect, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Los Angles, California, U.S.A., work involved Supervision and Evaluation of the Multifamily Projects, Architectural Analysis and Inspection for Project Mortgage Insurance, Public Housing, College Housing, Low Cost Housing and Section 8 which included: New Construction, Rehabilitation and Exist Housing, Monitor Architects, Builders and Sponsors Performances, Analyze Proposed Development Projects to comply with FHA- HUD Minimum Property Standards (MPS), Local Applicable Laws, Ordinance, Codes and Budgets, consult with Federal and State Agencies Concerning Architecture and Engineering Standards and / or Practices. Inspect Quality Control on Materials, Workmanship, Safety Producers and Federal Codes.


1974 – 1977:              Architect, Government of State of New York, Executive Department, Design and Construction Department, Office of General Services (OGS), Albany, New York, USA. Work involved Architectural Design, Construction Documents, Rehabilitation and Administration. Work responsibility as Job Captain to solve the design problem with site analysis, schematic design and environmental context functionally and esthetically, client coordination and provide interface with Engineering Trades for projects such as: Organizational Maintenance Headquarters Residency, Army Aviation Support Facility as Albany Airport, Steam Capacity of Empire State Plaza, Executive Mansion at Albany, Oquaga Creek State Park.


1973 – 1974:              Project Manager, Camber Group Ltd., New York, USA. Work involved Supervision, Take Off, Scheduling and Analysis of Environmental Quality on Site Planning for projects such as: Amsterdam High School and Complex Buildings.


1 – 4 / 1974:               Planning Consultant, Capital District Regional Planning Commission, Albany, New York, USA. Work involved Regional Planning to Establish Criteria for Development Potential Rating of New Development by Land Use Type for Capital District Region of New York State, Linear Programming Approach and control city growth.


1972 – 1973:              Project Manager, C. R. Ackley, Architect, Lansing Office, Michigan, USA. Work involved Supervision, Specifications, Client Coordination, Contract Bidding and assigned subcontracts for projects such as: Nursing Homes, Country Law Enforcement Building, and Medical Care Facility.

1971 – 1972:              Senior Designer, Demitrios Economides Associate Architects, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. Work involved Architectural Design, Site Planning and Programming, Constructional Documents, Details and Research for projects Type large and small, Commercial Industrial, Institutional and Multifamily Residential Developments.

1969 – 1971:              Research Assistant, Agricultural Engineering Department, Michigan State University, East Lansing Michigan, USA. Work involved Design and Research for Environmental Technology, Pollution Control of Land, Water and Air, Environmental Analysis and its System, Architectural Technology, Waste Management, Eco-Systems and Bio-Systems, Farm Structures, Rural and Urban Development.

1964 – 1969:              Instructor of Architecture and Planning, Agricultural Engineering Department, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. Work involved Teaching Assistant and Research Farm Structures, Graphical Drawing, Surveying, City and Regional Planning, Architectural Design, Building Construction and Technology, Environmental Impact Statements. Besides, working afternoon in the office of Prof. Dr. Hassan Ezzat Abu Gadd Architects practicing architectural design.

1962 – 1964:              Site Engineer, the Canal Construction Company, Cairo, Egypt. Work involved: Supervised wide variety of building projects – Industrial, Institutional, Residential and Developing Port Facility – Coordinate Subcontractors, Monitor Costs, Critical Path Method, Take Off, and Provide interface with Engineering Trades.

Summer of 1961:      Draftsman Designer, Kaufhof Company at the headquarter of the Architectural Department, Cologne, West Germany. Work involved Drafting, Design, Working Drawing, and Construction Details for projects such as: Retail Storehouse and Warehouse Buildings in Germany's cities.

Summers of

1958, 59,60:

Draftsman, Aboulfadl – El-Hadary – El-Kholy Consultant Architects, Alexandria, Egypt. Work Involved Drafting and Design, Construction Documents, Shop Drawings for projects such as: Office Building, Apartments, Hospital, Housing Developments and Retail Stores.




1979:                          Technical Use of HUD – Minimum Property Standards (MPS) Diploma, U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development U.S.A.

1978:                          Multifamily Skills Reinforced Architecture Diploma, United States Department of Housing and Urban Department, U.S.A.

1977:                          Lighting Design and Application Diploma, Lighting Association of Southern California U.S.A.

1977:                          Letter and Memo Writing Diploma, Department of Civil Service, State of New York, U.S.A.

1976:                          Rapid Reading Diploma, Creative Learning Services, Inc, U.S.A.

1972:                          Uniform Building Code Diploma, Lansing Community College, Michigan U.S.A.


2011                         Prof. Dr. Farouk A. Heidar selected as member of the doctoral examining committee for judging panel and discussion of the doctoral dissertation on Green Architecture for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy at the Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany.                                                                                                 

1981:                           Dr.  Architect Heidar Selected by U.S. Department of HUD, to join the committee of “Egypt Today” event scheduled throughout the Los Angeles Craft and Folk Art Museum and the College of Continuing Education of the Schools of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Southern California to discuss the theory of the distinguish Egyptian Architect Hassan Fathy which affect the architecture and environment of Egypt. 

1980 – 1993:              President of Heidar International Company, Consultant Architects, Planners, and Landscape Architects,  Los Angeles, USA and Alexandria, Egypt. 

26 – May 1992:          Symposium on urban Planning and how to develop the Rural Communities of Egypt, Cairo University.

25 – 30 Sept. 1989:  Honorary head for the Conference of the International Symposium of the Architecture and Housing in Prague, Czechoslovakia.

July – Sept. 1989:      Visiting Professor for Teaching and Research for Rural Architecture and Planning, Nova Scotia University, Halifax, Canada.

25 – 30 Jan. 1988:     Symposium for Developing North West area of Egypt, Coordination between Alexandria University with Alexandria and Matrouh Governorates.

May 1980:                  Member of the Housing and Tourism Board for “Egypt to Day” Program in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York Cites, Sponsored by the United State of America.


  • Merit Award of Architectural Design for Outstanding Design in a Residence Competition, New York State, December 15, 1975.



  • Member of the Egyptian Engineers Syndicate.
  • Member of Egyptian Society of Architects.

      (Consultant Architect for Building Design and Housing).

  • Member of the American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO).
  • Member of American Institute of Architects (AIA).

        (Mid-Michigan Chapter Incorporated).

  • Member of the American Egyptian Scholars.
  • Member of the American Society of Agricultural Engineering.



 -            Proposed Planning and Design Alexandria International Airport, B. Arch. Thesis and Project, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt 1962.

  • Farmers Housing, El-Akhbar Journal, Cairo, Egypt, August 1968.
  • Planning of the Cooperative Village in U.A.R., Master’s Thesis Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, 1968.
  • The Influence of the High Dam over Egypt. Lansing, Michigan, 1970.
  • Housing Problems in the Rural Areas of Egypt, Lansing, Michigan, 1970.
  • The Value of Regional Planning Theory in Rural Areas due to Urbanization and Utilization of Space in Under Developed Countries, Lansing, Michigan, 1971.
  • The Regional Quality and Performance of Farm Technology, Industries and Waste Management, Lansing, Michigan, 1971.
  • Closed System Waste Management for Livestock, Water Quality Office Protection Agency, Project No. 13040 D.K.P. Michigan State, 1971.
  • Criteria for Development Potential Rating of New Development by Land USA Type for Capital District Region of New York State, Capital District Regional Planning Commission, Albany; New York, 1974.
  • Wins Design Competition, Residence Project of the Competition, Office of General Service, Searchlight, State of New York, July 1976.
  • Optimization of Reducing Flood Damage Through Architectural System, Ph. D. Dissertation, Kensington University, Glendale, U.S.A. 1978.
  • Rural Housing Problems of Egypt, Paper Submitted and Published to the Member of the Association of Egyptian – American Scholars (USA and Canada) for Egypt Between Now and the Year 2000 (IV). P. 277- 313, Fourth Cairo Conference, December 27- 31, 1980.
  • Building Design and Construction Codes for Egypt, Paper Submitted and Published to the Members of the Association of Egyptian- American Scholars (USA and Canada) for Egypt Between Now and the Year 2000 (IV). P. 314- 327, Fourth Cairo Conference, December 27- 31, 1980.
  • Design Criteria to Rural Residential Post Tensioned Slab Foundations Over Expansive Soils, Misr  Journal of A. Engineering, Volume 2, No. 4. P. 20- 32, Egypt. 1985.
  • Site Planning for Improving  Residential Security, Misr Journal of A. Engineering, Volume 2, N. 4. P. 51- 60, Egypt 1985.
  • Some Solutions for Rural Housing in Egypt,  Misr Journal of A. Engineering, Volume 2, N. 4. P. 97- 106, Egypt 1985.
  • Optimum Solar Energy Utilization for site Planning for the New Egyptian Village and its Building, Misr J. Agric. Eng. For (5) 457 – 469, 1988.
  • Suitable Rural Settlements for the Reclaimed Land of New Developed Areas in Egypt, Technical Congress 89. International Symposium for Rural Settlements their Utility and Development pp 38 – 55, Prague, Czechoslovakia 1989.
  • Optimization of Planning of Service Village and its Satellites for Improving Settlements in the New Reclaimed Land of Egypt. Misr J. of Agric. Eng. 7 (3): 264 – 276, 1990.
  • Universal Planning and Building Model Codes for Egypt, Misr J. of Agric Eng. 2 (4): 61 – 70 Egypt 1991.
  • Comparative studies for Rural Housing, Misr J. Agric. Eng. 2 (10), 1993.




[No.1]-Architectural Design (650 Pages):

The Distributer: Monshaat El-Maarif Published Company, Alexandria, Egypt. It contains subjects for Learning How to Design a Successful Architectural Project through the following:

The human Scale, Environmental Analysis for Sociological Influences, Aesthetic in Architectural Design, Design Elements, Organization of the Architectural Design, Principles of Architectural Design for Single House, How to Design a Successful Project Architecturally, Recommendation in Architectural Design Exam, Landscape Architecture, Architectural Presentation and Perspectives.   


[No.2]-Planning of Cities and Villages (520 Pages):

The Distributer: Monshaat El-Maarif Published Company, Alexandria, Egypt. It contains subjects for Learning How to Design a Successful City and Village Planning through the following: Planning, Settlements, City and Village Planning Theories, Land Use Studies, City or Village Formation Studies, Environmental Studies, Road Network, Village Planning and Rural House Design, Development of Rural Area of Egypt, Development of Tourism Areas, Subdivision Planning and Land-Use Intensity, Egyptian Planning Code.





Modern Encyclopedia in Building Construction Technology  

The Distributer: Monshaat El-Maarif Published Company, Alexandria, Egypt:  The encyclopedia contains three-Books simplified the work of Building Technology and Working Drawings for easy Learning How to Construct a Building and its Engineering Facilities, etc. The program study distributed in three Books as follows:


[No.3]- Book 0ne: Principles of Building Construction (570 Pages).

Building Materials, Site Investigation, Site work, Structure Systems, Masonry Construction, Foundation, Concrete Construction, Form Work for Concrete, Wood Construction, Metal Construction, Stairs and Ramps, Arches and Lintels, Moister Installations.


[No.4]- Book Two: Roofs, Finishing and Building Services (850 Pages).

Roof Systems and their Constructions, Doors-Windows-Blinds-Glass & Hardware, Finishes, Special Construction Details, Scaffolding-Shoring-Under Pinning, Thermal Insulations, Ventilation-Air Conditioning & Heating, Sound Isolations, Tall Building Construction, Earthquake Proof Construction, Elevators, Electricity and Illumination, Management of Building Projects and Feasibility Study, Symbols & Expressions.


[No.5]-Book Three: Sanitary Engineering & Sanitary Installation (800 Pages).

Sources of Water, Water Supply for Buildings, Pipes and Accessories, Plumbing Fixtures, Plumbing Fixtures for Handicapped, Faucets-Mixing Faucets-Valves-Traps-Vacuum Breaker, Sanitary Pipework System in Buildings, Rainwater Drain Systems in Buildings, Sewerage in Cities, Plumbing Systems in Swimming Pools & Artificial Ponds, Water and Sewerage in Rural and Isolated Areas, Refuse Management, Gas Supply Systems in Buildings, Fire Protection Systems in Buildings.


Encyclopedia of Modern and Contemporary Architecture       

and Its Pioneers    

The Distributer: Monshaat El-Maarif Published Company. Alexandria, Egypt:  The encyclopedia contains Three-Books simplified its history, theory and pioneers who applied to the modern and contemporary architecture. Beside discussed its relation with the modern Arts for easy learning how the new technology in architecture defined an aesthetic drawn from arts.  Therefore, the encyclopedia contains thirty five chapters in three books as follows:

[No.6]-Book 0ne: (664 Pages): Pre-Modern Arch. in Europe,  Modern Scientific Thinking, Promises & Perils, Arts & Crafts, L’Art Nouveau, Pre-Modern Arch. in America, Modernism Preludes & Chicago School in America, Art & Architecture  Relationship, De-Stijle, Art-Deco.


[No.7]-Book Two: (642Pages): Modern Architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius- Bauhaus & TAC, Ludwig Mies van de Rohe, Le Corbusier, Continuation of Modern Architecture, CIAM, Late Modern Architecture, Archigram Group, Metabolism Architecture.


[No.8]-Book Three: (635 Pages): Robert Venturi & His Colleagues, High-Tech/Slick-Tech, Contemporary Architecture, De-construction Architecture, Bio Arch./Genetic Arch./Nano Arch., Digital Architecture, Neo-Vernacular Architecture, Ecosystem & Green Architecture, Revival of Past Architecture Style, Metaphorical Architecture, Minimalist Architecture, Supertall Towers & Greening/Dynamic Architecture, Trans- Architecture, Supplements of Modern and Contemporary  Architecture, Architectural Prizes.



  1. The following list the major projects for which Dr. Heidar was a Designer and project manager:
    1. Proposal Office Saginow in East Lansing Michingan, USA. (1971).
    2. Springfield Bristol Square Flint, (1971).
    3. Dobie Road, Seven Trials East Lansing, (1971).
    4. Hide away Valley, Condos Harbor Springs, Michigan, (1971).
    5. Oak Hill Professional Building, Proposed Harbor Springs Condominiums,
       Michigan, (1971).
    6. Springfield Stonebridge Saginaw, Michigan, (1971).
    7. Foote Hills Estates, Grand Rapid Michigan, (1972).
    8. Continental Holt PUD, Michigan, (1972).
    9. Pine Forest Condos Continental, Michigan, (1972).
    10. Pheasant Run (Springfield Jackson Housing) 190 Units, Michigan, (1972).
    11. Plas Labs Office Building, Michigan, (1972).
    12. Pennsylvania Avenue Professional Office Building, Mich. (1972).  
    13. Proposed Apartment for Dave Krause, Michigan, (1972).
    14. Dental Clinic Complex at Lansing, (1971).
    15. Ski Lodge at Landing, (1971).
    16. Proposed Mobile Home Park 186 Spaces, Eaton Rapids, (1973).
    17. Kalamazoo County Law Enforcement Building, Mi., (1973).
    18. Mulder Forest Road FHA 134 Units, Michigan, (1973).
    19. Fahhestock Canopus Lake Area, Taconic State Park, State park, N.Y., (1974).
    20. Oquga Creek State Park North Sanford, N.Y., (1975).
    21. Executive Mansion for Governer Hugh Carey, N.Y., (1975).
    22. Steam Generating Plant for Empire State Plaze, Albany, New York, (1975).
    23. Insulation of Utility Space Below Third Floor Bingham-ton State Office
       Building, N.Y., (1976).
    24. Design Albany County Air Port, Army Aviation Support Facility, No. 3.
       Albany, N.Y., (1976).                                     
    25. Standard Design of High Way Maintenance Residency Head-Quarters, N.Y., (1976).
    26. Install Roll-up Steel Door on Hydroelectric Power House, N.Y., (1976).
    27. Modification to Provide Access for Physically Handi-capped, N.Y., (1976).
    28. Toll Both Modernization East Hudson Parkway Authority, N.Y., (1976).
    29. Regional Maintenance and Storage Facilities (Car Service Building), N.Y., (1975).
    30. Record Center Building, State Office Campus, Albany, N.Y., (1976).
    31. Rehabilitation and Construction Addition at Building No. 70, Camp Smith,
      Peekskill, N.Y., (1976).               
  1. The following list is the major multi-family projects for which Dr. Heidar was the FHA-HUD Architect and Design Representative with the responsibility of supervising all the planning, architecture, engineering and construction phases:
  1. Fairvalley Villa, Charter Oaks, Calif. USA. (1980).
  2. Pendleton Arms, Sun Valley, Calif. USA. (1980).
  3. Villa Topanga II, Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1980).
  4. Little Tokyo Apts., (The Miyako Apts) Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1981).
  5. St. Nicholas Cedars Manor, Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1979).
  6. Tustin Garden, Tustin, Calif. USA. (1980).
  7. Barker Square, Santa Ana, Calif. USA. (1980).
  8. Santa Ana Intown, Santa Ana, Calif. USA. (1980).
  9. Casa Pacifica, Port Hueneme, Calif. USA. (1980).
  10. Las Tores, Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1980).
  11. Harvard Plaza, Burbank, Calif. USA. (1980).
  12. Candle Wood Park, Lake Wood, Calif. USA. (1979).
  13. Pilgrim Terrace, Cooperative Homes, Santa Barbara, Calif. USA. (1979).
  14. Willow Village, Rialto, Calif. USA. (1979).
  15. Pacific Coast Villa, Long Beach, Calif. USA. (1979).
  16. Geneva Plaza, Santa Monica, Calif. USA. (1978).
  17. Adams Blvd. Apts., Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1981).
  18. Harvard Garden, Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1981).
  19. Wadsworth Hsg., Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1981).
  20. Royal Vista Terrace, Duarte, Calif. USA. (1981).
  21. Bonita Ranch, Sylmar, Calif. USA. (1981).
  22. San Fernando Valley, Mental Health Center, Van Nuys, Calif. USA. (1981).
  23. Las Tomas Apts, Whittier, Calif. USA. (1981).
  24. Rosswood Villa, Santa Ana, Calif. USA. (1978)
  25. 744 N. Tularosa, Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1981).
  26. 7536 Simpson / Saticoy, Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1981).
  27. Yosimite Apts. Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1981).
  28. Fontana Elderly, Fontana, Calif. USA. (1978).
  29. Valley Villege Rehab. Sylmar, Calif. USA. (1981).
  30. Watts Arms II, Los Angeles, Calif. USA., (1978).
  31. Nuyumbaless Hosing, Van Nuys, Calif. USA. (1981).
  32. Wilmington Garden, 205 Opp. Street, Wilmington, Calif. USA. (1980).
  33. Los Angeles Section 8, Existing Housing. Los Angeles, Calif. USA. (1977).
  34. Oxnard Section 8, Existing Housing, Oxnard, Calif. USA. (1977).
  35. Port Hueneme, Section 8, Existing Housing, Port Hueneme, Calif. USA. (1977).
  36. Santa Paula, Section 8, Existing Housing, Santa Paula, Calif. USA. (1977).
  37. Ventura Country, Section 8, Existing Housing, Ventura, Calif. USA. (1977).


  1. The following list is the major projects for which Dr. Heidar was a consultant Architect and Coordinator in U.S.A.:
    1. Islamic Center of Southern California, Los Angeles (1980).
    2. Islamic Center of Capital District of New York, Albany, New York (1976).
    3. Moslem Student Association of North America, Indianapolis, Indiana, (1976).
    4. Moslem Student Association of Islamic Center, East Lansing, Michigan, (1976).


The following list is the major projects for which Dr.  Heidar was a Site
 Engineer in Egypt:

        1-    Gabal El-Ahmer Army Factory, Cairo. Egypt, (1962).

        2-   Ship’s Ropes Factory, Port Said, Egypt, (1963).        

        3-    Construction of Crane’s Rail Road of Bay Abbas, Port Said, (1963).

4-    Faculty of Engineering Building, Canal University, Port Fuad, (1964).

5-    Faculty of Commerce Building, Canal University, Port Fuad, (1964).


Modified 12/4/2014