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Faculty of Agriculture , Alexandria University ,

Aflaton street , Elshatby , Alexandria , Egypt .


Personal Data

Name : Ibrahim Mohamed El-Sayed

Date and place of birth : October 8 , 1959 , Alexandria , Egypte .

Family status : married

Nationality : Egyptian

Languages : Arab , French and English

Telephone : 01063682279 - 4204424

E.mail :


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B.Sc., Alexandria university , faculty of agriculture , department of food industries . 1981

M.Sc., Alexandria university , faculty of agriculture , department of food industries .1986

Ph.D., Alexandria university , faculty of agriculture , Egypt ,1992 .Thesis title : Physiology of lactic acid bacteria (in channel System with CNRZ , I.N.R.A , Jouy en Josas ,France - Under supervision of Prof.Dr. Desmazeaud and Prof.Dr. J.J.Devoyod -  I.N.R.A France

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-Demonstrator ,  Alexandria university , faculty of agriculture , department of food industries , 1981-1986

-Assistant lecturer , Alexandria university , faculty of agriculture , department of food industries . 1986-1992

-Lecturer , Alexandria university , faculty of agriculture , department of food industries , 1992-1997

-Assistant professor , Alexandria university , faculty of agriculture , 1997-2002

-Professor Doctor, Alexandria university , faculty of agriculture , 28/5/ 2002- now

-Egyptian Expert in RWANDA sent by the Egyptian Fund For Technical Cooperation With Africa under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work as a Professor Doctor in the field of Microbiology at University of Rwanda – College of Agriculture , Animal Sciences And Veterinary Medicine , Department of  Food Science and Technology, from 2/12/2009 to 30/11/2013


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Research interest

-Food contamination by pathogenic bacteria

-Bacteriocins production by lactic acid bacteria

-Plasmid profils of lactic acid bacteria

-Isolation and Identification of bacteria


Awards and Prizes obtained :

- Obtained the prize of “Alexandria Scientific Award ”  from Alexandria university , 1997


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Teaching activity 

Supervising practical classes and lectures in dairy science , specially in the field of dairy microbiology as following 

- Dairy sc. 1 ( undergraduate) prin. Of dairy Science.

- Dairy Sc. 103 ( undergraduate) prin. Of dairy microbiology.

- Dairy Sc. 111 ( undergraduate) appl. Of dairy microbiology.

 -Dairy Sc. 199 (undergraduate) Special studies.

-Lait 302( undergraduate)- en francais – Structures et propriétés

                chimiques du lait

- lait 305   (undergraduate )- en francais – Technologie du lait

- Lait 309 (undergraduate)- en francais – Valeur nutritive du lait  

                 et des Produits laitiers

-06304 (undergraduate) - en francais- Chimie du lait et ses produits

-033320 (undergraduate) - en francais- Stage sur le terrrain

-06 403 (undergraduate) - en francais- Analyse microbiologique du lait    

              et des produits laitier

-06498 (undergraduate) - en francais- Sujets choisis dans le demaine des  

             produits laities

-06415 (undergraduate) - en francais- Les toxines microbiennes et les polluants environnementaux du lait et ses produits

- Dairy Sc. 114 (postgraduate) Fermented milks – Faculty of Agriculture , Alexandria University

- Dairy Sc. 204 ( postgraduate) Advan. Of microbiology – Faculty of Agriculture , Alexandria University

- Dairy Sc. 205 (post graduate) Special studies – Faculty of Agriculture , Alexandria University

- Dairy 6556 (postgraduate) Standard properties of milk and its Products   

   , Faculty of Agriculture , Alexandria University

-06620 (postgraduate) Advan. Of microbiology. – Faculty of Agriculture , Alexandria University

-General Microbiology (Rural Development,Crop Production,Agroforestry and Soil and water departments ) . University of Rwanda – College of Agriculture , Animal Sciences And Veterinary Medicine,  Rwanda

-Food Microbiology and Toxicology(Food Science and Technology, Animal Production and Animal Health departments) . University of Rwanda – College of Agriculture , Animal Sciences And Veterinary Medicine , Rwanda

-Milk processing 1. University of Rwanda – College of Agriculture , Animal Sciences And Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Technology Department , Rwanda

-Molecular Biology . University of Rwanda – College of Agriculture , Animal Sciences And Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Technology Department,   Rwanda

-Dairy Technology . University of Rwanda – College of Agriculture , Animal Sciences And Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Technology Department,   Rwanda


-Technology of Animal products. University of Rwanda – College of Agriculture , Animal Sciences And Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Technology Department,  Rwanda

-Modern Methods to Identify Microbes .University of Rwanda – College of Agriculture , Animal Sciences And Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Technology Department,  Rwanda

-Introduction to Molecular Biology. University of Rwanda – College of Agriculture , Animal Sciences And Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Technology Department,  Rwanda


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Thesis Supervision 

1- Anaam Saad Shokry (Studies on Some Microbial Toxins ) Master thesis, Alexandria University , Faculty of Agriculture

2- Rabab Mahmoud Hamdy (Microbiological studies on milk – Salmonella in dairy products and its activity under different conditions). Master thesis , Alexandria University , Faculty of Agriculture.

3- Hoda mahrous abbas ( Microbiological studies on milk ) .Master thesis , Alexandria University , Faculty of Agriculture.

4- Annam Saad shokry (Studies on biotechnology of Dairying)

Ph.D thesis, Alexandria University , Faculty of Agriculture

5- Rabab Mahmoud Hamdy (Microbiological , Physiological and Molecular Studies on Leuconostocs Isolated from Some Dairy Products ) . ph.D thesis , Alexandria University , Faculty of Agriculture

6-Khaled Mohy Eldein (The effect of raw milk and line production on the microbiological quality of Ultra High Temperature (UHT) market milk) .Master thesis , Alexandria University , Faculty of Agriculture.


Affiliation :

- Egyptian Society of Dairy Science

- Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research

- Scientific Society of  Food Industries



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List of publication :

1) Abou - Donia, S. A; S. E. Rakshy; I. A. Attia and I. M. El-Sayed (1993). Production Of Bacteriocin By Lactobacilli. Egypt . J.  Food Sci., 21 (1) 11-8

2) Attia, I. A.; S. A. Abou-Donia; S. E. Rakshy; J. J. Devoyod and I. M. El-Sayed. (1993). Production Of Bacteriocins By Streptococci. Egypt. J. Food Sci., 21 (2) 147-156.

3) I. M. EL- Sayed (1993). Plasmid DNA in some lactobacilli. Egypt. J. Food Sci., 21 (3): 257-262.

4) El-Baradie, G. A. H.; I. M. El- Sayed and Zeinab I.Abou Shloue (1993). Growth and Enterotoxin (A,B) production of Staphylococcus aureus in Domiati cheese made from milk varied in pH and initial bacterial counts. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura univ. 18 (12): 3624-3632.

5) Zeinab I. Abou-Shloue; G. A. El-Baradie and I. M. El-Sayed (1994). Studies on subclinical mastitic milk from a farm in Nubariah region. Alex. Sci., Exch., 15 (1): 19-32.

6) El-Sayed, I. M.; H. M. A. Mahmoud and Y. M. Shoukry (1994).stimulation effect of certain substances on the growth of Streptococcus faecalis in presence of Nacl. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 39 (1): 197-209.

7) I. M. El-Sayed (1994) potential of Streptococcus faecalis to produce bacteriocin (s) and its properties. Egypt. J. Food Sci., 22 (2) : 213 -222

8) I. M.El-Sayed; J. Richard and H. K. El-Shafei (1996) Antibacterial activity of Enterococcus Faecium strains isolated from Domiati cheese against several lactic acid, saprophytic and pathogenic bacterial species. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 41 (1) 125-140.

9) I. M. El-Sayed and H. K. El-Shafei (1996) stimulating effect of bifidobacterium infantis on the growth and biochemical activities of yoghurt starter  bacteria. Alex. J. Agric . Res., 41 (2) 159 - 166.

10) I. M. El-Sayed ;Y.I.Abdel-Kader and Zeinab I.Abou-shloue (1998).Effect of Glucono-Delta-Lactone on the growth and Biochemical activities of certain lactic acid and pathogenic Bacteria in cow s and Buffaloe,s milk. Alex.J.Agric.Res. 43 (1) :31-46.

11) I. M. El-Sayed; G.A.H.El-Baradei and H.M.A.Mahmoud.(1998) . partial purification of anti -Listeria Bacteriocin produced by Enterococcus faecium and certain factors affecting its adsorption to Listeria monocytogenes. J.Agric.sci.Mansoura Univ.,23 (6):2587-2596

12) Abou-shloue, Zeinab.I.; I. M. El-Sayed and Y.I.Abdel-Kader(1998) changes in casein composition in subclinical mastitic milk, colostrum and drying off secretion.J.Agric.Sci.Mansoura Univ.,23 (6) :2559-2570.

13) Mahmoud H. M.A.; I. M. El-Sayed and G.A.H.EL Baradei (1999). Properties of leuconostoc strains isolated from rural butter milk as applied to buttermaking. 4 th Alex. conf. Fac. Fd. Sci. tech. 246-255.

14) G. A. EL-Baradei, H., Mahmoud, H. M. A. and I. M. El-Sayed (1999). Metachromatic agar-diffusion as a simple method for detection of staphylococcal thermonuclease in Domiati cheese. Alex. J. Agric. Res 44(1) 143-151.

15) El-Baradei, G. A. H. and I. M. El-Sayed, (1999). Competitive and sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for detection of soya protein in Dairy products. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura univ., 24 (6): 2991-2999.

16) El-Sayed, I.M.(2000) . Plasmid profile of Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis isolated from raw milk and its relation to lactose fermentation and proteolytic activity . J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 25 (9) : 5761 – 5767.

17) El-Dakhakhny, E.A.; Nahed, E. Soliman and El-Sayed, I.M. (2000). Modification of cow,s and buffaloe,s milk caseins by lysozyme . 1st Mansoura Conf. of Food Sci. and Dairy Tech. , 17-19 october.

18) El-sayed, I.M. ; Soliman, Nahed E. and El-Dakhakhny, E.A. (2001) . Bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis isolated from Kariesh cheese . Alex. J. Agric. Res.

19) El-sayed, I.M.(2001) . Detection and characterization of bacteriocin produced by Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp mesenteroides isolated from raw milk . J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ.,26 (10) 6089-6105.

20) Rabab , M.Madany ; I.M.Elsayed ; A.M.Youssef and M.A.Hamdy(2007) Studies on leuconostoc strains isolated from Raib milk. 1. Identification and Biochemical characterization .Egyptian J . Dairy Sci., 35 :153- 164

21) Rabab , M.Madany ; I.M.Elsayed ; A.M.Youssef and M.A.Hamdy(2007) Studies on leuconostoc strains isolated from Raib milk.11- Effect of Mutation on Biochemical and Molecular properties. Egyptian J . Dairy Sci., 35 :165- 171

22) K.M.EL-Dein Mohamed , Aisha M. El-Attar , Nihal, I. Ezzat and I.Elsayed (2013) A comprehensive survey on the chemical and microbiological qualities of raw milk used for processing UHT milk in Egypt . Egyptian J . Dairy Sci., 41 :109- 118




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