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الاسم بالكامل: سمير حسنى ميخائيل
تاريخ الميلاد : 3 فبراير 1928                    محل الميلاد: بني سويف - مصر
العنوان: قسم أمراض النبات – كلية الزراعة - جامعة الإسكندرية – مصر. 
(عمل): (+203) 5915427 (+203) 5924391
موقع الكلية: of Agriculture
Modified 12/31/2011
المؤهل الدارسى
التاريخ / السنة
التخصص الدقيق
التخصص العام
أمراض النبات
أمراض النبات
امراض نبات فطرية وبذور
أمراض النبات
امراض نبات فطرية وبذور
أمراض النبات
Modified 12/31/2011
الهيئة ( المؤسسة )
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
أستاذ مساعد
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
رئيس قسم
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
أستاذ متفرغ بكلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
Modified 1/26/2014


جيد جداً
Modified 12/31/2011


المشاركة فى اللجان:-
-         اشتركت فى لجنة ترقية الأستاذة المساعدين (أمراض النبات) فى الفترة من 1974-1977.
-         اشتركت فى لجنة ترقية الأستاذة ( أمراض النبات – نبات زراعى – ميكروبيولوجى) فى الفترة من 1985-1988.
-         اشتركت فى لجنة ترقية الأستاذة المساعدين ( أمراض النبات) فى الفترة من 1989- فبراير 1994.
-         اشتركت فى لجنة ترقية الأستاذة و الأستاذة المساعدين ( أمراض النبات) فى الفترة من مارس 1998-يونيو 2001.
« الدورات التدريبية والندوات والمؤتمرات:-
§        المهام العلمية بالخارج:-
-         محطة تربية النبات – ابرستوث – ويلز (Wales) – بريطانيا من سبتمبر 1964- سبتمبر 1965.
-         معهد أمراض البذور- كوبنهاجن- الدنمارك من سبتمبر 1973- نوفمبر 1974.
-         جامعة ألينوي(Illinois)  بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية من مايو 1976- أغسطس 1976.
-    المعهد البيولوجى بوزارة الزراعة- برونشفايج (Braunschwerg) – المانيا من سبتمبر            1984- نوفمبر 1984.
-         معهد وقاية النبات- بودابست- المجر من سبتمبر 1986- أكتوبر 1986.
-    أستاذ زائر فى جامعة ليفربول وجامعة ليذر ومعهد تربية النبات بابرستوث (Abrythwyth) انجلترا خلال أسبوعين فى سبتمبر 1987.
-         أستاذ زائر بجامعة برونشفايج بالمانيا خلال قناة علمية لمدة عشرة أيام فى سبتمبر 1988.
-         المعهد البيولوجى بوزارة الزراعة- برونشفايج بالمانيا من سبتمبر 1990- نوفمبر 1990.
-         معهد أمراض البذور- كوبنهاجن الدنمارك- سبتمبر 1992- نوفمبر 1992.
§        دورات تدريبية:
-         معهد أمراض البذور- كوبنهاجن الدنمارك- لمدة عام من سبتمبر 1973- نهاية نوفمبر 1974.
-    جامعة ألينوي بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لدراسة أمراض فول الصويا لمدة أربعة اشهر من أول مايو 1976- نهاية أغسطس 1976.
§        الندوات:-
-         المؤتمر الأول لجمعية أمراض النبات المصرية- القاهرة 1973.
-         المؤتمر الثانى المصرى المجري لوقاية النبات- الإسكندرية 1982.
-         المؤتمر الدولى الثالث للأرز- الإسكندرية 1986.
§        بحوث قدمت الى مؤتمرات:-
-         المؤتمر الخامس لجمعية أمراض النبات المصرية لدول حوض البحر البيض المتوسط – اليونان 1980.
-         المؤتمر الثانى والعشرون للبساتين- الولايات المتحدة 1986.
Modified 12/31/2011

 حصل عشرون طالب على درجة الماجستير وتسعة طلاب على درجة الدكتوراه حتى الآن.

Modified 12/31/2011

 -         أساسيات وطرق مقاومة أمراض النبات 1968.

-         أمراض النبات 1969، 1987 و2001.
-         أمراض النبات العملى 1986.
-         الأطلس النباتى 1989 و2000.
-         مكافحة الأمراض النباتية 1996.
-         أمراض البذور 1993 و2000.
Modified 12/31/2011


1- El Helaly,A.F.,I.A. Ibrahim, M.W. Assawah, H.M. Elarosi and S.H. Michail, 1962. Seasonal prevalence of the main pathogens causing damping-off of tomato in Egypt. Phytopath. Medit.1:152-156.
2- El Helaly,A.F., I.A. Ibrahim, M.W. Assawah,H.M.Elarosi,M.K.Abo- El-Dahab, S.H. Michail and M.A. Abd-El-Rehim, 1963.General Survey of plant diseases and pathogenic organism in the U.A.R. (Egypt) until 1962.Alex. J. Agric. Res. Bull. No. 8: 1-107.
3- ElArosi, H. and S.H. Michail, 1963. Studies on dry rot of potato tubers in U.A.R. (Egypt). Alex. J. Agric. Res., 11: 159- 168.
4- Abd-El-Rehim, M.A.,H. Elarosi and S.H. Michail,1964.Choanephora fruit rot of vegetable marrow in the U.A.R. (Egypt). Alex. J.Agric., Res., 12: 123-128.
5- Ibrahim, I.A., S.H. Michail and M.A. Abd-El-Rehim,1964. Isolation of two Fusarium species from Iupin (Lupinus termis, Fork.) and their potential danger on horse beans ( Vicia faba var. equine) in the U.A.R. (Egypt). Alex. J. Agric. Res.,12: 221-228.
6- Michail, S.H.,1964. Studies on damping-off of Godetia whitneyi Moore In the U.A.R. phtopath. Medit., 3: 74-78.
7- Ibrahim, I.A., M.A. Abd-el-Rehim and S.H. Michail, 1965. Efficiency of certain fungicides in controlling chocolate spot of horse beans ( Vicia faba var equina) in the U.A.R. (Egypt). Alex. J. Agric.Res., 13: 99-109.
8- Elarosi, H., S.H. Michail and M.A. Abd-El-Rehim, 1965.Early stages of Neck-rot of onion by two species of Botrytis in the U.A.R. (Egypt).Alex J. agric. Res., 13:153-159.
9- Michail, S.H. and H. Elarois, 1965. two strains of Fusarium oxsporum f. sp. gladioli causing two different types of infection on Gladiolus.Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 48: 377-379.
10- Michail, S.H., M.A. Abd-El-Rehim and H. Elarosi,1965. Artichoke seed piece decay. Phytopath.Medit.,4:56-57.
11- Michail, S.H. and A.J.H. Carr, 1966.Use of culture filtrates as a rapid Technique for screening Lucerne for resistance to Verticillium alboatrum. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 49: 133-138.
12- Elarois, H., S.H. Michail and M.A. Abd-El-Rehim, 1966. Rhizoctonia fruit-rot of tomato in the U.A.R.(Egypt).Alex.J.Agric.Res.,14:191-196.
13-Michail, S.H. and A.J.H. Carr, 1966. Italian rye-grass, a new host for Ligniera junci. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 49: 411-418.
14- Michail, S.H. and A.J.H. Carr, 1966. Effect of seed treatment on establishment of grass seedlings. Plant Pathology.15:60-64.
15- Abo-El-Dahab, M.K. and S.H. Michail,1966. Studies on rice blast disease in U.A.R.(Egypt) with special reference to its control. Phytopath. Medit.,5:109-114.
16- Elarosi,H. and S.H. Michail, 1966. Pod rot Acacia farnisiana (L) Willd. In U.A.R.(Egypt)1st Congress Medit Phytpath Union, Bari, 558-561.
17- El-Helaly,A.F.,I.A.Ibrahim, M.W.Assawah, H. Elarosi, M.K. Abo- El-Dahad, S.H. Michail, M.A. Abd-El-Rehim, E.H. Wasfy and M. El-Goorani, 1966. General survey of plant diseases and Pathogenic organisms in the U.A.R. (Egypt) until 1965. Alex J. Agric. Res., Res. Bull. No
18- Michail, S.H. H. Elarosi, M.a., Abd-El-Rehim, 1967. Two polypres Causing wood-rot of Casuarina in U.A.K. (Egypt). Phytopath. Medit., 6: 173-174.
19- Elarosi, H. and S.H. Michail,1968. Two Ganoderma species on citrus trees in U.A.R. (Egypt). Phytopath. Medit., 70: 194-195.
20- Abd-El-Rehim, M.A., S.H. Michail and M. Hashem, 1968. On the control of the infection of Vicia faba by Fusarium oxysporum f. fabae through the application of B-alanine. Flora, Abdt., A. Bd. 159,s.135-149.
21- Ibrahim, I.A. and S.H. Michail, 1968. Observations on the chocolate- spot disease of horse-beans (Vicia faba var. equine) and the fungi associated with it. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 16-66: 201-205.
22- El-Helaly, A.F., M.K. Abo-El-Dahab, S.H. Michail and F.F. Mehier, 1968. Fusarium solani, The cause of a type of cotton seedling in Egypt, with special reference to role of Meloidogyne javanica on the severity of the disease. The Crop Protection Conference of the Mediterranean area, Nice, France.
23- Michail, S.H., H. El-Arosi and H.A. Khairy, 1969. Dry rot of Colocassia antiquorum in U.A.R. (Egypt). J. Phytopath. U.A.R., 1:23-26.
24- Abd-El-Rehim, M.A., S.H. Michail, H. Elarosi and E.A. Khairy,1969.Hot water treatment of seed as a method for decreasing the incidence of certain cotton and flax seedling diseases. Ann.Appl. Biol., 63 (1) :95-102.
25- Elarosi, H. and S.H. Michail, and G.l. Fegla, 1969. Studies on control of demping-off of tomato by seed dressing in Egypt (U.A.R.) Phytopath. Medit., 8: 124-131.
26- Michail, , S.H., H. , and G.l. Fegla, 1969. Soil drench as a method for the control of damping-off disease of tomato in Egypt (U.A.R.) phytopath. Medit., 8: 217-223.
27- Elarosi, H. and S.H. Michail, A.K. Mostafa and M.A. Abd-El-Rehim, 1969. Duranta and cecerla new hosts for Pleurotus ostreatus     (Jacq. Ex. Er.)Jum. Phytopath. Medit., :231.
28- Khairy, E.A., S.H. Michail, H. Elarosi and M.A. Abd-El-Rehim, 1969.Occurrence pf pelargonium rust in U.A.R. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin, 17(5):117-118.
29- Abd-El-Rehim, M.A., SH. Michail and M. Hashem, 1970. The resistance of Linum usitatisimum to infection with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lini. Biochem. Physiol. Pflanzen (ppp), Bd., 161:537-541.
30- Elarosi,H.,S.H. Michail, and M.A.Abd-El-Rehim, 1970. Damping-off and foot-rot of cowpea in U.A.R. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 18: 119-122.
31- Elarosi, H.,S.H. Michail, and M.A.Abd-El-Rehim,and H.H. Sheir, 1970. Damping-off of cucurbitaceous plants in U.A.R. ( Egypt)I-Studies on damping-off of vegetables marrow in U.A.R. ( Egypt). Phytopath. Medit, 9: 1-7.
32- Michail, S.H., M.A.Abd-El-Rehim, H. Elarosi and H.M. Sheir, 1971. Damping-off of cucurbitaceous plants in U.A.R. ( Egypt). II- Studies on the control of vegetables marrow damping-off phytopath. Medit.,10:111-113.
33- Michail, S.H.,I.A. Ibrahim, M.A. Abd-El-Rehim and F.M. Padel, 1971. Damping-off of cucurbitaceous plants in U.A.R.. III Fusarium semitectum Berk. et Rav., a damping-off causal organism of watermelon. Phytopath. Medit., 10: 46-49.
34- Abd-El-Rehim, M.A., I.A. Ibrahim, S.H. Michail and F.M.Fadel, 1971. Serological and biochemical differences between resistant and susceptible watermelon varieties to Fusarium semitectum. Phytopath. Z., 71:49-55.
35- Elarosi, H., M.A.Abd-El-Rehim, S.H. Michail and A.M. El-Ahmed,1971. Host-water treatment as a method for decreasing damping-off and early stages of root of horse bean. Phytopath . Medit., 10: 94-98.
36- Mostafa,A.K., S.H. Michail and H. Elarosi, 1971. Black leaf spot of date-palm. Phytopath. Medit 10: 128-130.
37- Khairy, E.A., S.H. M.A. Abd-el-Rehim, 1971. Occurrence of powdery mildews of Roselle and Mulberry in U.A.R. (Egypt). Phytopath. Medit. 10: 269-271.
38- Michail, S.h., M.A. Abd-El-Rehim, H. Elasrosi and F.A. Khairy, 1971. Dry rot of garlic cloves in U.A.R. (Egypt). Phtopath. Medit., 10: 202-205.
39- El-Helaly, A.F., I.A. Ibrahim, S.H. Michail and F.R. Abd-El-Aziz, 1972. Studies on damping-off of Lucerne in Egypt, U.A.R. J. Phytopath. Medit., 4: 55-63.
41- Michail, S.H., I.A. Ibrahim, M.a. Abd-El-Rehim and M.A. Fayed, 1972. Studies on damping-off and wilt of flax reference to the enzymes produced by the wilt pathogen and their bearing on fibre strength proceedings of the Third Congress of the Medit. Union. J. Agronomo lousitiana, Portugal,287-296.
42- Michial, S.H., H. Elarosi, M.A. Abd-El-Rehim and E. Khairy, 1973. Hotwater treatment and fubgicidal dressing of seed for the control of damping-off of cotton and flax. Phytopath. Medit., 12: 111-113.
43- Abd-El-Rehim, M.A., I.A. Ibrahim, S.H. Michail and M. El-Meleigi, 1974. Serological relationships between Pythium irregulare Buisman and certain tomato cultivars. Zbl. Barkt. Abs. 11,Bd. 129:179-182.
44- Elarosi, H., S.H. Michail and I .Abd-El-Fadle, 1974 . Fusarium wilt of cumin Egypt.1st Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathological Society, Cairo.
45- Michail, S.H. and A.M. Tarabeill, 1974. Occurrence of powdery mildew of Delphinium ajacis L. in Egypt. 1st Congr. Egyptian Phytopathological Society, Cairo.
46- Tarabeih, A.M. and S.H. Michail,, 1974. Occurrence of Anthurium anthracnose in Egypt. 1st Conr. Phytopathological.
47- Boulos, Z.Y., K.M. Amr, M.W. Assawah and S.H. Michail, 1974. Effective control of peach powdery mildew in Egypt. 1st Congr. Egyptian Phytopathological Society, Cairo.
48- Elarosi, H., S.H. Michail and M.A. El-Meleigi, 1974. Occurrence of rusts of Persian clover and Malva spp. In Egypt. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 22:437-441.
49- Elarosi, H., I.A. Ibrahim, S.H. Michail and H.M. Sheir, 1975. Damping-off of Cucurbitaceous plants in Egypt. IV. Studies on Rhizoctonia damping-off of vegetables marrow. Phytopath. Medit., 14:136-137.
50- Michail, S.H., H.Elarosi, M.A. Abd-El-Rehim and W.T. Shohda, 1975. Persistence of certain systemic and non-systemic fungicides in soil with reference to the method of application. Phytopath. Medit., 14:138-139.
51- Michail, S.H., I.A. Ibrahim, M.A. Abd-El-Rehim and M.A. Fayed, 1975. Studies on the control of damping-off of flax in Egypt. J. Phytopatho. 7:1-4.
52- Wasfy, E.H., H.M. Elarosi, S.H. Michail and M.K. Dawood, 1975. Pathogens of cucumber fruits rots in Egypt. Egypt .J. Phytopath. 7:67-70.
53- Wasfy, E.H., H.M. Elarosi, S.H. Michail and M.K. Dawood, 1975.
Vitamin requirements of Pythium butleri and a phycomycetous sterile fungus causing fruit rots of cucumber in Egypt. Egypt J. Phytopath, 7:1-4.
54- Michail, S.H. and A.M. Tarabeih, 1976. New records of powdery mildews on certain ornamental plants. Acta Phytopathologica, 11:53-57.
55- Michail, S.H. and Sanna R. El-Katib, 1976. Studies on damping-off of the Egyptian clover ( Trifolium alexandrium L.). Phytopath. Medit. 15:59-60.
56- Michail, S.H., E.H. Wasfy, H.M. Elarosi and M.A. Salem, 1976. Studies for inducing sporulation of Alternaria porri, the causal agent of the scaled disease of onion bulbs in Egypt. 2nd Congr. Egyptian Phytopath. Soc., Cairo, 1-4 Nov.
57- Elarosi, H.M., E.H. Wasfy, S.H. Michail and M.A. Salem, 1976. Studies on Alternaria porri. The causal agent of onion scaled disease, with reference to its biological control. 2nd Congr. Phytopth, Soc., Cairo.
58- Ibrahim, I.A., E.H. Wasfy, H.M. Elarosi, S.H. Michail and M.A. Salem, 1976. Comparative physiological and pathological studies on different isolates of Alternaria porri. 2nd Congr. Phytopath, Soc., Cairo.
59- Abd-El-Rehim, M.A., S.H. Michail and E.H. Abu-Elgasim, 1977. Changes the amino acid patterns of soybean and pea seeds to infection by Caphalosporium sp. Acta phytopathological, 12:279-276.
60- Wasfy, E.H., S.H. Michail, H.M. Elarosi and M.A. Salem, 1977. Comparative studies on pectolytic and cellulolytic enzyme activities of two isolates of  Alternaria porri.Acta phytopathological, 12:277-282.
61- Michail, S.H., M.A. Abd-El-Rehim and E.M. Abu- Elgasim, 1977. Pycnidial induction in Macrophomina phaseolina. Acta phytipathological, 12: 311-313.
63- Tarabeih,A.M. and S.H. Michail, 1978. Infloreacence and leaf blight included by Botryis oinerea on sun flower, in Egypt. Phytopath. Medit., 17: 196-197.
64- Sheir, H.M. and S.H. Michial, 1978. Damping-off of Cucurbitaceous plants in Egypt. V. Reaction of vegetable marrow, water-melon    and cucumber to certain isolates of Rhizoctonia solani.     Phytopath.     Z., 91: 159-162.
65- Shawkat, A.B. S.H. Michail , A.M. Tarabeih and A.J. Alzarari,      1978. Alternaria fruit-rot of pepper. Acta Phytopathologica, 13: 349-355.
66- Tarabeih, A.M., A.J. Al-Zarari, S.H. Michail and A.B. Shewkat, 1979. Damping-off and fruit-rot of certain cucurbitaceous plants in Iraq. Acta Phtopathologica, 14: 23-30.
67- Michail, S.H., O.A. Al-Menoufi and Abo-Taleb, 1979. Seed health testing, leaf spot and damping-off of certain crucifers in Egypt. Acta Phytopathologica, 14: 41-48.
68- Michail, S.H., M.A. Abd-El-Rehim and E.H. Abu-Elgasim, 1979. Seed health testing of soybean in Egypt. Acta Phytopathologica 14:     371-377.
69- Michail, S.H., A.M. Tarabeih, A.J. Al-Zareri and A.A. Attrackchi, 1979. Root and hypocotyls rot of beans in Iraq. Acta Phytopathological, 14: 391-397.
70- Michail, S.H. and M.A. Salem, 1979. Rad blotch of banana fruit in Egypt. Phytopath. Medit., 18: 173-174.
71- Al-Zarari, A.J., A.A. Attrackchi, A.M. Tarabeih and S.H. Michail, 1979. New hosts for Hendersonula toruloidea. Pakistan J. Sci.     and Industr. Res. 22: 251.
72- Salem, M.A. and S.H. Michail, 1980. Inonotus pseudohispidus or Poplus nogra in Egypt. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 47: 107-110.
73- Tarabeih, A.M., S.H. Michail, A.J. Al-Zareri and S. suilan, 1980. Fusarium wilt of gladiolus with reference to varietal response and chemical control in Iraq. Acta Phytopathologica, 16: 293-297.
74- Michail, S.H. and F.F. Abd-El-Alim, 1980. Seed health testing of cotton. Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the Medit Phytopath Union, Patras, Greece, 21-27 Sept.
75- Michail, S.H., A.M. Tarabeih, M.A. Madkokour and M.H. Aly, 1980. Fungi associated with strawberry root-rot and the role of certain amino acids in their pathogenicity. Egypt. J. Phytopath., 12: 107-112.
76- Al-Zarari, A.J., Shahid Husain, A.M. Tarabeih and S.H. Michail, 1980. Studies on Fusarium wilt of broad been (Vicia foba L.) in Iraq.Mesopotamia J. Agric., 15: 189-202.
77- Osman, W.A., A.M. Tarabeih and S.H. Michail, 1980. Studies on the distribution of olive knot disease induced by Pseudomonas savastanoi in Iraq. Mesopotamia J. Agric., 15: 235-243.
78- Osman, W.A., A.M. Tarabeih and S.H. Michail, 1980. Studies on the of olive knot disease in Iraq with reference to response of different cultivars. Mesopotamia J. Agric., 15: 245-261.
79- Tarabia, A.M., A.J. Al-Zarari and S.H. Michail, 1980. Leaf scorch of Amaryllis, new to Iraq. Phytopath. Medit., 19:150-152.
80- Salem, M.A. and S.H. Michail, 1981. Inflorescence rot cauliflower caused by Nigrospora sphaerdca. Phytopath. Medit. 20:81-82.
81- Michail, S.H., M.A. Salem, 1981. Studies on dry rot of Colocesia antiouorum. Phytopath. Z., 100:157-161.
82- Salem, M.A. and S.H. Michail, 1981. The role of polyphenols, oxidative and macerating enzymes in onion bulb cultivars infected with Botrytis allii. Acta Phytopathological, 16:59-65.
83- Michail, S.H., M.A. Salem, 1981. Reaction of onion cultivars to scaled disease infected by Alternaria porri. Acta Phytopathologica, 16:299-305.
84- Michail, S.H. 1982. Status of seed pathology research in Egypt. Proc. Of the 2nd Egypt. Hungarian Conf. of Plant Protection, Alexandria, Sept. 21-24.
85- Michail, S.H., Khalida A. Ahmed and A.M. Tarabeih, 1983. Screening cotton cultivars for Verticillium wilt. Alex. Sci. Exch. 4,74-82.
86- Michail, S.H. and Sana R. El-Khatib. 1983. Seed health testing of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrium L.) with reference to chemical control. Alex. Sci. Exch. 4:83-91.
87- Michail, S.H., M.A. Farhan and S.S. Hussein. 1983. Sources of broad been infection by Ascochyta fabae in Ninevah province of Iraq. Seed Sci. and Technol., 11:393-402.
88- Michail, S.H., 1983. Teaching seed pathology in University of Egypt and Iraq. Seed Sci. and Technol., 11:1317-1323.
89- Ahmed, Khalida, A., S.H. Michail and A.M., Tarabeih, 1983. Testing certain cotton cultivars for resistance against Verticillium dahliae    by using the soil inoculation method. Iraq. J. Agric. Sci. Zanco.,   1:149-156.
90- Salem, F.M., M.A. Salem, Kareman, Fawaz and S.H. Michail, 1984 Interaction. between 
            certain mycorrhizal fungi and Meloidogyne Javanica (Treub) on rootknot severity and growth of broadbean plants. Anz. Schadlingskede, Planzenschutz, Unweltschuts, 57: 72-74.      
91- Michail, S.H., 1984. Ecology of Rhizoctonia  in relation to seed infection/seed degradation In: Progress in Microbial Ecology,23-36 ed.Mukerji, K.G., Agnihorti, and Singh, R.P. 1984, 635 pp. Print House (India) Luck now.
92- El Menoufi, O.A., S.H. Michail, and E. A. Abo-Taleb, 1985. Factors affecting leaf spotting severity between young and old leaves of certain crucifers. Alex. Sci. Exch., 6: 109-122.
93- Tarabeih, A.M., G.I. Fegla and S.H. Michail, 1985. studies on basal stem rot of cowpea in Iraq, with reference to cultivar response and chemical control. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 30: 957-966.
94- Tarabeih, A.M., S.H. Michail, A.J.Al-Zarari and Khalida, A. Ahmed, 1985. Fusarium wilt of okra with reference to cultivar response and chemical control in Mousl, Iraq. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 30:967-974.
95- Michail, S.H.,S.B. Mathur and Paul Neegaard, 1985. Infections of jute, maize and rice not revealed by standard blotter method of seed health testing. Phytopath. Z., 113: 193-199.
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102- Michail, S.H., A.M. Hussein, A.M. Kamara and Mona S. Nour El-Din, 1988. Non-funcgicidal control of certain post harvest diseases of banana. Acta Phytopath. Entomologica Hungaricae, 23: 415-421.
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104- Michail, S.H., 1989. effect of field spray of wheat with fungicides on seed health in the Federal Republic of germany. Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzd, 41 (8/9): 131-133.
105- Nasr, Mary, H. El-Kasheer and S.H. Michail, 1989. Studies on Chrysanthemum morifolium as affected by propagation methods and reaction to wilt and root rot. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura, 14:2052-2058.
106- Michail, S.H., H.M. Sheir and M.R. Rasmy, 1989. Cross protection of water-melon and cucumber plants against wilt by prior inclulation with irespective forma specialist of  Fusarium oxysporum. Acta Phytopath. et. Entomologica Hungaricae, 24: 301-309.
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108- Shohda, W.T., A.M. Tarabeih, and S.H. Michail, 1991. Fungi associated with sunflower seeds in Egypt with reference to chemical control. Measures. J. King Saud University. Vol. 3, Agric. Sci. (2): 287-293.
109- Nirenberg, Helgard, I., G. Ibrahim and S.H. Michail, 1994. Race identiy of three isolates of Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. F. Sp. vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyd. And Hans form Egypt and Sudan. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 101: 594-597.
110- Michail, S.H., M.A. Abd-El-Rehim, A.M.A. Kamara and M.M. Salah, 1994. Detoxification of Aflatoxins production by Aspergillus flavus, isolated from paddy Grains Using Certain Natural and Chemical Materials. Aeta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungaricae, 29:7-13.
111- Nasr, Mary N., N.N.A. Essa and S.H. Michail, 1996. Improvement of terminal cutting propagation of susceptible cultivars of chrysanthemum to Fusarium wilt. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 41:163-175.
112- Abou-Taled, E.M., S.H.Michail, M.A. Adb-El-Rehim and S.M. Metwally, 1997. The efficiency of pea seed treatment with non-fungicidal chemicals in controlling damping-off disease. 7th Nat.Conf. Of pest. & Dis Of vegetables & Fruits in Egypt.
113- Abd-El-Rehim, E.A., E.M., Abou-Taled, S.H. Michail and S.M. Metwally, 1997. Seed health teasting pf peas for Ascochyta spp.and their impact on foliage seed health and seed yield. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungaricae, 32 (1-2): 89-95.
114- Michail, S.H., M.A. Abd-El-Rehim, E.M. Abo-Taleb and S.M.M. Metwally, 1998. Effect of level of Ascochyta seed-Brone infection on pea plants grown in cultivated and virgin soils. Seed Sci. and Technol., 26: 125-130.
115- Michail, S.H., M.S. Abou-Elseoud and Mona S. Nour El-Din, 1999. Seed health testing of corn for Cephalosporium maydis. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungaricae, 34:35-41.
116- Abou-Elseoud, M.S. S.H. Michail and Mona S. Nour Eldin, 1999. Effect of late wilt disease of maize incited by Cephalosporium maydis on lipid and fatty acid contents of maize graints. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungaricae, 34: 43-49.
117- Abd-El-alim, F.F., K.R. Barker, I.K. Ibrahim, A.K. Darwish and S.H. Michail,1999. Interaction of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Vasinfectum and Meloidogyne incognita on selected cotton genotypes. Pak. J. Nematol., 17: 51-60.
118- Michail, S.H., M.A. Abd-El-Rehim, A.M. Tarabeih and M.A. Ali, 2002. Effect of Fusarium seed-born infection levels on water-melon wilt incidence. Phytopathologica and Entomologica Hungaricae, 37:347-351. 
Modified 12/31/2011