List of Publication
1. ABOL-WAFA, M.T., SAMIA A. FARAG, A.M. KAMARA and M.R.A. SHEATA. 1976. A quick method for isolating Rhizotonia solani from soil. Annuals of Agric. Sci. Moshtoror, 5:131-135.
2. ABOL-WAFA, M.T., SAMIA A. FARAG, A.M. KAMARA and M.R.A. SHEATA. 1976. Fungicidal control of cucumber powdery mildew. Egypt. J. Phytppathol., 8:47-54.
3. ABOL-WAFA, M.T., A.M. KAMRA, A.M. TARABEIH and SAMIA A. FARAG. 1976. Damping-off of cucurbit Plants and its control. Egypt. J. Phytppathol., Vol. 8:37-54.
4. ABOL-WAFA, M.T., A.M. KAMRA, SAMIA A. FARAG and A.M. TARABEIH. 1976. Newly recorded hosts of certain powdery mildew in Egypt. Egypt. J. Phytppathol., Vol. 8:69-71.
5. ABOL-WAFA, M.T., A.M. KAMRA, SAMIA A. FARAG. 1976. Fungicidal control of rose powdery mildew. Egypt. J. Phytppathol., Vol. 8:61-64.
6. EL-GOORANI, M.A., SAMIA. A.FARAG and M.R. A.SHEHATA. 1976. The effect of Bacillus subtilis and Penicillium patulum on in vitro growth and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia solani and Phytophthora cryptogea. Phytopath. Z.,85:345-352.
7. KAMARA, A.M., M.T. ABOL-WAFA and SAMIA A. FARAG. 1976. Chemical control of powdery mildew of summer squash. Egypt. J; Phytopathol. Vol. 8:65-67.
8. IBRAHIM, I.A., M.K. EL-KAZAZ, M.R.A. SHEHATA AND SAMIA A. FARGA. 1975. comparative corn rust control experiments by certain new fungicides. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksvniv. Gent. 40:747-750.
9. SAMIA A. FARG, M.K. EL-KAZAZ and M.R.A. SHEHATA. 1974. Chemical control of powdery mildew disease of summer squash. Second Egyptian Pest Congress, Alexandria, Sept. 1974, Vol. 3:499-509.
10. SAMIA A. FARAG, A.M. KAMARA, M.T. ABOL-WAFA and M.R.A. SHEHATA. 1976. Chemical control of powdery mildew of okra and egg-plant. Alex. J; of Agric. Res., 24:653-656.
11. WASFY, E.H. S.A. FARAG, M.A. TARABIEH and S.H. ABD-ELMOETY. 1978. Studies on Enzymes of different strains of Botrytis cinerea. phytopath. Z. 92:168-179.
12. WASFY, E.H. S.A. FARAG. A.M. TARABIEH and S.H. ABD-ELMOETY. 1978. Studies on Six Isolates of Botrytis cinerea. Egypt. J. Phytopathol. 10, No 1pp.21-30.
13. EL-FAHAAM, Y.M., S.A. FARAG, M.R.A. SHEHATA. and H. SH. ABDEL-GHANI. 1982. pectolytic enzyme activities of different isolates of Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat. Fac. of Agric. zagazing univ. Res. Bull No. 549.
14. SHEHATA, M.R.A., Y.M. EL-FAHAAM, S.A. FARAG. and H.SH. ABDEL-GHANI. 1982. Studies on different isolates of Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat. Fac. of Agric. zagazing univ. Res. Bull No. 550.
15. WASFY, E.H. S.A. FARAG, Y.M. EL-FAHAAM, M.K. DAWOOD, and H.S. EL-GHANI. 1985. Pectolytic enjymes ptoduction and ethyiene evolution in Botryodiplodia rot of apple fruits. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 10 (1) :92-97.
16. SHEATA, M.R.A, A.M. TARABEIH and S.A. FARAG. 1977. Cutting Rot and Die- Back of Geronium. Egypt. J. Phytopathol. Vol. 9pp. 23-27.
17. EL-SHARAKY A.S., M.R.A. SHEATA, M.A. SALEM, SAMIA A. FARAG and M. RASLAN. 1985. Effect of Pelargonium rust on chlorophyll content, chlorophylase and carotenoids in different Pelargonium clones. J.Agric. Res. Tanta Univ. 11(3).
18. SAMIA A. FARG, M.R.A. SHEHATA and T.A. OMRAN. 1977. Studies on Damping-off of Eupressus sempervirens seedings in Egypt. 1. Seed-borne fungi associated with damping-off cyress seedlings. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 25(2) 319-323.
19. WAGIH E.E., M.R.A. SHEHATA, M.A. SALEM, and SAMIA A. FARAG. 1985. Chemical and Biological control of white necrosis disease of eucalyptus sp. J. Agric. Res. Tanta. Univ. 11(2): 217-226.
20. SHEHATA M.R.A., SAMIA A. FARAG, E.E. WAGIH, M.A. MADKOUR and MAGDA A.EL-SAYED. 1985. Physiopathological studies on certain citrus Fruits infected with certain fruit-rotting fungi. J Agric. Sci. Mansoura. 10(4): 1312-1320.
21. SAMIA A. FARAG, M.A. MADKOUR and M.R.A. SHEHATA. 1986. Fungi toxicity of Rubigan and its involvement in Disease control. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 11(2): 578-584.
22. WAGIH. E.E., M.A. MADKOUR, M.R.A. SHEHATA and SAMIA A. FARAG. 1985. Retardation of Growth in certain Plant species as affected by Rubigon, and its recovery Gibberellic acid. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 10(4):1299-1306.
23. WAGIH E.E., M.R.A. SHEHATA, M.A. MADKOUR and SAMIA A. FARAG. 1985. Jnhibition of Tobacco necrosis virus infection by Rubigan. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 10(4):1423-1426.
24. SHEHATA M.R.A, SAMIA A. FARAG and M.A. MADKOUR 1986. Change in perxidase isozymes in leaves of Faba bean infected by Botrytis spp. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 11(2):595-599.
25. AL-MENOUFI, O.A., SAMIA A. FARAG and I. TANTAWY. 1966. Effect of dodder (Cuscuta chinesis) on the productivity of some varieties of alfalfa. (Medicago sativa). In Advences in Parasitic Plant Research , Moreno, M.T., Cubero, J.I., Berner, D., Joel, D., Musselman, L.J. and Parker, C. (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Parasitic Plant Symposium, Cordoba, Spain.393-398.
26. TARABIEH, A.M., SHEHATA, M.R.A., FARAG, SAMIA. A., ABDALLA, M.Y. and ABO DAKIKA, MAGDA M.F. 1993. Studies on alfalfa root rot in some new reclaimed areas in Egypt. Zagazig J.Agric. Res., 20:1063-1069.