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: Hani Mohammed Mohammed El-Zaiat


: Egyptian

Birth date              

: January 09, 1983


: Male

Marital status       

: Married-have two child


: Assistant Professor


:University of Alexandria, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Production, Aflaton St., El-Shatby, P .O Box 21545, Alexandria, Egypt.

Military status     

: Exempted.


: +201112433703


: +2035933126


: ( ( )


: Arabic, English and Brazilian Portuguese.



Modified 3/3/2014

April 2013:

D.Sc. Postgraduate Program in Animal Science, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agronomy, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Thesis title:

Effect of Nitrate Inclusion in The Diet on Rumen Fermentation, Enteric Methane Emission and Performance in Ovine.

March 2009:

M.Sc. Graduate School of Alexandria University, Department of Animal Production, University of Alexandria, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt.

Thesis title: Liquid feeds evaluation for ruminants.

June 2004:

B.Sc. In Animal Production, Department of Animal Production, University of Alexandria, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria, Egypt.

Modified 3/3/2014
  1. Demonstrator (2005 - 2009) In Animal Nutrition, Department of Animal production, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
  2. Assistant lecturer (2009 - 2013) In Animal Nutrition, Department of Animal production, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
  3. Assistant Professor (2013 - Now) In Animal Nutrition, Department of Animal production, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
Modified 3/3/2014
Modified 3/3/2014

Arabic, English and Brazilian Portuguese.

Modified 3/3/2014
  1. El-Zaiat, H. M., R. C. Araujo, Y. A. Soltan, A. S. Morsy, H. Louvandini, A. V. Pires, H. O. Patino, P. S. Correa and A. L. Abdalla. Encapsulated nitrate and cashew nut shell liquid on blood and rumen constituents, methane emission, and growth performance of lambs. Journal of Animal Science. (Accepted).
  2. El-Zaiat, H. M., H. O. Patino, Y. A. Soltan, A. S. Morsy, R. C. Araujo, H. Louvandini and A. L. Abdalla. (2013)a. Additive effect of nitrate and cashew nut shell liquid in an encapsulated product fed to lambs on enteric methane emission and growth performance. Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture (GGAA) conference, 23 - 26 June 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
  3.  El-Zaiat, H. M., H. O. Patino, Y. A. Soltan, A. S. Morsy, R. C. Araujo, H. Louvandini, A. V. Pires and A. L. Abdalla. (2013)b. Additive effect of nitrate and cashew nut shell liquid in an encapsulated product fed to lambs on ruminal and blood constituents. Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture (GGAA) conference, 23 - 26 June 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
  4. Érika B. C., A. S. Morsy., H. M. El-Zaiat., M. S. Bueno., A. L. Abdalla., H. L. Moreira. (2012). Effect of substitution soybean meal by Crambe cake (Crambe abyssinica) in sheep diet on gas and methane production in vitro. International Workshop on Recent Strategies in Animal Production, from 5-7 November in Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt.
  5. El-Zaiat, H. M., H. O. Patino., D. Del. Ré., C. H. Pereira., Y. A. C. Blanco (2012). Impact of nitrate on mitigation of enteric methane production in ruminants. The 4th Brazilian Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture and 1st International Congress of Sustainable Agriculture from 1 to 3 August in Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil.
  6. Pereira C. H., H. O. Patino., D. Del. Ré., H. M. El-Zaiat., Y. A. C. Blanco (2012). Supplementation with different energy sources on pasture and their effects on the reproduction of cows. The 4th Brazilian Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture and 1st International Congress of Sustainable Agriculture from 1 to 3 August in Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil.
  7. Diogo, Del. Ré., H. O. Patino., M. Warkentin., H. M. El-Zaiat., C. H. Pereira., Y. A. C. Blanco (2012). Effect of herbage allowance on the average daily gain of steers Braford protein and mineral supplementation or no supplementation. The 4th Brazilian Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture and 1st International Congress of Sustainable Agriculture from 1 to 3 August in Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil.
  8. El-Zaiat, H. M., H. O. Patino, D. Del. Ré, H. Louvandini and A. L. Abdalla. (2012). Potential effect of Patchouli essential oil methane production in vitro. The 1st Colombian congress in Zootecnia, Asociación Nacional de Zootecnistas (ANZOO) from 30 to 31 August in Bogota, Colomabia.
  9. Diogo Del. Ré, H. O. Patino, D. M. Panazzolo, C. H. Pereira, H. M. El-Zaiat. (2012). Producción de alcohol etanol hidratado a partir de almidón y utilización de los efluentes en la alimentación de ovinos. The 1st Colombian congress in Zootecnia, Asociación Nacional de Zootecnistas (ANZOO) from 30 to 31 August in Bogota, Colombia.
  10. El-Zaiat, H. M., H. O. Patino., Y. A. Soltan., Morsy, A. S., Lucas R. C., H, Louvandini and A. L. Abdalla (2011). Impacts of Patchouli essential oil on rumen fermentation and methane production in vitro. The 4th International Scientific Conference of Animal Wealth Research. In the Middle East and North Africa. From 3 to 5 October, 2011, Foreign Agricultural Relations (FAR) Giza. Cairo. Egypt. The Middle East and North Africa Journal of Animal Science, V. (4) pp. 365-374.
  11.  Soltan, Y. A., A. S. Morsy., R. C. Araujo., H. M. El-Zaiat., S. M. Sallam., H. Louvandini and A. L. Abdalla. (2011). Carvacrol and Eugenol as modifiers of rumen microbial fermentation, and methane production in vitro. The 4th International Scientific Conference of Animal Wealth Research. In the Middle East and North Africa. From 3 to 5 October, 2011, Foreign Agricultural Relations (FAR) Giza, Cairo, Egypt. The Middle East and North Africa Journal of Animal Science, V. (4) pp. 354-364.
  12. Morsy, A. S., Y. A. Soltan., H. M. El-Zaiat., S. M. A. Sallam., S. M.  Alencar., H. Louvandini and A. L. Abdalla (2011). Effect of two types of brazilian propolis extracts on rumen gas and methane production and truly degradability in vitro. The 4th International Scientific Conference of Animal Wealth Research. In the Middle East and North Africa. From 3 to 5 October, 2011, Foreign Agricultural Relations (FAR) Giza. Cairo. Egypt The Middle East and North Africa Journal of Animal Science, V. (4) pp. 446-456.
  13. El-Zaiat, H. M., H. O. Patino., Y. A. Soltan., A. S. Morsy., R. C. Lucas., H. Louvandini and A. L. Abdalla (2011). Effect of Patchouli essential oil as modifier of rumen fermentation in vitro. The 23rd Latin American Animal Production meeting, 24-26 October in Montevideo. Uruguay. Arch. Latinoam. Prod. Anim. Vol. 19. Supl. 1 .Pag. 292
  14. El-Zaiat, H. M., F. C. Campos., H. O. Patino., R. C. Araujo., Y. A. Soltan., A. S. Morsy., H. Louvandini and A. L. Abdalla. (2011). Effect of dietary slow release nitrate on blood methaemoglobin in Santa Inês Sheep. The 4th scientific symposium of the post graduate students from 14 to 16 September in CENA/ USP, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil.
  15. Morsy, A. S., Y. A. Soltan., K. M. El-Azrak., H. M. El-Zaiat., S. M. Sallam., S. M. Alencar., H. Louvandini and A. L. Abdalla (2011). Effect of Brazilian red propolis on gastrointestinal parasite fecal egg counts and hematological parameters in Santa Ines ewes. The 2nd forum on plants rich in tannins and other bioactive compounds for control of helminthes in ruminants held on 11 and 12 August 2011 in the center of nuclear energy in agriculture (CENA) University of São Paulo (USP), Piracicaba. SP, Brazil.

El-Zaiat, H. M. (2009). Liquid feeds evaluation for ruminants. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. Alexandria Journal of Agriculture Research. Volume 54, No. 2 (Abstract). 

Modified 3/3/2014