الابحاث العلمية والمشاركة في المؤتمرات الدولية (باللغة الانجليزية)
ORCID No. (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4476-2408)
Selected peer reviewed papers:
In the field of Plant Physiology and Biology
Elansary HO, Yessoufou K, Mahmoud EA, Skalicka-Woźniake K. 2016. In vitro Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Effects of Ceratostigma plumbaginoides. Natural Product Communications 11:1-4.
Salem MZM, Elansary HO, Elkelish AA, Zeidler A, Ali HM, Mervat EH, Yessoufou K. 2016. In vitro bioactivity and antimicrobial activity of Picea abies and Larix decidua wood and bark extracts. BioResources 11:9421-9437.
Elansary HO, Norrie J, Ali HM, Salem MZM, Mahmoud EA, Yessoufou. 2016. Enhancement of Calibrachoa growth, secondary metabolites and bioactivity using seaweed extracts. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 16(1):341.
Elansary HO, Yessoufou K, Shokralla S, Mahmoud EA, Skalicka-Woźniak K. 2016. Enhancing mint and basil oil composition and antibacterial activity using seaweed extracts. Industrial Crops and Products 92:50-56.
Elansary HO, Skalicka-Woźniakc K, King IW. 2016. Enhancing stress growth traits as well as phytochemical and antioxidant contents of Spiraea and Pittosporum under seaweed extract treatments. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 105:310–320.
Elansary HO, Yessoufou, K. 2016. In vitro antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial activities of five international Calibrachoa cultivars. Natural Product Research 11:1339‒1342.
Elansary HO, MZM Salem. 2015. Morphological and physiological responses and drought resistance enhancement of ornamental shrubs by trinexapac-ethyl application. Scientia Horticulturae 189:1-11.
Elansary HO. 2015. Basil morphological and physiological performance under trinexapac-ethyl foliar sprays and prolonged irrigation intervals. Acta Physiologia Plantarum 37:1-13.
Elansary HO, Yessoufou K. 2015. Growth regulators and mowing heights enhance the morphological and physiological performance of Seaspray turfgrass during drought conditions. Acta Physiologia Plantarum 37:232‒243.
Yessoufou K, Elansary HO, Mahmoud EA, Skalicka-Woźniak K. 2015. Antifungal, antibacterial, anticancer and allelopathic activities of Ficus drupacea L. stem bark extract and biologically active isolated compounds. Industrial Crops and Products 74:752-758.
Salem MZM, Nasser RA, Zeidler A, Elansary HO, Aref IM, Bohm M, Ali HM, Ahmed AI. 2015. Methylated Fatty Acids from Heartwood and Bark of Pinus sylvestris, Abies alba, Picea abies, and Larix decidua: Effect of Strong Acid Treatment. Bioresources 10:7715-7724.
Elansary HO, Mahmoud EA, Shokralla S, Yousefou K. 2015. Diversity of plants, traditional knowledge and practices in local cosmetics: A case study from Alexandria, Egypt. Journal of Economic Botany 69: 114–126.
Elansary HO, Mahmoud EA. 2015a. Basil cultivar chemotyping still favored over genotyping using core barcodes and possible resources of antioxidants. Essential Oils Research 27:82–87.
Elansary HO, Mahmoud EA. 2015b. In vitro antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of six international basil cultivars. Natural Product Research 29:2149-2154.
Salem MZM, Ashmawy NA, Elansary HO, Amer A. 2014. Chemotyping of diverse Eucalyptus sp. grown in the Mediterranean. Natural Product Research 29:681-685.
Elansary HO. 2015. Chemical diversity and antioxidant capacity of essential oils of marjoram in Northwest Egypt. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 18:917-924.
Elansary HO, Mahmoud EA. 2015. Egyptian herbal tea infusions antioxidants and their antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities against cancer cells. Journal of Natural Product Research 29:474-479.
Elansary HO. 2014. Natural Antioxidants and their Role against Human Cancer. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Physiology 2:e125.(DOI: 10.4172/2329-9029.1000e125)
Elansary HO, Ashmawy NA. 2013. Essential oils of mint between benefits and hazards. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 16:429–438.
Elansary HO, Salem MZM, Ashmawy NA, Yacout M. 2012. Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Lantana camara, Cupressus sempervirens and Syzygium cumini leaves oils from Egypt. Journal of Agricultural Science 4:144–152.
Elansary HO. 2005. The Effect of gamma-irradiation on growth and flowering of some Bougainvillea cultivars. Alexandria Journal of Agricultural research, 50:10-15.
In the field of Genetics and Plant Physiology
Yessoufou K, Mearns K, Elansary HO, Stoffberg GH. 2016. Assessing the phylogenetic dimension of Australian Acacia species introduced outside their native ranges. Botany Letters 163:33-39.
Elansary HO, Mahmoud EA. 2015. Basil cultivar chemotyping still favored over genotyping using core barcodes and possible resources of antioxidants. Essential Oils Research 27:82–87.
Elansary HO, Yessoufou K. 2015. Growth regulators and mowing heights enhance the morphological and physiological performance of Seaspray turfgrass during drought conditions, Acta Physiologia Plantarum 37:232‒243.
Elansary HO, MZM Salem. 2015. Morphological and physiological responses and drought resistance enhancement of ornamental shrubs by trinexapac-ethyl application. Scientia Horticulturae 189:1-11.
Elansary HO. 2013. Towards a DNA barcode library for Egyptian flora, with a preliminary focus on ornamental trees and shrubs of two major gardens. DNA Barcodes 1:46–55.
Elansary HO, Elansary DO. 2013. Genetic diversity and biochemical activity of leaves and fruits of main Ficus Sp. grown in Egypt. Journal of Horticultural Science & Ornamental Plants 5:30–36.
Elansary HO, Mostafa GG, Elansary DO, Hussein A. 2011. Assessment of genetic diversity within the genus Acacia grown in Egypt and studying its relation to leaf tannin and phenolic contents. Proceed, Seventh Pl. Breed. Conf. May 4-5, 2011, Alexandria, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Plant Breeding 2:243–250 Special issue (2011).
Elansary HOM, Adamec L, Štorchová H. 2010. Uniformity of organellar DNA in Aldrovanda vesiculosa, an endangered aquatic carnivorous species, distributed across four continents. Aquatic Botany 92: 214–220.
Elansary HO, Múller K, Olson MS, Štorchová H. 2010. Transcription profiles of mitochondrial genes correlate with mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in natural population of Silene vulgaris. BMC Plant Biology 10:11.
Manuscripts in preparation:
Elansary HO, Hebert PDN. 2016. DNA barcoding of horticultural crops: Species identification and agriculture industry application (to be submitted for Molecular Ecology Resources).
Elansary HO, Hebert PDN. 2016. Taxonomic complexes of Pelia still unresolved using core barcodes. (to be submitted for PLoS ONE).
Oral presentations:
Elansary HO, Múller K, Olson MS, Štorchová H. 2010. High organellar diversity within natural population of Silene vulgaris. SEB Annual Main Meeting, 30June-3July, 2010, Prague Czech Republic.
Elansary HO. 2013. Genotyping using core barcodes against chemo typing using essential oils: A challenge in medicinal plants industry in Egypt “the case of Basil. Second International Conference on Biodiversity &Sustainable Energy Development. August 12-14, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
Elansary HO. 2011. Barcoding of Egyptian trees, shrubs and herbs. Fourth International barcode of life conference, Adelaidae, Australia 28-3 December, 2011.
Elansary HOM, Adamec L, Štorchová H. 2010. Unique atp1 mitochondrial DNA sequences and chloroplast DNA analysis in the endangered aquatic Aldrovanda vesiculosa. Biovision Alexandria 2010, 11–15 April, 2010, Alexandria, Egypt.
Elansary HO, Múller K, Štorchová H. 2009. Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism and transcriptional profiles within natural population of Silene vulgaris. 34th FEBS congress, 4-9 July, 2009. Prague, Czech Republic.
Múller K, Elansary HO, Štorchová H. 2009. Study of variation in mitochondrial gene transcription profiles in Silene vulgaris. 34th FEBS congress, 4–9 July, 2009. Prague, Czech Republic.
Štorchová H, Múller K, Olson MS, Elansary HO. 2009. Transcription of mitochondrial genes in Silene vulgaris. International Conference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology. May 9–14, 2009, Lake Tahoe, California, USA.
Müller K., Elansary HO, Štorchová H. 2008. Study of transcription variability of mitochondrial genes in Silene vulgaris. XXI. Biochemical meeting14–17 September. Book of abstracts p.91. České Budějovice,Czech Republic.
Štorchová H, Elansary HO, Muller K. 2008. Heteroplasmy, paternal transmission of organellar genomes and transcription of mitochondrial genes in a natural population of Silene vulgaris. International Workshop on Silene: from populations to genes 4–9 May, Ascona, Switzerland.
Elansary HO. 2016. The new in Floriculture, Ornamental Horticulture and Garden Design. كتاب الجديد في الزهور ونباتات الزينة وتنسيق الحدائق – توزيع منشأة المعارف بالإسكندرية
Elansary HO. 2014. Horticultural crops organellar genomes diversity Barcoding and NGS. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-50582-9. (Available on Amazon)
Elansary HO. 2016. Turfgrass management. كتاب المسطحات الخضراء – توزيع منشأة المعارف بالإسكندرية
Elansary HO. 2014. Nurseries and greenhouses: Cut flowers production. (In preparation)
Chapter in books:
Elansary HO. 2011. Decoration and plant care of ornamental plants in hotel establishments, published by The Higher Institute of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria, Egypt.
Ph.D. thesis
Elansary HO. 2009. Organellar DNA diversity in some ornamental plants related to reproduction system and life strategy. Ph.D. thesis, Charles University, Faculty of Science, Prague, Czech Republic (DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4969.5527).
Graduate student supervision:
Supervising and co-supervising of seven students in the Department of Floriculture, Ornamental Horticulture and Garden Design, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University.