1- El-Banna,A.A., A.M.El-Tabey Shehata, M.E. Zoueil, and Z.S. Mohasseb. 1973. Effect of storage of potato tubers on the quality of dehydrated potato in the form of dices and slices. Proc. 4th Veg. Res. Conf. Sept. 1973, Alex. Univ., Egypt, 279-291.
2- Shaker,R.R., A.M.El-Tabey Shehata, A.A.El-Banna, and A.S. Mesallam. 1980. Microbiological and chemical changes during fermentation of turnip-wheat kishk and tarkhina.Proc. IV Conf. Microbiol., Cairo, Egypt, 24-28 Dec. 1980, Vol.1: Soil, Food and Industrial Microbiol.,381-392.
3- Shaker,R.R., A.M.El-Tabey Shehata, A.S.Mesallam, and A.A. El-Banna. 1980. Chemical composition of turnip-wheat kishk and tarkhina. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ. 6 (2) : 149-153.
4- El-Banna,A.A. 1981. Examination of rejected lot of eggs. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 29 (1): 161-165.
5- Keshk,S.K., M.E.Zoueil, and A.A.El-Banna. 1981. Studies on Egyptian black olives. I-Chemical, microbiological and physical properties of local market olives. Res. Bull. No. 344:1-10, Fac. of Agric., Zagazig Univ., Egypt.
6- Keshk,S.K., M.E.Zoueil, and A.A.El-Banna. 1981. Studies on Egyptian black olives. II-Method for processing canned olives. Res. Bull. No. 345:1-12, Fac. Agric., Zagazig Univ., Egypt.
7- El-Sahn,M.A., A.A.El-Banna, and A.M.El-Tabey Shehata, 1982. Occurrence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in selected marine invertebrates, sediment, and seawater around Alexandria,Egypt.Can.J. Microbiol. 28: 1261-1264.
8- Mesallam,A.S., M.M.Youssef, A.A.El-Banna, and A.M.El-Tabey Shehata. 1982. Variability in processing quality of seventy-one varieties and strains of faba beans. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 30 (1): 223-228.
9- Youssef,M.M., A.S.Mesallam, A.A.El-Banna, and A.M.El-Tabey Shehata. 1982. Quality attributes of faba beans cultivated with different levels of nitrogen fertilizers. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 30 (1): 229-235.
10- El-Banna,A.A., and A.Hurst. 1983. Survival in foods of Staphylococcus aureus grown under optimal and stressed conditions and the effect of some food preservatives. Can. J. Microbiol. 29 (3): 297-302.
11- El-Banna,A.A., and P.M.Scott. 1983. Fate of mycotoxins during processing of foodstuffs. I- Aflatoxin B1 during making of Egyptian bread. J. Food Prot. 46 (4): 301-304.
12- El-Banna,A.A., R.M.G.Hamilton, P.M.Scott, and H.L.Trenholm. 1983. Nontransmission of deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) to eggs and meat in chickens fed deoxynivalenol-contaminated diets. J. Agric. Food Chem. 31 (6): 1381-1384.
13- El-Banna,A.A., P.-Y.Lau, and P.M.Scott. 1983. Fate of mycotoxins during processing of foodstuffs. II-Deoxynivalenol (Vomitoxin) during making of Egyptian bread. J. Food Prot. 46 (6): 484-486.
14- El-Banna,A.A., and P.M.Scott. 1984. Fate of mycotoxins during processing of foodstuffs. III-Ochratoxin A during cooking of faba beans (Vicia faba) and polished wheat. J. Food Prot. 47 (3): 189-192.
15- El-Banna,A.A., P.M.Scott, P.-Y.Lau, T.Sakuma, H.W.Platt, and V.Campbell. 1984. Formation of trichothecenes by Fusarium solani var. coeruleum and Fusarium sambucinum in potatoes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 47 (5) : 1169-1171.
16- El-Tabey Shehata,A.M., A.S.Messallam, A.A.El-Banna, M.M. Youssef, and M.M.El-Rouby. 1984. The effects of storage under different conditions on cooking quality, viability and Bruchid infestation of faba beans (Vicia faba L.). Trop. Stored Prod. Info. 49: 9-18.
17- Hurst,A., E.Ofori, A.A.El-Banna, and J.Harwig. 1984. Adaptational changes in Staphylococcus aureus MF31 grown above its maximum temperature when protected by NaCl : physiological studies. Can. J. Microbiol.30: 1105-1111.
18- Abou-Donia,S.A., A.A.El-Banna, A.Shehata, and M.Zoueil. 1985. Sensory evaluation of Domiati cheese manufactured using isolated rennin substitute from the yeast Rhodotorula rubra. J. Dairy Sci. 68 (Suppl. 1) D 118: 96-97.
19- El-Banna,A.A., and M.M.Youssef. 1985. Microflora of Egyptian faba bean (Vicia faba) seeds as affected by location and storage conditions. Comm. Sci. Dev. Res. 12 (125): 111-117.
20- El-Banna,A.A., A.M.El-Tabey Shehata, M.E.Zoueil and , S.A. Abou-Donia. 1985. Production of milk-clotting enzyme by a strain of Rhodotorula rubra. Microbiologie-Aliments-Nutrition 3: 357-363.
21- El-Sahn,M.A., A.A.El-Banna, and A.M.El-Tabey Shehata. 1985. Occurrence of yeast and molds in shellfish and their growing area in and near Alexandria. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 30 (3): 1375-1384.
22- El-Tabey Shehata,A.M., M.M.Youssef, N.M. El-Shimi, and A.A. El-Banna. 1985. Seed properties of Egyptian faba bean(Vicia faba L.) cultivars. Alex. Sci. Exch. 6 (3) : 227-244.
23- Keshk,S.K., A.A.El-Banna, and M.E.Zoueil. 1985. Studies on Egyptian black olives. III Microbiological and chemical changes during pickling of blackened olives. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 30 (2): 885-893.
24- Ragaee,S.M., A.A.El-Banna, A.A.Damir, A.S.Mesallam, and M.Safwat Mohamed. 1985.
Natural lactic acid fermentation of lentils.Microbiologie-Aliments-Nutrition. 3: 181-184.
25- El-Banna,A.A., M.M.Youssef, and H.M.Ziena. 1986. Texture of faba beans (Vicia faba L.) as affected by seed size and cooking conditions. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 31 (3):197-206.
26- El-Sahn,M.A., A.A.El-Banna, and A.M.El-Tabey Shehata.1986. Microbiological examination of market molluscs shellfish. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 31 (1): 157-166.
27- El-Tabey Shehata,A.M., M.M.Khalil, M.M.Youssef, and A.A. El-Banna. 1986. Relationship between soil characteristics and cooking properties of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) Comm. Sci. Dev. Res. 15 (178): 213-232.
28- Ragaee,S.M., A.A.El-Banna, A.A.Damir, A.S.Mesallam, and M.Safwat Mohamed. 1986. Formulating and sensory evaluation of some products of fermented lentils. Alex. Sci. Exch. 7 (1): 111-120.
29- Ragaee,S.M., A.A.El-Banna, A.A.Damir, A.S.Mesallam, and M.Safwat Mohamed. 1986. Effect of natural lactic acid fermentation on amino acids content and in-vitro digestibility of lentils. Alex. Sci. Exch. 7 (2): 217-224.
30- Youssef,M.M., M.A.Hamza, M.H.Abd El-Aal, L.A.Shekib, and A.A.El-Banna. 1986. Amino acid composition and in vitro digestibility of some Egyptian foods made from faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Food Chemistry. 22:225-233.
31- El-Banna,A.A. 1987. Stability of citrinin and deoxynivalenol during germination process of barley. Mycotoxin Research. 3: 37-41.
32- El-Banna,A.A. 1987. Screening of sixty one Penicillium camembertii isolates for non-or low cyclopiazonic acid- producing isolates. Comm. Sci. Dev. Res. 20 (236):
33- El-Banna,A.A., and L.Leistner. 1987. Quantitative determination of verrucosidin produced by Penicillium aurantiogriseum. Microbiologie-Aliments-Nutrition. 5:191-195.
34- El-Banna,A.A.,J.Fink-Gremmels, and L.Leistner.1987. Investigation of Penicillium chrysogenun isolates for their suitability as starter cultures. Mycotoxin Research.3: 77-83.
35- El-Banna,A.A., J.I.Pitt, and L.Leistner. 1987. Production of mycotoxins by Penicillium species. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 10: 42-46.
36- El-Tabey Shehata,A.M., A.S.Mesallam, and A.A.El-Banna. 1987. Cooking properties of stewed faba beans (Vicia faba L.). Alex. J. Agric. Res. 32 (1): 163-171.
37- Fink-Gremmls,J., A.A.El-Banna, and L.Leistner. 1987. Toxikologische prüfung von schimmelpilz-starterkulturen. Mittbl. Bundesanst. Fleischforsch., Kulmbach, No 96 :7449-7454.
38- Geisen,R., A.A.El-Banna, and L.Leistner. 1987. Einsatz gentechnologischer methoden bei der optimierung von schimmelpilz-starterkulturen. Mittbl. Bundesanst. Fleischforsch., Kulmbach, No 98: 7719-7723.
39- Youssef,M.M., M.H.Abdel-Aal, M.A.Hamza, and A.A.El-Banna. 1987. Chemical composition of some Egyptian food made from faba beans (Vicia faba L.). Die Nahrung 31 (2): 185-187.
40- El-Banna,A.A., and L.Leistner. 1988. Production of penitrem A by Penicillium crustosum isolated from foodstuffs. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 7: 9-17.
41- El-Tabey Shehata,A.M., A.S.Mesallam, A.A.El-Banna, T.Abou Baker, and N.M.El-Shimi. 1988. Variation in the mineral content of decoated seed and seed coats of dry faba beans (Vicia faba L.). Alex. J. Agric. Res. 33 (1): 69-78.
42- Fink-Gremmls,J., A.A.El-Banna, and L.Leistner. 1988. Entwicklung von schimmelpilz- starterkulturen für fleischerzeugnisse. Fleischwirtschaft. 68 (1): 24-26,70.
43- Youssef,M.M., A.S.Mesallam, N.A.El-Shimi, and A.A.El-Banna. 1988. Some chemical constituents of Egyptian faba bean (Vicia faba L.). J. Coll. Agric., King Saud Univ. 10(1):59-66.
44- EL-Banna,A.A., and L.Leistner. 1989. Production of verrucosidin by Penicillium species. Microbiologie-Aliments- Nutrition. 7:161-164.
45- EL-Banna,A.A. 1990. Food production and safety. Seminar on Environment and Health, organized by WHO/EMRO on the occasion of the World Health Day.Alexandria,Egypt,7 th April 1990.
46- El-Banna,A.A. 1990. Contamination of food by fungi and mycotoxins.pp 54-63. (in Arabic).In: Training Course of Food and food Inspection. July 14 - August 9 (1990). Faculty of Agric., Alexandria, Egypt.
47- El-Banna,A.A.1994.Food Additives. pp 257-276.(in Arabic).In: Training Course of Food Inspection and Food Quality Control. November 5-14 (1994). Doha, Qatar.
48- El-Banna,A.A.1997.Mycotoxins produced by Penicillium and its relation to food science :A Review.(in Arabic).The Third Alexandria Conference on Food Science and Technology Vo1. 1: 16-29 (plus 9 tables) .March 1-3 (1997), Alexandria, Egypt.
49- El – Mahdy, A.R., El- Banna, A.A. ; Moussa, M.M.; and El- Sahn, M.A (Eds.) 1997. The Third Alexandria Conference on Food Science and Technology. Vol. I: Resarch and Review Articles. 1- 3 March, faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria Univ., Alexandria, Egypt.
50- El- Mahdy, A.R., El- Banna, A.A., Moussa, M.M.; and El – Sahn, M.A. (Eds.) 1997. The Third Atexandria Conference on Food Science and Technology. Vol. II: Lectures. 1 – 3 March, faculty of Agriculture. Alexandria Univ., Alexandria, Egypt.
51- El-Mahdy, A.R., El – Banna, A.A., Moussa, M.M., and El – Sahn, M.A. (Eds.) 1997. The Third Alexandria Conference on Food Science and Technology. Vol. III : Symposia. 1-3 March, faculty of Agrialture, Alexandria Univ., Alexandria, Egypt.
52- El-Banna, A.A. 1999. The most important mycotoxins causing food poisoning (In Arabic) 117 – 144. The Second International Conference and Exhibition for Modern Technology for Higher Productivity of Food and Environmental safety ( Food Quality 99). 1-3 June, 1999. AL-Mahrosa Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt.
53- El– Banna, A.A. 2000. Food Additives: An Overview. (In Arabic) PP. 18 – 29 Symposium on Food Additives. 10 – 11 May, 2000. Al-Mahrosa Hotel. Alexandria Egypt.
54 - El–Banna, A.A. 2000. Microorganisms and Food Spoilage ( A book, in Arabic). El – Maaref El- Hadetha, Alexandria, Egypt.
55- El – Banna, A.A. 2000. Bacterial and Fungal Food poisoning ( A book, in Arabic). El-Maaref El–Hadetha, Alexandria, Egypt.
56- El-Banna A.A. 2007. Mycotoxins. Producing fungi - Clinical features - Maximum permetted levels in foods and feeds. Workshop on Pollutants , Fertility and Protection . PP1-7 ( plus 91 slides) . Institute of Graduate Studies and Research ( Alexandria university ) in cooperation with Charite and Hohenheim universities ( Gremany ) . Mobarak Hotel . 18-21 August . Alexandria , Egypt .
57-El-Banna A.A. 2008.Mycotoxins :Chemical Structures - Pathogenesis – Control. The Fifth Alexandria Conference on Food Science and Technology, 4-6 March, Alexandria , Faculty of Agriculture, Egypt : 1-7 and 104 slides.
58- El-Banna,A.A. 2008. Natural toxins, contaminants and food additives in relation to food safety: A Review. Conference on Food Security and Future Challenges.27November 2008, Alexandria, Egypt : 230-242.
59- El-Banna,A.A. 2009.Bacterial Food Intoxication: An overview. Alex.J.Fd.Sci. &Technol, 6(2):33-43.
60- Youssef, M.M. , Abd El-Ghffar, E.A. , Nassif, S.S. , El-Banna, A.A. , Zina, H.M. and Abd El-Nabi ,A.A. 2010 . Design a machine for cutting and frying falafel dough and filtering frying oil. Patent submitted by the College of Agriculture. Number of deposit : 831/2010.Patent Office , Grants ,Innovation & Technology Transfer Center (GITTC),Alexandria University, Epypt.
61- El-Banna A. A., Malak A. El-Sahn & Shehata M.G. 2011. Killer toxin-producing yeast: An overview. Alex.J.Fd.Sci. &Technol,
62- El-Banna, A.A, Abd El-Razek,A.M., El-Mahdy,A.R. 2012. Some Factors Affecting the Production of Carotenoids by Rhodotorula glutinis var. glutinis. Food and Nutrition Sciences, , 2,