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 Name          : Abdel-Fattah Hamid Shahein

Birth Date    : 12 February, 1943.

Birth Place   : Zifta , Gharbia Governorate

Nationality   : Egyptian

Present post: Professor of Pomology Dept. Fac. of Agric., Alex. Univ., Alexandria Egypt.

Address        : Pomology Dept., Fac. Of Agric., Univ. of Alex., Alexandria, A.R.E. (Egypt).

Permanent home address:  Smouha Str. No.3, branches from Ismail Serry Str., Building No.52, unit #.407, Alex., A.R.E.

1.    B.Sc. from pomology Div., Fac. Of Agric., Alex. Univ. (June 1963).

2.    M.Sc. From Pomology Div.,Fac of Agric., Alex. Univ.(January 1968).

3.    Ph.D. from Agricultural Academy of Moscow (December 1974).

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 1. Demonstrator in pomology Div., Fac. Of Agric., Alex. Univ., from 1963 to 1971.

                       2. Assistant lecturer in pomology Div., Fac. Of Agric., Alex; Univ; from 1972 to 1975.

                        3. Assistant professor from 1975 to 1980.

                        4. Associate Professor from 1980 to 1985.

                        5. Professor since 1985.

                        6. Head of Pomology Dept. from 1998 – 2001

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 1.    Teaching the following Pomology courses :

a.     Pomology 201 "Principles of fruit crop production "

b.    Pomology 401 "Fruit crop Production "

c.     Pomology 406 "Principles of fruit breeding"

d.    Pomology 111 "Production of tropical fruit crops"

e.     Pomology 613 " Production of fruit crops in Arid regions"

f.      Pomology 499 "Special studies for undergraduate students"

g.     Pomology 601 " Seminars for graduate students"

h.    Pomology 691 "Special studies for graduate student"

1-   Pomology 641 "Advanced fruit breeding"

2-   Supervising many graduate students in pomologyDept., Fac. of  Agric, Alexandria University as follows:

a.     Eleven graduate students earned their M.Sc. and eight their Ph.D.

b.    Three graduate students are working in their M.Sc.

3-   Participate in various workshops and symposiums in A.R.E. ,as :

a.      Workshop of the Genetic Influences of toxins different organisms during the period from March 3o to April, 2, 1982.

b.    FAO Workshop for discussing the projects of agricultural development of North-Western Coast of Egypt during the period from 22 to 24 December, 1984.  International Center of Rural Development in Ammreya.

c.     A national symposium for improvement of olive production in Matrouh City during the period from 22 to 25 September, 1985 according the invitation of Ministry of Agriculture of A.R.E.

d.    Participating in many extension symposiums in El-Menya Governorate, South and North Tahrir and Mariut Region 1982 and 1983.

e.      Symposium of the projects of the Foreign Relations Committee unit between the Egyptian and American universities in the Supreme council of universities. 

f.       First conference of the sustainable and integrated Agricultural development of the North-Western Coast of Egypt in the Research Center from 10 to 12 March, 1990.

g.     Alexandria International Conference for the Sustainability of Egyptian Agriculture in the 1990 S and beyond from 15 to 19 May, 1992 Alexandria, Egypt.

1.    Other activities:

a.     Participate in the training programs of the International Center of Rural Development in Ammreya, especially those related to development and improvement of fruit production in Egypt from 1977 till now.

b.     Consultant in Mariut Agric. Company for the commercial propagation of some fruit trees especially olive trees by leafy cuttings from 1981 to 1988.

c.     Participate in the project of Improvement of fig production in North-Western Coast of Egypt from January 1984 to December 1986 (Project N0 FRCU 80105).

d.    Member in national committee for improvement the olive production in A.R.E. since 1986.

e.     Head of Extension Unit for fruit Grower's service, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University 1987-1995.

f.      The local consultant of FAO for propagation and improvement of different fruit coast of Egypt and Siwa Oasis from May, 1990 to December 1992.

g.     Member in the team work of the NARP project N0 ALHO 432 with till: improvement of the production of horticultural crops in North-Western Coastal Region, Egypt from June 1990 to June 1993.

h.    Member in the teamwork of the NARP project N0 AL RS 43.R023 with till: Socio-economic aspects of rain-Fed Agriculture.

i.       Principal investigator of the project of intercropping olive and fig orchards with wheat and some legumes in the North-Western Coast from July 1994.

j.       Participating in the project of improvement of fig production in North-western Coast of Egypt from January 1984 to December 1988(Project No. FRCU 830105).

k.    Senior consultant of fruit crops in Desert Development Center, American University of Cairo in both experimental stations in South El-Tahrir and Sadat City from Sept. 1995 till August 2002.

l.       Member of Permanent Scientific promotion committee for plant production (Horticulture) for Associate professors in Egyptian Universities from Nov 2001 to September 2004.    

m.  Participating  in Date-Palm conference ,

                 El-Kasim region, Saudi Arabia Kingdom 

                   , September, 2004.


n.    Opponent in National Distinguish Prize in 2004 & 2008 and National Supreme Prize in 2004 .

Modified 1/19/2012