1. El-Kassas, S.E. Mahmoud and S.M. El-Shazly (1986). Response of seeded Balady orange trees grown in sandy calcareous soil to iron application. Assiut J. Agric Sci., 17 (3): 209-221.
2. El-Kassas, S.E., H.M. Mahmoud and S.M. EI-Shazly (1986). Response of chlorotic Balady orange trees in sandy calcareous soil to certain micronutrient foliar applications. Assiut J. Agric. Sci., 17 (3): 225-240.
3. El-Kassas, S.E., S.M. El-Shazly and H.M. Mahmoud. (1987). Effect of certain micronutrient on yield and fruit quality of Balady mandarin. Assiut J. Agric. Sci., 18: 235-253.
4. Carpena, O.A., S.M. El-Shazly and C. Alcaraz (1990). Interaction rootstock-variety in citrus nutrition Biochemical indicators. In: 3rd World Congress of the International Society of Citrus Nurserymen, Australia.
5. El-Shazly, S.M., C. Alcaraz and O. Carpena (1992). Effect of some citrus rootstocks on leaf mineral contents of young and adults lemon trees. in: VII International Citrus Congress, Italy, Book of Abstracts. No. 232.
6. Abdel-Nasser, G. and S.M. El-Shazly (1994). Effects of some antitranspirants on leafwater contents, leaf mineral composition, yield and fruit quality of Balady mandarin trees. Alex. Sci. Exch., 15 (4): 575-596.
7. Abdel-Nasser, G. and S.M. El-Shazly (1994). The effect of nitrification inhibitor (8-hydroxyquinoline) applied in combination with urea or ammonium sulphate on growth and leaf mineral composition of Washington navel orange plants. Com. In Sci. & Dev. Res., 48:67-82.
8. El-Sabrout, M.B. and S.M. El-Shazy (1994). Propagating Mailing Merton 106 (MM 106) apple rootstock by cuttings. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 39 (3): 531-544.
9. El-Shazly, S.M. and G. Abdel-Nasser (1994). Yield, fruit quality, leaf mineral contents and water status of Roumi red grapevines grown in calcareous soil as influenced by foliar applications of potassium and some antitranspirants. Alex. Sci. Exch., 15 (4): 597-621.
10. E1-Shazly, S.M. and G. Abdel-Nasser (1994). Effect of sulphur coatedurea as compared with ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate and urea on growth and leaf elemental contents of sour orange seedlings. Com. in Sci. & Dev. Res., 48: 83-94.
11. El-Shazly, S.M. and MB. El-Sabrout (1994). Rooting of hardwood cuttings of Le Conte pear as influenced by auxin treatments and time of application. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 39 (3): 545-558.
12. El-Shazly, S.M., M.B. El-Sabrout and H.A. Kassem. (1994). Root formation on the stem cuttings of Eureka lemon and Balady loquat as affected by root-promoting chemicals and mist. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 39(3): 5 59-569.
13. Kassem, H.A., M.B. El-Sabrout and S.M. E1-Shazly (1994). Soil fertilization study on Anna apple trees grown in calcareous soil. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 39 (3): 571-584.
14. El-Sabrout, M.B. and S.M.El-Shazly (1995). Effect of post harvest treatments on ripening and quality of Solo papaya fruits. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20 (2): 831-841. Mansoura Univ.,
15. El-Sabrout, M.B., S.M. El-Shazly, H.A. Kassem and A.A. Kassem (1995). Effect of paclobutrazole on growth, yield, fruit quality and leaf mineral contents of Anna apple trees. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20(3): 1271-1282.
16. EI-Shazly, S.M. (1995). Comparative study between certain local and introduced citrus rootstocks grown in Egypt. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20 (3): 1257-1270.
17. EI-Shazly, S.M. and M.B. El-Sabrout (1995). Effects of paclobutrazole on vegetative growth, leaf constituents, yield and fruit quality of Sultani fig trees. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20 (2): 843-854.
18. Kassem, HA., A.A.Kassem, S.M. EI-Shazly and M.B. El-Sabrout (1995). Response of Washington navel orange trees to different methods and forms of nitrogen application. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 20 (2): 1283-1291.
19. Haggag, M.N., A.A. Etman, S.M. El-Shazly and I.G. El-Sharkawi (1996). Comparative studies and evaluation of fourteen grape cultivars in Egypt. 1. Bud fertility, bud fertility coefficient, yield, fruit quality and the morphological characteristics. Alex. J . Agric. Res., 41 (3):275-291.
20. El-Shazly, S.M . (1996).effect of N P K fertilization treatments on anna apple trees. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of deciduous Fruit Trees. Zaragoza, Spain, p.509.
21. El-Shazly, S.M. (1996). Use of nitrification inhibitors (8-hydrozyquinoline) with some nitrogen fertilizers for Washington navel orange plants. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of deciduous Fruit Trees. Zaragoza, Spain, p.510.
22. El-Shazly, S.M. (1999). Effect of hydrogen cyanamide (Dormex) on bud behaviour, growth, yield, fruit quality and leaf mineral composition of Thompson seedless grapevines. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 44 (2): 221-235.
23. Et-Shazly, S.M. (1999). Effect of fruit thinning on yield and fruit quality of Nabtet Ali Saudi date palm. In: The international Conference on Date Palm, Assiut Univ. Center of Environmental Studies. Egypt. pp. 17-33.
24. El-Shazly. S.M. (1999). Response of Anna apple trees to foliar sprays of chelated iron, manganese and zinc. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 24 (12): 7579-7591.
25. El-Shazly, S.M. and G. Abdel-Nasser (1999). Efficiency of phosphorous fertilizers as affected by soil sulphur application in Balady mandarin plants. J .Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 24 (12): 7623-7638.
26. El-Shazly, S.M. (2000). Effect of storage temperature on the keeping quality of some date cultivars. International Conference on Improving Postharvest Technologies of Fruits, Vegetables and Ornamentals. Murcia, Spain.94-100.
27. Abdel-Nasser, G. and S.M. EI-Shazly (2000). Effect of sulphur application on soil physical and chemical properties, nutrient status, yield and fruit quality of Balady orange trees. J. Agric. Res.,Tanta Univ., 26 (1): 72-92.
28. Abdel-Nasser, G. and S.M. El-Shazly (2000). Irrigation management of Anna apple trees in relation to growth, yield, fruit quality, leaf constituents and plant water relations. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 45 (1): 225-247.
29. Abdel-Nasser, G., M.M. Harhash and S.M. El-Shazly (2000). Response of some olive cultivars grown in Siwa oasis to well water quality. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 25 (5): 2877-2896.
30. El-Shazly, S.M. and G. Abdel-Nasser (2000). Influence of some nitrification inhibitors on improving nitrogen fertilizer efficiency and some physiological and biochemical aspects of Flame seedless grapevines. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 45(1): 249-268.
31. El-Shazly, S.M., G. Abdel-Nasser and M.M. Harhash (2000). Physiological and biochemical indices in Washington navel orange trees as influenced by iron foliar application. Alex. J. Agric. Res., 45(1): 287-306.
32. Taha, M.W., E.M. El-Azab, S.M. El-Shazly and S.M. Abdel-Wahed (2000). Response of Williams banana plants to urea foliar spray. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 25 (4): 2265-2283.
33. El-Shazly, S.M. and G. Abdel-Nasser (2001). Use of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizers for Anna apple treesin sandy soil. 1- Vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality. J. Adv. Agric. Res., 6 (3): 591-605.
34. Abdel-Nasser, G. and S.M. El-Shazly (2001). Use of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizers for Anna apple trees in sandy soil. 2- Leaf chemical constituents, soil N fractions, soil remaining N and nitrification rate. J. Adv. Agric. Res., 6 (3): 607-625.
35. Abdel- Nasser, G. and S.M. El-Shazly (2001). Response of Picual olive trees to potassium and boron fertigation. 1- Vegetative growth and leaf constituents. J. Adv. Agric. Res., 6 (3): 627-645.
36. El-Shazly, S.M. and G. Abdel-Nasser. (2001). Response of Picual olive trees to potassium and boron fertigation. 2- Fruit set, yield, oil content, water use efficiency and fruit quality. J Adv. Agric. Res., 6 (3): 647-665.
37. El-Shazly S.M. (2004). Response of Flame seedless grapevines to some nitrification inhibitors. Proceedings of the Seventh international symposium on Grapevine Physiology and biotechnology. California, Davis, USA. 103-108.
38. El-Shazly, S.M. 2008. Response of some citrus rootstocks to salinity. Proceedings of 11 th International Citrus Congress. Wuhan, China, Vol.2: 872-880.
39. El-Shazly, S.M. and Mustafa, N.S. (2008). Effect of certain mutagenic agents on salt tolerance behavior of some citrus rootstocks. A. Seedling survival percentage, leaf injuries percentage, growth and leaf chemical constituents. Proceedings of 11 th International Citrus Congress. Wuhan, china, Vol. 1:101-109.
40. El-Shazly, S.M, Mustafa, N.S. and Haggag, L.M. (2008). Effect of certain mutagenic agents on salt tolerance behaviour of some citrus rootstocks. B. Selection and identification of mutations. Proceedings of 11 th International Citrus Congress. Wuhan, China, Vol. 1:110-116.
41. El-Shazly, S.M. and Kotb, H.R. (2010). Response of Le Conte pear trees to soil boron application. XI International pear Symposium, Patagonia, Argentina, In press.
42. Khalil, H.A., Eissaa. A.M., El-Shazly, S.M. and Aboul Nasr, A.M. (2011). Improved growth of salinity-stressed citrus after inoculation with micorrehizal fungi. Scientia Horticulturae 130: 624-632.
43. El-Shazly, S.M, Eisa A.M. and Sarhan Z.H. (2012). Response of Washington Navel orange plants to application of Helpstat and Saltrad as saline correctors. Proceedings of 12 th International Citrus Congress. Valencia, Spain. In press.
44. El-Shazly, S.M and Mustafa N.S. (2012). Enhancement yield, fruit quality and nutritional status of Washington Navel orange trees by application of some biostimulants. Proceedings of 12 th International Citrus Congress. Valencia, Spain. In press.
45. El-Shazly, S.M and Mustafa N.S. (2012). Impact of some biostimulants on growth performance of Washington Navel orange trees. Proceedings of 12 th International Citrus Congress. Valencia, Spain. In press.