List of Publications.
1- Marei. A.S.; A.H. EI-Sebae ; and M.I. Zeid. 1971. Synergism of carbaryl against cotton pests under both field and Lab. conditions. Bull. Agric. and Vet. Sciences.Univ. assiut. Egypt. 2 (2). 185-96.
2- -Marei A.S.; A.H. EI-Sebae ; M.I. Zeid ; and M.T. Shafik.1971 Screening tests of new insecticides and the joint action of' pesticides blends against the Egyptian cotton Leafworm. Bull. Agric. and Vet. Science ;.Univ. Assiut. Egypt. 2(2). 197 – 210
3- Marei A.S. .M.T. Shafik. M.I. Zeid . and A.H. El-Sebae. Efficiency of pesticide blends against cotton pests under field conditions , Bull Agri. And Vet .Science, Univ Assuit, Egypt. 2(2). 211 - 38
4- El-Nawawy.A.S.; M.A. Khalifa ; M.A. Ashry; A. Tag El-Din ; and A.S. Marei. 1972. Phytocidal properties of some alkylisothiouronium. 11th Br. Weed control Conf., Brighton. England. 1234-42.
5- El-Sebae. A.H.; N. Shaker ; G.A. Tantawy ; and A.S..Marei 1973 Selectivity of carbamoyl oximes insecticides.The 1st Plant Protect. Conf., Assiut. Egypt. 469- 83
6- Tantawy. G. ; A.S. Marei.;Y.M. Ahmed ; and A. H. El-Sebae.1973 Colourimetric method for determination of organotin pesticide residues on vegetable crops, 4th Conf. of Veget. Res. , Alexandria. Egypt. 195-205
7- Marei A.S. ; A.S.A. Saad ; and G. Tantawy. 1974. Evaluation of pesticides in laboratory and field for the control of Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval infesting cotton in Egypt. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 44(1). 8 –10 .
8- Marei. A.S.; A.S.A. Saad ;and G. Tantawy. 1974. Laboratory and field evaluation of certain pesticides against the adults and eggs of Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval on cotton. J. Agric. Sci. . Cambridge. England. 82. 391 – 4
9- Marei. A.S.; A.S.A. Saad; and G. Tantawy. 1974. Determination of residues of some organophosphorus insecticides on vegetable crops in Egypt. Symposium on the use of isotopes in pesticides and pest control. Beirut.Lebanon. 253-7
10- Marei, A.S.; M.A.S. EI-Ewa; E.N. Aly. and A.H EI-Sebae.1974 Factors affecting toxicity of systemic insecticides on cotton plant. 2nd Plant Protect Conf. Alexandria, Egypt. 1. 117- 39
11- Tantawy, G. M.A.S. Elewa. A.S. Marei ; and N. Mansour 1974 . Effect of ; vaporization and sun exposure on residues of insecticides against cotton leafworm. Alex. Jour. Agric. Res. 22(2), 223 – 9
12- Tantawy, G.; M.K. Salleh ; M. Abou Donia. and A.S.Marei. 1974. Determination of leptophos residues in soil. Alex. Jour. Agric. Res. 22(3), 307 – 13
13- Tantawy, G;M.K. Salleh;. M. Abou-Donia;. and A.S. Marei.1974 Fate of 2-(diethoxy) phosphinylimino 1-3 dithiolane (Cyolane insecticide) residues in soil.Alex. Jour. Agric. Res. 22(3), 315- 22
14- Tantawy , G;. M.K. Sallah ; and A.S Marei 1974 Microbioassay technique to evaluate the persistence of granular residues in cotton planted soils with special reference to Temik and Disyston. 2nd Plant Protection Conf., Alexandria, Egypt. 3, 361 – 72
15- Tantawy, G. M.K. Salleh ; and A.S. Marei 1973. Thin Layer chromatography and Agar-Agar diffusion methods for determination of insecticide residues in soil. 2nd Plant Protect Conf., Alexandria, Egypt. 1. 347- 60
16- Saad, A.S.A; A.S. Marei, and M. Abou El-Amayem. 1974. Joint action effects in combination of certain pesticides against some cotton pests. 2nd Plant Protection Conf. , Alexandria, Egypt. 1, 81 – 92
17- Saad, A.S.A; A.S. Marei; M. Abou EI-Amayem; A. Madkhour. and A. EI-Bahrawi 1974. Toxic effect of certain insecticides on cotton bolworm in relation to their effect on cotton fiber quality. 2nd Plant Protect Conf., Alexandria, Egypt. 1, 257 – 67
18- Salleh, M.K; A.S. Marei; and A.S.A. Saad. 1974. Methomyl residues on Cucumus sativus, Capsicum frutescens and Cucurbita pepo. 2nd Plant Protect Conf.Alexandria, Egypt. 3, 325 - - 32
19- Salleh, M.K; A.S.A. Saad; and A.S. Marei. 1974. Colourimetric determination of Bromophos on some vegetable crops. 2nd Plant Protect Conf. Alexandria.Egypt. 3. 317- 4
20- Khalifa. S.K ; M.W. guriguis ; A.S.M. Marei ; M.T. Shafik and F.Khadr. 1974. The control of the two spotted spider mite on cotton with different sprays of acaricides in Egypt. zagazig J. of Agric. res. 1(1). 289- 303
21- EI-Sebae.A.H; Fawkia Mursy; Nabila Bakry; and A.S. Marei. 1975 Wetting and spreading properties of certain chemicals in relation to surface activity. Alex. J.Agric. res. 23(2). 337 – 44
22- Tantawy, G; F.A. Adam ;A.S.M. Marei; Awatef E. Khamis; and A.H. EI-Sebae. 1975. Intentional removal of insecticide residues from certain vegetable crops. Alex.J. Agric.·-Res. 23(3). 595 – 98
23- Tantawy, G; F.A. Adam ;A.S.M. Marei; A.K. Khamis ; and A.H.EI-Sebae. 1976. the efficiency of extraction, clean up and determination methods of Gradona, Azodrin. dichlorovos and malathion on some vegetables. Alex.J. Agric. res. 24(1), 109 – 14
24- Marei, A.S.M; N. EI-Okda; and A.H. EI-Sebae 1976. Evaluation of pre-analysis systems for oxime carbamate pesticides. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 24(2):
423 – 27
25- Marei, A.S.M; M. EI-Okda . and A..H. EI-Sebae. 1976. A volumetric method for routine analysis of technical and formulated oxime carbamate pesticides. Alex. J.Agric. Res. 24(2). 429 – 33
26- Abou EI-Amayem, M; Awatef E. Khamis ; and A.S.M. Marei. 1976.Emulsion stability and compatibility of some mixtures of insecticides with acaricides. Alex. J. Agric.Res. 24(3). 663 – 70
27- Tantawy, G.;F.A. Adam; A.S.M. Marei. and A. Khamis. 1976. Determination of insecticide residues on certain vegetables. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 24(3). 671 – 6
28- EI-Sebae,A. H ; F.A. Hossam Eldeen; M. Abou EI-Amayem ;and A.S.M. Marei, 1976. Insecticidal efficiency of miscible spray petroleum oils formulated from produced Egyptian ingredients. 2nd Arab Conf.on Petrochemicals, Abu Dhabi.
29- Marei, A.S.M ; T.Mostafa; and G. Tantawy. 1977. Effect of moisture content and pH value on mobility of some insecticides in Egyptian soil. Alex. J. Agric. Res.25 ( 1) , 167 – 71
30- Marei, A.S.M; T.M. Mostafa ; G. Tantawy ;and Nabila Bakry 1977. Persistence and residual pesticides toxicity of to some pesticides to some cotton pests Alex. J. Agric. 25(3), 513 – 18
31- Tantawy, G; M.A.S. Othman ;M.B. Abou-Donia;A.S.M. Marei and A, Z ,Khalil 1978 .Determination of leptophos in poultry. Alex. J. Agric. res. 26(3): 721 – 30
32- EI-Sebae ,A.H ;.A. EI-Doksh ;S.M. Marei ;and Fathia I. Mostafa. 1978. Toxicity of certain pesticides and their combinations against the red Tetranychus cucurbitacearun (sayed).Alex . j .Agric. Res. 26(2).453-60.
33- Marei, A.S.M; J.M.E. Quirke;G. Rinaldi; J.A. Zoro. and G. Eglinton. 1978. The environmental fate of DDT. Chemosphere 12, 993 – 98
34- Quirke, .J.M. E; A.S.M. Marei; and G. Eglinton. 1979. The degradation of DDT and its degradative products by reduced iron (III) porphyrins and ammonia. Chemosphere 3, 151 -55.
35- El-Sebae, A.H ; A.S.M. Marei ;H.A. EI-Doksh;and Fathia T. Mostafa. 1979. Laboratory and field evaluation of certain insecticides and their mixtures with chlorophenamidine and monitor against Spodoptera littoralis (boisd). Alex. J. Agric. Res. 27(3), 673-79
36- EI-Sebae,A.H; A.S.M. Marei ; H.A. El-Doksh and F.I.Moustafa. 1979. field efficiency of certain insecticides- acaricides combinations against Tetranychus cucurbitacearum (Sayed) ,T. arabicus (attiah) and the predaceous mite Agistemus cyprius consales. Bull. Egyptian Entomol. Soc. Ser 10. 1976-77. 181 -190.
37- Abou EI-Amayem ,M ; I.N.F. Sharaf ;A.H. EI-Sebae ;A.S.M. Marei. and S.A. Soliman. 1979. Selection response and cross resistance in Tetranychus cucurbitacearum (Sayed). Beitrage Zur Aropisher land wirtschaft und veterinarmedizin.
38- Tantawy, G; M. Abou El-Amayem ;A.S.M.Marei; and A.Abd El-Al.1979 . Intentional removal of Leptophos residues from vegetable crops. Alex.J. Agric. Res. 27(2) 459 -67
39- Abou El-Amayem, M; A . Abdel –All ; G. .Tantawy ;and A.S.M. Marei.1979. Fate of Leptophos in milk and wheat during the processing steps. Alex. J. Agric. Res.27(3) , 659 -63
40- Marei, A.S.M ; G. Tantawy ;M.A.S. Othman ;G.F. Antonious and M. Zeid. 1979. Factors affecting the persistence of certain organophosphorus insecticides 3rd Pesticide Conf. Vol I 305-14.
41- Marei, A.S.M ; .S. Othman ; Tantawy ;and M.S. El-Shahaat.1979. Toxicity of certain pesticides to both Tetranychus sp and Aphis sp. in relation to their persistence on some vegetable crops Proc. 3rd Pesticide conf. Vol (1). 350-60
42- Tantawy, G ;A.S.M. Marei ;G.F. Antonious ;and M. Zeid 1979 .Determination of chlorpyrifos ,dimethoate and malathion on certain vegetable and fruit crops rd Pesticide. Conf.. Vol(l): 597-603
43- Tantawy, G;.S. EI-Shahat ;S.M. Marei and M. Abd El-Kader, 1979. Efficiency of certain Pesticides on thrips and leafhoppers insects on some vegetable plants in relation to persistence of their residues. Proc. 3rd Pesticide Conf. Vol (1) 361 -69
44- Marei, A.S.M ;A. Abdallah ;d E.A. Kadous. 1979. Acaricidal and fungicidal activity of N-arylthiouronium m-Tolyfarsonate derivatives. Proc. 3rd Pesticide Conf. Vol (II). 669 – 82
45- Abdallah, E.A.M; A.S.M. Marei ;and E.A. Kadous. 1979. The Pesticidal properties of some derivatives of organoarsenic compounds. Proc. 3rd Pesticide Conf. Vol (I I). 640-54
46- Kadous , E.A;E.A.M. Abdallah ;and A.S.M. Marei. 1979. Fungicidal and Acaricidal activity of N-arylthiouronium o-Tolylarsonate derivatives. Proc. Pesticide Conf.Vol (III) 655-68
47- El-Sebae, A.H ;A.S.M. Marei ;Medy Abd El-All Youssef ;and G.Tantawy (1980). Degradation and mobility of Thanite in tissues of laboratory strain of Spodoptera littoralis ,chicken and cotton leaves. Alex. J.Agric.Res. 28(3): 685- 93
48- Saleh, M.A.; A.S.M. Marei; and J.E. Casida. 1980 -Cyano-phenoxybenzyl pyrethroids: derivatizations at the benzylic position. J. Agric. Food Chem. 28. 592-94
49- El-Sebae, A.H ;Medy Abd El-All ;.S.M. Marei ;and G. Tantawy (1981).Photolysis and degradation of Thanite in cotton plants and artificial rumen. J. Agric. Sci.Cambridge 98 ,1-5
50- El-Sebae, A.H.; M.K. El-Okda ,and A.S.M. Marei (1982). Local Formulation of three Carbamoylated Oximes as Terrestrial Molluscicides. Agr. Res. Rev. 60(1): 85-92
51- Marei, A.S.M; L.O. Ruzo; and J.E. Caida 1982. Analysis and persistence of permethrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and fenvalerate in the fat and brain of treated rates. J. Agric. Food Chem. 30, 528-62
52- Marei, A. S.M; S.E. Soliman,A.R. abou akkada ;and A.H. El-Sebae (!983). Effect of leptophos on Microbiological Activity, general Health, Blood components and Feed Efficiency of Sheep. Proc. Int. Cont. Env.Haz. Agrochem, Vol 1: 532-50
53- Soliman, S.M; A.S.M. Marei; A.H. El-Sebae and A.R. abou Akkada (1983). Effect of Cyolane. Cytrolane, Leptophos, DDT and Lindane on in vitro metabolism by rumen content. Proc. 5th Arab Pesticide Conf.Tanta Univ.Vol II 253 -62
54- Othman, M.A.S; M.S. El-Shahat ;G. Tantawy ;and A.S.M. Marei (1985 ) . Persistence of Flucythrinate (Cybolt) ; carbofuran. and Temik in Egyptian Soils. Alex. Sci.6 (3) 308- 19
55- El-Shahat, M; A. Abd El-All ; M. Kattab ;and A.S.M. Marei (1986) Soil Pesticide Interaction 8. Effect of Herbicide Formulations on Urease and Dehydrogenase Activities in Soil. Commun. Sci. Develop. Res. 16 ( 192 ) : 171—84
56- EI-Shahat; M, Khattab; A. Khamis ; H. Rashad and A.S.M. Marei (1986). Studies on Pyrethroids. 5. Effect of Synthetic Pyrethroids on Nitrification Process in Soil.J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura. Univ. 11(4): 1581- 85
57- Khattab, M; M. EI-Shahat ;A. Khamis; H. Rashad ;and A.S.M..Marei (1986). Studies on Pyrethroids. 4. Effect of Synthetic Pyrethroids on Mineralization of Organic Phosphorus and Urease Activity. J. Agric.. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 11(4): 1576 – 80
58- Marei, A.S;M. Kattab.H. Rashad; and A. Khamis (1986). Studies on Synthetic Pyrethroids. 1-Thin Layer and Gas Liquid Chromatography of
-Cynaophenoxybenzyl Pyrethroids and B. Bifluorylidene as an External Indicator. J. Agric. Sci: Mansoura Univ. 11 (4) : 1589- 90 .
59- Marei, A.S.M, M. Khattab ;H. Rashad and A. khamis (1986) Studies on Synthetic pyrethroids .2.persistence and Stabilization of Pyrethroids on Plants under Field Condition. J.Agric Sci. mansoura Univ. 11 (4) : 1591 – 96
60- Antonious, G.F.; A. Abd El-All; and A.S.M. Marei (1987). Side Effect of Insecticides. Effect of Cypermethrin and Flucythrinate Residues on the Uptake of Some Macro and Micro elements by Tomato and Cabbage Plants. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ, 13 (1): 224-33
61- Abd El-All, A. ; G.F. Antonious; and A.S. Marei (1987) .Side Effect of Insecticides. 11 Effect of Dimethoate and methomoyl Residues on the Uptake of some Macro and Microelements by Tomato and Cabbage Plants. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ., 13(2): 445-53
62- Marei, A.S.M.; M.A. Marzouk ; and A. Khamis (1987) Studies on Synthetic Pyrethroids .6-Synthesis of 2-(3-Phenoxybenzoyl 2)propyl esters for Deltamethrin amd Fenpropathrin J. Pest Control & Environ. Sci. Vol 1: 77-83
63- EI-Shahat, M.S.; M.A.S. Othman ; M. El-halfawy .A.S.M. Marei; and G. Tantawy (1987) Effect of carbamate and Synthetic Pyrethroid Pesticides on Some Microbial Activity. Alex. J. Agric. Res.. 32(1): 427-38
64- Marei, A.S.M; A. Khamis; A. Abd-EI All; and A. Mansee (1988). Studies on Synthetic Pyrethroids. 12 -comparative Persistence of Dihalo-and Tetrahalo Pyrethroid Pesticides in Plant and Water. 1st Sym. Environ. Sci. UNARC Alex. Egypt.; 477- 61
65- Marei, A.S.M.; A. Khamis; A. Abd-EI-All ;and A. Mansee 1988). ) .Studies on Synthetic Pyrehtroids. 13-Movement, Leachability and Persistence of Tralomethrin and Deltamethrin in Soil. Proc. 1st Sym. Environ. Sci, UNARC. Alex.. Egypt.; 462 – 74
66- Marei, A.S.M.; A.E. Khamis; A. Abd –El All ;and A. Mansee (1988). Studies on Synthetic Pyrethroids 14. Photodegradation of Dihalo-and Tetrahalo-Pyrethroid Pesticides on Soil Surface Using TLC-Densitometry.Proc. 1st Sym. Environ. Sci, (UNARC) Alex. Egypt. 475 – 88
67- Marei; A.S.M. ;A. Khamis ; A.. Abd El All and A. Mansee (1988) Studies on Synthetic Pyrethroids. 15. Comparative study of Sorption of Dihalo-and Tetrahalo-Pyrethroid Pesticides on Soil Surface. Proc. 1st SYm. Environ. Sci. (UNARC)Alex.. Egypt.. 489- 502
68- Marei, A.S.M. ; A. Khamis ; A. Abdel-All ; and A. Mansee (1988). Studies on Synthetic Pyrethroids 16. Side Effect of Tralomethrin and Deltamethrin on the Activity of Certain Soil Enzymes. Proc. 1st Sym. Environ. Sci. (UNARC). Alex.. Egypt; 503- 9
69- Marei, A .S.M.; H. EI-Sheemy ; M.EI-Halfawy; A. Khamis ; S. Soliman and A. Ghaleb (1988) .Soil-Pesticide Interaction 1. Adsorption of Paraquat on Soil Clay Minerals and Humic Substances. 1st Conf. Weed Sci. Alex., Egypt; 150- 9
70- Marei, A.S.M; H. EI-Sheemy; M. EI-Halfawy ;A. Khamis; A. Ghaleb and S. Soliman (1988). Soil -Pesticide Interaction 2-Adsorption of Fluomeuron on Clay Minerals, Soils and Humic Substances. 1st Conf. Weed. Sci, Alex. Egypt; 160- 66
71- Marei, A.S.M.; EI-Shahaat ;A. Ghaleb ; A.Khamis and S. Soliman (1988) Soil Pesticide Interaction 6-Effect of Atrazine, Fluometuron, Paraquat, Pendimethalin and Prometuron on the Nitrification Process in Soil 1st. Conf. weed, Sci, Alex. Egypt.
72- Marei, A.S.M.; M. EI-Shahaat; A. Khamis; AI Ghaleb and S. Soliman. ,1988) Soil – pesticide Interaction 5-Photodegradation of Atrazine, Prometryne, Flometuron and Pendimethalin on Soil Surface. 1st Conf. Weed Sci, Alex. Egypt, 167- 79
73- Ramadan, A.A.; N.M. Bakry ; A.S.M. Marei; A.T. Eldefrawi and M.E Eldefrawi (1988) .Action of Pyrethroids and GABA receptor Function . Pestic Biochem and physiol , 32 , 97- 105
74- Ramadan, A.A; N.M. Bakry ; A.S.M., Marei ; A.T. Aldefrawi and M. E.Eldefrawi (1988). Action of pyrethroids on the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor. Pestic Biochem and Physiol. 32, 106-113
75- Ramadan, A.A.; N.M. Bakry.A.S.M. Marei; A.T. Eldefrawi; and M.E. Eldefrawi (1988). Action of pyrethroids on K-Symulated Calcium Uptake by, and (H) Nimodipine binding to. rat brain synaptomes .Pestic. Biochem. and Physiol, 32-114-122
76- Marei, A.S.M.; M. Marzouk ; and A.H. Khamis (1988). Stduies on synthetic pyrethroids. Toxicity of deltamethrin, fenvalerate. fenpropathrin, flucythrinate and their acetone derivatives against the Egyptian cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littroalis . Alex. Agric. Res. 33 (2) : 269 – 82 .
77- Marei, A.S.M. ;M. Marzouk ;and A. Khamis (1988). Studies on synthetic pyrethroids. Toxic effect of deltamethrin , fenvalerate fenpropathrin. flucythrinate and 2-(3 phenoxybenzoyl)-2- propyl ester derivatives against honey bee, Apis mellifera Alex. J. Agric. Sci.33 (2) : 283 – 96
78- Youssef, Medy; M.A. Marzouk ;and AS.M. Marei. (1989) . Studies on Synthetic pyrethroids. 11 the Role of Geometric Isomerization in the Insecticdal Activity of Permthrin, Cypermethrin and Fenvaierate. Alex. J. Agric.Res. 34(1) : 229 – 41
79- El-Shahat, M.S. ; M. Emara ; and A.S. Marei (1989) Compatability of Certain Pyrethroid-foliar fertilizer combinations in relation to soil biology. Alex.Sci. Exch., 10 (4) 603- 25
80- Abd El-All, A;M.Shawir ;R. Mansy; M.Marzouk ; and AS. Marei 1990).).The interaction of some synthetic pyrethroids,chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides and their acetone derivatives with certain enzyme systems. J. Pest Cant .& Environ Sci; 2:43- 52 .
81- Abu El-Amayem, M.M; Medy Yousef: ;A..H. El-Sebae .A.S.M. Marei, and S.A El-khishen (1990) Environmental Fate of Thiodicarb and Methomyl in Agricultural Systems. Regional Symp. Studies, May 15-17, Alex., Egypt.
82- Marei, A.S.M ; Medy Youssef. M;Shekeban, and M. Zeid (1991) . Studies on Synthetic Pyrethroids. Toxicity, Joint Toxic Effect and Synergism of Synthetic Pyrethroids against the Egyptian Cotton Leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis. J. Pest. Control. Environ. Sci, 3(1) :34- 49
83- El –Shoura, M.Y ; M.A. Radwan ; A .S.M. Marei ; nd M.M. Abu El-.Amayem (1992). Effect of Aldicarb and Carbofuran , Insect Growth Inhibitors and their Mixture on Root Knot. Nematode on Tomato Plants. J. Pest Cont &Environ , Sci ., (1) : 85-96
84- Marei, A.S.M ; and H.A Ali (1992) . Twenty Five Years Contribution of Pesticide Analysis of the University of Alexandria. A Model for Developing Countries. Alex. Sci. Exch.. 13(4) : 647-76
85- Soltan, H.R ;.M. Youssef ;and A.S.M. Marei 1994: Synthesis, Confirmatory Methods and Insecticidal Activity of Pentafluorobenzy Derivatives of Certain Synthetic Pyrethroids. Alex. J. Agric. .39 (2) : 279 - 95.
86- Osman, K.A; H.R. Soltan; Marzouk ;and A.S.M. Marei 1994 .Toxicity and Biochemical Effects of Cypermethrin,Fenvalerate and their Pentaftuorobenzyl-Derivatives on The Egyptian leafworm ,Spodoptera littoralis. Com. Sci. Res. 47: 19-23
87- Marei, A.S; M.M. Khattab and M.R.Montasser (1994). Toxicity, Joint Toxic Effect and Synergism of Certain Pyrethroids Against the Rica weevil Sitophilus oryza. Alex. J. Agric-Res.. 39 ( 3) : 347 – 62
88- Khattab, M.M.; AS. Marei.A. Khamis; and H.Rashad (1994) Persistence and Movement of Pyrethroids in Different types of Water and Soil, Alex. Sci. Exch. . 15(4) : 641-51
89- Khattab. M.M ; AS. Marei and M.R. Montasser (1994). Residual Activity of Deltamethrin and Cypermethrin ,Ayainst the Rica Weevil, Sitophilus oryza. Alex. Sc!. Exch.. 15 (4) : 555-73
90- El-Shahat, M.S. ; M.M. Youssef and A.S. Marei (1995) Persistence of Methomyl Baits as Molluscicides and Physicochemical Properties of their Botanical Carriers. Alex. Sci. Exch. : 16 (2) : 185 – 195
91- Khattab ,M.M ; A.S. Marei ; Medy M.Youssef ; Aymen H.Mansee ; and Manal R. Montasser (1995) .Alex. Sci Exch : 16 (2) : 275- 991
92- Marei , A. S. Marium M. Khattab ; A. H. Mansee. Medy M. Youssef ,and Manal R. Montasser (1995) Alex .Sci. Exch. : 16 (2) : 275 - 91
93- Radwan , M.A ; Medy M. Youssef; A. Abd El-All, G.L .El-Henawy ; and A.S.Marei (1995) . Residue Levels of Pirimiphos-Methyl and Chloropyriphos- Methyl on T ornato and Faba Bean Plants in Relation to their Impact on some Internal Quality Parameters. Alex Sci. Exch. , 16 (3) : 389 404 .
94- Youssef, Medy M. ; A.Abd El-All; M.A Radwan ; G.L. EI-Henawy ; and A.S Marei (1995). Removal of Pirimiphos-Methyl and Chlorpyrifos-Methyl Residues form Treated Tomatoes and Broad Beans by Commercial and Home Preparative Procedures. Alex Sci. Exch., 16 (4) : 461- 9
95- Radwan ; M.A ; A . Abd El-All; Medy M. Youssef; G.L. El-Henawy; and A.S.Marei (1995). Effect of Chlorpyrifos-Methyl, and Pirimiphos - Methyl on Respiration and P-Mineralization in Two Soil Types. Alex. Sci. Exch., 16 (4) : 471- 81
96- Radwan , M.A; M.Y.El- Shoura ; A . S . M. Marei . and M.M .Abu – El amayem (2003) .Utilization of the Root – Knot Mematode , Meloidogyne Incognita for Monitoring Nematode Movement in Soil . J.Pest Cont & Environ . Sci . 11 (2) : 27 – 38
97- Mansee , A.H; M.R ., Montasser A.S. Marei; Khattab ; and M.M ,( 2003 ) . Integrated Approaches for Improving Certain Insecticides Toxicity Against Sitophilus oryza and Tribolium castaneum .Alex J. Agric .Res.48 (3) : 145 -153 .
98- Mansee , A.H; A.S .Marei ; M.M .Khattab ; M.R .Montasser ; and A.H .Mansy (2004). Distribution of Certain Insecticides in Male Rat Tissues Following Different Administration Routes., Alex .J. Agric res 49 (3) , 147 – 155 .
99- Marei , A.S ; H. R.Soltan ; A. Mousa ; and A.Khamis (2000). Leaching and Mobility of carbofuran from granula and alginate controlled release formulations . J. Agri . Sci , cambiradge , 134 : 405 – 412
100- Soltan , H. R ; A .S .Marei ; A.Khamis ; A.Mousa ;and H.M.El Maghraby ( 2001 ) HPLC Determination of Carbofuran residues and its Distribution from Alginate controlled Release and Granular Formulations in a Model Rice – Fish Ecosystem . Chapter 22 Amer Chem . Society Ser , 309 – 322
101- El Zemity , S.R. ; M.E Badawy ; M.M Khattab ; and A.S Marei ( 2006 ) . Structure Acaricidal Activity Relationship of some sulfonate and thiosulfonate Derivatives Against the two Spoltted Spider Mite , Tetranychus Uritica (Koch) . J. appl .Sci . Res , 2 ( 8) : 456 – 61
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