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الاسم بالكامل: مـــــــــاهر إبراهيـــــــــم علــــــي
تاريخ الميلاد : 16/1/1947                       محل الميلاد: الدقهلية
العنوان: 22 شارع عبد الله الغرياني – سابا باشا – الرمل - الإسكندرية
التليفون: ( منزل ): 5833288            (عمل): 5933213                   (محمول): 0123569141
الايميل: drmaherali              
     موقع الكلية
Modified 12/17/2011
المؤهل الدراسي
التاريخ / السنة
التخصص الدقيق
التخصص العام
يونيو 1968
كيمياء وسيمة المبيدات
وقاية النبات
كلية الزراعة
فبراير 1973
كيمياء وسيمة المبيدات
وقاية النبات
كلية الزراعة
كيمياء وسيمة المبيدات
وقاية النبات
كلية الزراعة
Modified 12/17/2011
الهيئة ( المؤسسة )
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الإسكندرية
مدرس مساعد
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الإسكندرية
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الإسكندرية
أستاذ مساعد
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الإسكندرية
حتى الآن
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الإسكندرية
Modified 12/17/2011
البحثيـــــــة: في مجال تحضير المبيدات الثيوسيانات العضوية-سلوك المبيدات في التربة وادمصاصها على حبيباتها-بدائل المبيدات والمبيدات الحيوية وتحفيز المقاومة الذاتية للنبات.  
2-التدريسية :تدريس مقرر الكيمياء التحليلية العديد من السنوات- تدريس مقرر الكيمياء الطبيعية-مقرر كيمياء وسمية مبيدات الآفات وتطبيقها-مقرر مكافحة النيماتودا-مقررEnvironmental Pollution and Toxicology -مقررFete and Behavior of Pesticides in Soil
3-الاستشارية: خبير للوقاية عن طريق البنك الدولي للإنشاء والتعمير باليمن- مستشار للوقاية بالشركة القبضة للتنمية الزراعية-مستشار لمكافحة الآفات بمركز تنمية الصحراء التابع للجامعة الأمريكية- مستشار لمكافحة الآفات بشركة السادس من أكتوبر لتنمية الزراعة- الاشتراك في مجال مكافحة الآفات مع مشروع الإيفاد.  
Modified 12/17/2011


1-   دولية:.....4...

2- محلية:....53 ...

Modified 12/17/2011
                      أربعة مراجع
Modified 12/17/2011
جيد جداً
Modified 12/17/2011

تدريس طلبة البكالوريوس، طلبة الدراسات العليا و الإشراف على رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه.

Modified 12/17/2011
الاستشارات العلمية – التوعية البيئية – رفع القدرات العلمية لخريجي الكلية والتدريب لقطاعات مجتمعية.
Modified 12/17/2011
المكافحة المتكاملة للآفات
كيمياء المبيدات
3 ، 4
مبيدات النيماتودا
تلوث التربة بالمبيدات
دراسات عليا
التقنية الحيوية في مكافحة الآفات
دراسات عليا
العوامل المؤثرة على كفاءة وفاعلية المبيدات
دراسات عليا
Modified 12/17/2011
1. Nabila Bakry, M.I.Aly and A.H.EL-Seba (1973). Organothiocyanates as Insecticides and Synergists. Proceeding 7th British lnsecticides and Fungicide Conference. 737-741.
2. Aly.M.I. N.Bakry. F.Kishk and A.H.EL-Seba 1980 Carbaryl Adsorption on Calcium-Bentonite and soils. Soil Science Society of America (J. 4496) 1213-1215
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8. Aly.M.I. A.S.Kraish and N.Bakry. (1981). The Fate Of Mephosfolan, Fenitrothion and carbaryl In Terrestrial Ecosystem Presented In SETAC Meeting, Arlington, Vergenia, USA. November 1981.
9. Aly.M.I. S.M.Kassem. G.A.Tantawy. and M.M.Emara. (1980). Effect Of Foliar Fertilizers On The Degradation Of Carbaryl and Phoxim. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 29: 804-814.
10. Aly.M.I. and A.A.Abdel-Latif (1982). Studies On The Effects Of Acetylcholine and Antiepileptic Drugs On Pi Incorporation Into Phospholipids Or Rat Brain Synaptosomes. Neurochemical Research 7(2) 159-169.
11. Aly.M.I. A.Abdel-All. M.Y.EL-Shoura. And N.M.Bakry. (1982). Studies On The Fate And Behavior Of Carbofuran In The Environment Components :1- Carbofuran Adsorption and Mobility On Clay Loam Soil and Ca++-Bentonite. The Second Egyptian-Hungarian Conf. Sept. 21-24 1982 (317-327).
 12. A.Abdel-All. Aly.M.I. M.Y.EL-Shoura and N.Bakry (1982). Studies On The Fate and Behavior Of Carbofuran In The Environment Components: 2- The Influence Of Temperature, Light and Moisture On Carbofuran Disappearance On Soil Thin Layer. The Second Egyptian-Hungarian Conf. Sept. 21-24, 1982 (284-295).
13. EL-Shoura.M.Y. M.I.Aly. and A.Abdel-All. (1983). The Influnce Of PH. And Temperature On Carbofuran Hydrolysis In Aqueous Solutions. Inter. Conf. Environments Of Agrochem. In Developing Count. Nov.8-21, (Alex.Univ.Agric.College, 890-896).
14. Aly.M.I. and Osama.B.Nassef. (1985). Interaction Effects Of Fluometuron, Penoxalin Herbicides and Aldicard, Carbofuran Insecticides Alone and Combinations On Soil Ureas Activity Comm. In Science & Deve. Res. 9 (80) 71-83.
15. Nassef.O.B. and Maher.I.Aly. (1985). Effect Of Two Herbicides, Fluometuron and Penoxalin Alone and In Combination With Two Insecticides Aldicarb and Coabofuran On Soil Cellulase and Phosphatase Activity Comm. In Science & Deve. Res. 10 (87) 1-9.
16. Kassem, Sh.M.I , M.S.Salah , M.I.Aly and Mona E. Abdel Latif (1985). Formulation for controlled-release of Fenitrothin in water insect. Sci. Applic 6 (5) 613-616.
17. Aly.M.I. , A.S.Kraish and N.Bakry (1986). The Influence Of Soil Moisture Light and Temperature On the Persistance Of Mephosfolan, Fenitrothin and Carbaryl in Clay Loam Soil., Alex. J. Res. 32 (3) ; 277-289.
18. Kassem, Sh.M.I , M.I.Aly , N.Bakry and M.I.Zied (1986). Efficiency of Methomyl and its Mixtures against the Egyptian Cotton leaf-worm and Bollworms. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 31 (3) ; 291-300.
19. Kassem, S.M. , S.M.I. , Sherapy ; M.I.Aly , M.I.Zied and A.H.El-Sebae (1986). Studies on Toxic Effect of Endotxin, Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor and Mixtures diflubenzuron with Different Insecticides On Cotton Leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd). Alex. J. Agric. Res. 31 (1) 327-336.
20. Aly.M.I. and N.M.Bakry (1986). The Influence Of Saturating Ions and Moisture On Aldicarb Persistance On Kaolinite. Alexandria J. Agric. Res. (31) 407-417.
21. Doss.M. M.I.Aly and Aziza Darweish (1986). Effect Of Temik (Aldicard) On Tomato Growth With Reference To Wilt Control. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. (4) 1570-1575.
22. Aly.M.I. and M.Doss. (1986). Studies On The Effects Of Aldicard and Carbofuran On Improving Carrot Crop Production. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. (4) 1570-1575.
23. Saleh.M.S. and M.I.Aly. (1987). The Biological Effects Of Three Insect Growth Regulators On Culex pipiens L. Anz. Sch., pflanz. Umw. (60) 34-37.
24. Aly.M.I. (1987). A Comparative Study Between Three Oxime Carbamate Compounds (Aldicarb, Oxamyl and Thiodicarb) For Their Effects On Some Soil Enzymes Activities. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ. 13 (3) : 863-872.
25. Aly.M. I. And M.I.Zeid. (1987). Effectiveness Of Two Moult Inhibiting Insect Growth Regulators and Their Combinations With Selected Insecticides Against The Cotton Leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (boisd). J. Agric. Tanta Univ. 13 (3) : 873-881.
26. Aly.M.I. and A.A.EL-Dahan (1987). Efficacy Of Bacillus thuringiensis Leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd). J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 12 (2) 150-156.
27. EL-Zoghby.F. M.I.Aly. and O.EL-Ansary (1987). The Influence Of “Dipel” Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) On The House Fly Musca demostica L. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 12 (1) 197-203. 
28. Aly.M.I. F.EL-Zaghby and O.EL-Ansary (1987). The Relationship Between Chemical Structure and Biological Activity Of Four Chitin Synthesis Inhibitors On Housefly Musca Demostica L. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 12 (2) 341-347.
29. Aly.M.I. and M.S.Saleh. (1987). Effectiveness Of Three Insect Growth Regulators And Six Insecticides And Their Combination On Mosquito Larvae Of Aedes aegypti . Alex. Sci. Exchange. 8 (2) 115-122.
30. Aly.M.I. M.A.Mansour and M.I.Zeid. (1987). The Influence Of Soil Types On Aldicard, Chlorpyrifos And Methomyl Persistance. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 32 (3): 419-930.
 31. Aly.M.I. and O.B.Nassef. (1987). The Influence Of Pesticides Application Rates On The Activity Of Some Soil Enzymes. J. Env. Poll. Toxic. 1 (1) 11-18.
32. Kassem.Sh.M.I. M.I.Aly. Nabila Bakry and M.Zeid. (1987). The Efficiency Of Methoprene Formulated As Microencapsulated Or Emulsifiable Concentrate And Their Mixtures With Certain Insecticides. Alex. J. Res. 32 (3) : 309-321.
33. Aly.M.I. S.I.Kassem. and N.Bakry. (1988). The Influence Of Soil Moistures Light And Temperature On Tetrachlorovinphos Persistance In Clay Loam Soil. Alex. J. Res. Agric. Res. 33 (2) : 193-203.
34. Kassem.M.I. M.I.Aly M.I.Zeid. and Nabila Bakry. (1988). The Insecticidal Efficiency Of Carbamates, Organophosphorus, Pyrethroids And Mixtures Of Certain Insecticides From Different Sources. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 33 (2) 231-243.
35. Kassem.Sh.M.I. M.I.Aly. Nabila Bakry. And M.I.Zeid. (1988). Effect Of Mixing Of Diflubenzuron And Triflumuron With Certain Insecticides On The Insecticidal Efficiency. Alex. J. Res. 33 (2) 245-257.
36. Kassem.Sh.M.I. M.I.Aly. M.I.Zeid. and Nabila Bakry. (1988). Field Evaluation Of Certain Insecticides Against The Sucking Insects On The Cotton Seedlings. Alex. J. Res. 33 (2) 295-268.
37. Abdellah.E.A.M. F.A.Morsy. L.M.Abd-EL-Naby and M.I.Aly. (1988). Fungicidal Activity Of Some Chitin Synthesis Inhibitors And Their Effects On Benomyl Efficiency Against Fusarium semitectum. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 13 (1) : 562-566.
38. Abdellah.E.A.M. M.I.Aly. F.A.Morsy and E.A.Kadous (1988). Chitin Synthesis Inhibitors Speculation : 1- Phytotoxic Effects Against Faba And Wheat. The First Conference Of Weed Science 25-26 May, 1988, Alexandria EGYPT.
39. Morsy.F.A.A. E.A.M.Abdellah. M.I.Aly. and E.A.Kadous (1988). Chitin Synthesis Inhibitors Speculation : 2- Influence On Plant Photosynthesis. The First Conference & Weed Science 25-26 May, 1988, Alexandria, EGYPT.
40. EL-Ghannam.M. N.M.Safwat. and M.I.Aly. (1988). Capability Of Bacillus thuringiensis To Live And Propagate In Liquid Or Cultured Milk. Egyptian J. Dairy Sci. 16 (285-293).
41. Aly.M.I.   M.Y.EL-Shoura and M.G.EL-Shereaf (1988). Studies On The Fate And Behavior Of Pesticides On The Soil. 3- The Influence Of Some Pesticides Alone And In Combinations On Soil Nitrification And Respiration. Third World Conf. On Environ. And Health Hazards Of Pesticides 11-15 December, 1989. Cairo, EGYPT.
42. Aly.M.I. M.Y.EL-Shoura. And M.A.Radwan (1994). Effect Of Three Oxime Carbamate On Nitrification Process In Some Egyptian Soil Types. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. (In Press).
43. EL-Shoura.M.Y. and M.I.Aly. (1994). Efficiency Of Three IGR’S Alone And In Mixtures With Methomyl On Cotton Leafworm Larvae Spodoptera littoralis. J. Agric. Mansoura Univ.                  
44. Aly.M.I. N.M.S.Bakry and A.F.EL-Aswad (1994). The Influence Of Two Oxime Carbamate (Methomyl And Thiodicarb) On Some Soil Neutrant Utilization Crop Health Conference, March 21-24 1994 Fayoum, EGYPT.
45. Aly.M.I. N.M.S.Bakry. and A.F.EL-Aswad. (1994). The Joint Action Of Pesticides And Fertilizers On Phosphorus And Sulphur Bioconcentration Ratio. Crop Health Conference, March 21-24, 1994 Fayoum, EGYPT.
46. Abderrassoul, Hager A. and M.I. Aly. (1994). The Influence Of Some Insect Growth Regulators (IGRS) On Cytological Effects And Peroxidase Enzyme Activity Of Broad Bean Seedlings. J.Agric.Sci. Mansoura Univ. 19 (4)- : 1539 – 1551 , 1994.
47.                                                    Aly M. I., M. A. Radwan, H. A. Salem and A. F. El-Aswad. (1999).Effect Of Certain Pesticides On Macronutrients ( Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium ) Bioconcentration Ratio ( BCR ). 2nd , Int. Conf. Of Pest Control, Mansoura, Egypt, Sept., 1999, Vol(1) 261-274.
48.                                                    Aly M. I., H. A. Salem, M. Radwan and A. F. El-Aswad.(1999). The Effect Of Certain Pesticides On Some Bioprocessers Occurred In Plant And Soil. 2nd , Int. Conf. Of Pest Control, Mansoura, Egypt, Sept., 1999.
49.                                                    El-Aswad, A.F.; S. M. Abdel-Rahman and M. I. Aly. (2001). Field Evaluation of Certain Insecticides on sucking Insect in Cotton and Their Combination with IGR Against Cotton Leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis. Integrated Pest Management, Proceedings of the first congress, Special Edition, Part II, Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo University, April 22-23, P. 243-253.
50.    El-Aswad, A. F.; Fuehr, P. Burauel, M. I. Aly and N. M. Bakry (2002). Leaching Potential of Alachlor and Picloram in Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Columns. J. Pest Cont. & Environ. Sci., 10 (1): 99-114.  
51.   Aly, M. I.; F. A. E. Moursy; A. F. El-Aswad and A. A. Khames (2002). Biocidal Efficiency of Plant Phenolic Constituents. The First Conf. of The Central Agricultural Pesticide Laboratory. V (2), Ministry of Agric. And Land Reclamation, Agricultural Res. Centre, Giza, Egypt, Sept. 3-5, P. 874-881.
 52.   Aly, M. I.; F. A. E. Moursy;. A. A. Khames and A. F. El-Aswad (2004). The Influence of Some Pesticides on The Bioactive Plant Compounds. J. Pest. Cont. & Environ. Sci., 12 (1-2): 85-94.
53.   Said, A. M. E.; A. A. Komeil; A. F. El-Aswad and M. I. Aly (2006). The Influence of Certain Pesticides on Soil Respiration and Urease Activity. J. Pest. Cont. & Environ. Sci., 14 (2): 365-380.
54.   El-Aswad A. F. and M. I. Aly (2007). Screening of Some Insecticides Against The Cotton Bollworms, Pectinophora gossypiella (Sound.) and Earias insulana (Boisd.). J. Pest Cont. & Environ. Sci., 15 (2): 63-74.
55El-Aswad A. F.; Sabreen A. Ahmed and Maher I. Aly (2008). Cytological, Anatomical and Biochemical Studies on the Side-Effect of Some Pesticides. J. Egypt. Soc. Toxicol. Vol. 38: 145-159 Jan.
56.      Maher I. Aly, Mohamed N. Barakat, Asmaa S. Elsayed and Ahmed F. El-Aswad (2010). Bioproduction of Azadirachtin and Its Biological Activity Against Spodoptera littoralis.From Academia to Pesticide Industry Conference, 24-25 March 2010 . Dept. Of Pesticide Chemistry & Technology , Fac. Of Agric. Alexandria Univ. Egypt.
Modified 12/17/2011