List of Publications
1. EI-Sebae A.H.; Soliman; Abou-El Amayem and N.S. Ahmed (1977). "Neurotoxicity of organophosphorus insecticides, leptophos and EPN". J. Environ Sci. Health, BI2(4): 269-288.
2. EI-Sebae A.H.; N.S. Ahmed and S.A. Soliman (1978). "Effect of prexposure on acute toxicity of organophosphorus insecticides to white mice". J. Environ. Sci. Health, B13 (1): 11-24.
3. EI-Sebae A.H.; S.A. Soliman and N.S. Ahmed (1979). "Delayed neuropathy in sheep by the phosphonothioate insecticide cyanofenphos". J. Environ. Sci. Health, B 14 (3): 247-263.
4. Soliman S.A.; A.H. EI-Sebae; A. Curley and N.S. Ahmed (1980). "Subcellular distribution of neurotoxic esterase activity in lamb and mouse brain". J. Environ. Sci. Health, B15(2): 207-217.
5. Graham D.C.; J.S. Lee; N.S. Ahmed; L. Cook and M.B. Abou-Donia (1980). "In vivo and in vitro degeneration of the sympathetic nervous system in organophosorus-induced delayed neurotoxicity". American Association of Neuropathologists. 56th Annual Meeting. June 13-15, New Orleans, Louisiana.
6. EI-Sebae A.H.; S.A. Soliman; N.S. Ahmed, and A. Curley (1981). "Biochemical interaction of six OP-delayed neurotoxicants with several neurotargets". J. Environ. Sci. Health, B16 (4): 465-474.
7. Curley A., N.S. Ahmed; A.H. El-Sebae and S.A. Soliman (1981)."In vivo and in vitro inhibition of chicken brain neurotoxic esterase (NTE) by leptophos and cyanofenphos". Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, March 1-5.
8. Abou-Donia M.B.; K. Sivarakah and N.S. Ahmed. (1982). "Metabolism and toxicokinetic of daily dermal Doses of (14C)O-ethyl-O-4- nitrophenyl phenyphosphonothioate (EPN) in the cat". Reprinted from Federation proceedings, 41, March, USA.
9. So1iman S.A.; G.W. Sovocool; A. Curley; N.S. Ahmed; S. EI-Fiki and A.H. EISebae (1982). "Two acute human poisoning cases due to exposure to diazinon transformation products in Egypt". Archives of Environ. Health, 37: 207 -213.
10.Abou-Donia M.B.; Y.M. Hernandez; N.S. Ahmed and S.A. Abou-Donia (1983). "Distribution and metabolism of O-ethyl-O-4-nitrophenyl phenyphosphonothioate after a single oral dose in one week old chicks". Arch. Toxicol., 54: 83-96.
11.Ahmed N.S.; K.S. El-Gendy; S.A. Soliman and A.H. EI-Sebae (l983). "Toxicological interaction of pollutants: Interaction of lead and phosfolan in mice". Proc. Int. Conf. Env. Haz. Agrochem., (1) 562-572.
12.Ahmed N.S.; K.S. El-Gendy; A.Kh. EI-Refaie; A.S. EI-Bakary and S.A. Soliman. (1983). "Effect of occupational exposure to pesticides on levels of serum cholinesterase lymphocyte esterase-like activities". Proc. Int. Conf. En. Haz. Agrochem., (1) 404-416.
13.Ahmed N.S.; K.S. EI-Gendy; J.D. Farmer; R. Novak; N. Bakary; and S.A. Soliman (1983). "Time course and dose dependent in vivo effect of ethyl-leptophos on hen brain neurotoxic esterase activity". IU Tox., 3rd Int. Cong. on Toxicology. Toxicology Letters, (18) 111.
14.So1iman S.A.; E. Charle; A. Curley; K.S. EI-Gendy; N.S. Ahmed and J.D. Farmer (l983). "Effect of neurotoxic organophosphates on the levels of some enzymes and other biochemical components in sheep blood". Proc. Int. Conf. Enz. Haz. Agrochem. 1: 494-517.
15.EI-Gendy K.S.; A.S. EI-Bakary; N.S. Ahmed; F. Ismaeil and A.H. EI-Sebae (1985). "Interaction between toxicity and some biochmical tragets for some insecticides againts Spodopetra littoralis larvae". Alex. Sci. Exch., 6 (4) 330-340.
16.EI-Gendy K.S.; N.S. Ahmed; A.S. EI-Bakary and S.A. Soliman (1985). "Comparative study on the interaction of paroxon with A-and B-esterases in different animal species. 2nd Iner. Cosg. Soil Poll. Part (11); 157-165.
17.Soliman S.A. N.S. Ahmed; K.S. EI-Gendy (1985). "Effect of methyl/ethyl-substitution on the delayed neuro-toxicity of some O-Alkyl O-substituted phenylphosphonothioate insecticides". Neurotox, A joint meeting of neurobiologists, biochemists and pesticide scientists on neuropharmacology and pesticides action, 31March-4April university of Bath,England.
18.EI-Bakary, A.S.; N.S. Ahmed, K.S. El-Gendy; A.H. EI-Sebae and S.A. Soliman (1986). "Quality of underground water in west desert northern coast areas near Alexandria, Egypt". J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ., 12(2): 410-423.
19.Soliman S.A.; N.S. Ahmed; K.S. El-Gendy; A.S. EI-Bakary and A.H. ElSebae (1986). "Delayed neurotoxicity in wild mallard ducking caused by organophosphorus insecticides, cyanofenphos and leptophos". J. Environ, Sci. Health B 21(5): 401-411.
20.Ahmed N.S.; K.S. EI-Gendy; A.S. El-Bakary, S.A. Soliman and A.H. El-Sebae (1986). "Monitoring of hazardous pollutants in drinking water". J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ. 12(2) 400-409.
21.EI-Gendy K.S., A.S. El-Bakary and N.S. Ahmed (1986). "Effect of pesticides on some liver function testes in workers occupationally exposed and others not exposed to pesticides". J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 11(2): 821-825.
22.Kamel S.M.; L.A.M. Abdel Megid; Z.A. Shaoub; H.M. Sakr and N.S. Ahmed (l986). "Blood gases, acid-base equilibrium and cholinesterase activity in dogs intoxicated with organophosphate insecticide "EPN" before and after treatment". Tanta Medical Journal; 14(1): 381-399.
23.Ahmed N.S.; K.S. EI-Gendy; A.Kh. EI-Refaie; S.A. Marzouk; N.S. Bakry, A.H. EI-Sebae and S.A. Soliman (l987). "Assessment of lead toxicity in traffic controllers of Alexandria (Egypt) road intersections. Archives of Environmental Health, 42(2): 92-95.
24.Soliman S.A.; N.S. Ahmed; A.S. EI-Bakary and A.H. El-Sebae (1987). "Direct determination of blood lead level in plumbers using plasma atomic emission spectrometric techniques.”Society of Toxicology 26th Annual Meeting, The Toxicologist, 7(1):75.
25.Ahmed N.S.; K.S. El-Gendy and I.A. EI-Karaksy (l987). "Selective hazards of new benzoylurea insecticides to the beneficial silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) 2nd Nat. Conf. of pests & Dis. Of Veg. & Fruits, Ismailia, October 464-473.
26.EI-Sebae A.H.; N.S. Ahmed; K.S. El-Gendy; A.S. EI-Bakary and S.A. Soliman (1987). "Methamidophos (Tamaron R)-A delayed neurotoxic compound to man, but negative to chickens". 2nd Nat. Conf. of pests & Dis. Of Veg. & Fruit, Ismailia, October 474-483.
27.EI-Gendy K.S.; N.S. Ahmed; A.S. El-Bakary and S.A. Soliman (l988)."δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase in relation to blood level in occupational lead exposure". J. Pest Control & Environ Sci., (1): 35-39.
28.EI-Sebae A.H.; A.S. El-Bakary; N.S. Ahmed; K.S. EI-Gendy; F.E. Macklad; and S.A. Soliman (1989). "Effect of water treatment on the levels of chlorinated organics at different water stations in the vicinity of Alexandria". Egypt Wat. Sci. Tech., 21(1): 131-135.
29.So1iman S.A.; K.S. Osman, N.S. Ahmed; K.S. El-Gendy and I.E. ElShennawy (1988). "Delayed neuropathy of cyanofenphos and methyl analogue in chickens". Neurotox, 88 Molecular Basis of Drug & Pesticide Action 10th-15th April, University of Nottingham England 240.
30.Ahmed N.S. (1989) "Effect of sublethal dose of thiodicarb and prothiofos on mice". Bulletin Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, Vol xxv (2): 527-534.
31.Ahmed N.S. (1989). "Effect of occupational exposure to organophosphorus pesticides on serum paraoxonase Activity". J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura univ. 14(2) 784-789.
32.Ahmed N.S.; A.S. El-Bakary; K.S. El-Gendy and R.K. Abou EI-Khear (1989). "Toxicological effects of cournatetralyl on albino rats and wild rats (Rattus rattus)". Com. Sci. & Dev. Res., 25: 145-160.
33.Mollstafa F.I.; A.A. Mahran and N.S. Ahmed (1989). "The development of resistance to insecticides alone, or alternatively, in Culex pipiens". J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ.
34.Moustafa F.l.; A.A. Mahran and N.S. Ahmed (l989). "The Role of certain Enzyme sysems Responsible for Insecticide Resistance in Culex pipien". J. Agic. Sci. Mansoura Univ.
35.Ahmed N.S.; K.S. EI-Gendy; A.S. EI-Bakary and R.K. Abou EI-Khear (1990). Evaluation of brodifacoum, coumatetralyl and chlorophacinone anti-coagulants against wild rats (Rattus rattus). Assiut J. of Agr. Sci., 21 (4):3-17.
36.Ahmed N.S.; K.S. El-Gendy; A.S. El-Bakary and R.K. Abou El-Khear (l990). "Cases study of human occupational exposure to anti-coagulant rodenticides". Asuit J. of Agr. Sci. 21 (4): 19-29.
37.EI-Gendy K.S.; A.A. El- Warraky, N.S. Ahmed; S.A. Soliman and A.H. El-Sebae (1990). "Interaction of some insecticides and heavy metals with Japanese quails enzyme systems. J. Pest Control & Environ. Sci., 2: 9-20.
38.El-Gendy K.S.; N.S. Ahmed; N.M. AIy; N. Sabar and A.H. El-Sebae (1990). "Effect of some pesticides on the antioxidant and enzymes lipid peroxidation in carp tissues. J. Pest Control & Environ. Sci. 2: 21-27.
39.EI-Gendy K.S., N.M. AIy; N.S. Ahmed; and A.H. El-Sebae (1990). "Comparative toxicity of some pesticides to common carp and their effects on biochemical target in living tissues". J. Pest Control & Environ. Sci. 2:29-41.
40.EI-Sebae A.H.; K.S. EI-Gendy; A.S. El-Bakary and N.S. Ahmed (1991). "Monitoring of mercury, lead and cadmium in hair and teeth samples of general population in Alexandria". J. Pest Control & Environ. Sci. 3(1) 23-33.
41.EI-Sebae A.H.; K.S. El-Gendy; A.S. EI-Bakary and N.S. Ahmed (1991). "Biochemical characteristics of different human blood groups in Alexandria population". J. Pest Control & Environ. Sci. 3(1) 50-65.
42.Moustafa F.I., A.A. Mahran, N.S. Ahmed, and M.A. Mourad (1991). "Effects of resistance as the biotic potential in Culex pipiens". Alex. Sci. Exch. 12(2): 291-303.
43.Soliman S.A.; D. Svendsgard, D. Otto, N.S. Ahmed; A.M. Soffar, K.S. El-Gendy, K.A. Osman and A.S. EI-Bakaty (1993). "Biochemical and neurobehavioral assessment of neurotoxicity in workers occupationally exposed to organophosphorus pesticides. Proceed. the internat. conference on peripheral nerve toxicity". 29-32.
44.Ahmed A.E., S. Jacob; S. Soliman; N.S. Ahmd; K.A. Osman; J.P. Loh and N. Romero (1993). Whole-body autoradiographic disposition elimination and placental transport of (14C)tri-o-cresyl phosphate in mice". J. Appl. Toxicol., 13(4): 259-267.
45.K.A. Osman; N.S. Ahmed, and S.A. Soliman (1998). Delayed neuropathy of O,O-di-iso-propyl and O,O-di-n-butyl-O-(2,2-di-chlorovinyl) phosphate in hen. The Egytian Society of Toxicology, the Annual Scientific Conference, Fac. of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar Univ., Nasr City, Cairo, April 1-3, 1998.
46.N.S. Ahmed; K.A. Osman and S.A. Soliman (1998). Assessment of lead toxicity and blood lead level in individuals of different lead-related occupations. The Egytian Society of Toxicology, the Annual, Scientific Conference, Fac. of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar Univ., Nasr City, Cairo, April 1-3, 1998.
47.A1y N. M.; Abu EI-Khear R. K. and Ahmed N.S. (1998). "The haematotoxicity of coumatetralyl and the antidotal effect of vitamin K in albino rats. J. Pest Cont. & Environ. Sci. 6(1): 89-100.
48.K.A. Osman; N.A. Aly and N.S. Ahmed (1999). Biochemical Effects of Some Commercial Anti-lice Formulation in Mice. In: Strategy For Safe Agricultural Production In Arab Country. Cairo University, 27-29 October, 1999, pp. 781-789.
49.K. A. Osman; N.S. Ahmed and S.A. Soliman (2001). Delayed Neuropathy of O,O-di-1so-propyl and O,O-di-n-butyl-O-(2,2-di-chlorovinyl) Phosphate In Hen. J. Egypt. Soci. Toxicol., 24: 99- 102.
50.S.A. Soliman; N.S. Ahmed; K.A. Osman and M.S. Ibraheern (2001). Monitoring of Zearalenone Mycotoxin in Some Cereals, Nuts and Dried Fruits Collected from Alexandria Markets Using HPLC. J. Egypt. Soci. Toxicol., 24: 103-106.
51.A.K. Salama; K.A. Osman; N.S. Ahmed; and S.A. Soliman (2005). Oxidative Stress Induced by Different Pesticides in Land Snails, (Helix aspersa). Pakistan J. of Biol. Science 8(1), 92-96.
52.N.S. Ahmed (2009): Lead assessments in ground and drinking water, human blood and teeth. The first Alex. Inter. Workshop "Women and Child Health: Food and Environmental Pollution".
53.Maher I. Aly, A. F. El-aswad, Sabreen A. Ahmed and Nabila S. Ahmed (2010). The biochemical Effects of some widely used pesticides on Bean (Visia faba) and Onion (Allium cepa) shoot and root meristems. “From Academia to Pesticide Industry Conference, 24-25 March 2010”.