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الاسم بالكامل:......أ.د. كوثر سعد محمد الجندى 
تاريخ الميلاد :.......26/5/1952    محل  الميلاد:..........البحيرة......
العنوان:.....51 ش عمر زعفان – الابراهيمية - الاسكندرية........
التليفون: ( منزل ):...5917369......(عمل): 5915427............. (محمول):......01261815
موقع الكلية
Modified 12/16/2011
المؤهل الدارسى
التاريخ / السنة
التخصص الدقيق
التخصص العام
بكالوريوس (كيمياء مبيدات الافات)
كيمياء وسمية المبيدات
كيمياء مبيدات الافات
ماجستير (كيمياء مبيدات الافات)
كيمياء وسمية المبيدات
كيمياء مبيدات الافات
دكتوراه (كيمياء مبيدات الافات)
يناير 1982
كيمياء وسمية المبيدات
كيمياء مبيدات الافات
Modified 12/16/2011
الهيئة ( المؤسسة )
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
مدرس مساعد
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
أستاذ مساعد
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
حتى الان
كلية الزراعة – جامعة الاسكندرية
أخرى:    باحث بقسم البيوتكنولوجى
جامعة كورنيل الولايات المتحدة
Modified 12/16/2011


1-             البحثية:..دراسات عن المخاطر البيئية الناجمة عن التعرض للملوثات البيئة
·       دراسات عن مشكلة مقاومة الافات للمبيدات وطرق التغلب عليها
·       رصد مستويات الملوثات فى شتى صور البيئة
2-   التدريسية :...كيمياء مبيدات الافات المختلفة وبرامج المكافحة المتكاملة
* قياس مقاومةالحشرات للمبيدات – تلوث البيئة بالملوثات المختلفة..
3-   الاستشارية:.مكافحة الافات المختلفة التى تهاجم المحاصيل النباتية والحيوانات والبيئة

* تقييم تلوث مكونات البيئة المختلفة بالملوثات * تقدير متبقيات المبيدات فى المواد الغذائية المستوردة والمصدرة

Modified 12/16/2011


 67 بحث
1-   دولية:... 23 .
2-   محلية:....45.
3-   مؤتمرات:...حضور عديد من المؤتمرات الدولية والمحلية وعددها ...50.
4-   ندوات :........ حضور عديد من الندوات الدولية والمحلية وعددها....25.
Modified 12/16/2011
3 كتب علمية فى الكيمياء الطبيعية والعامة و كيمياء مبيدات الافات
Modified 12/16/2011
جيد جداً
Modified 12/16/2011
اسم الجائزة
تاريخ الحصول عليها
الجهة المانحة
جائزة البحوث البيئية
اكاديمية البحث العلمى
جائزة مؤسسة عبد الحميد شومان فى العلوم الزراعية
المملكة العربية الاردنية
Modified 12/16/2011

·       تدريس مقررات الكيمياء الطبيعية لطلاب البكالوريوس.

·       تدريس مقررات مبيدات الافات المختلفة وسميتها على الكائنات المختلفة.

·       تدريس مقرر تلوث البيئة بالمبيدات.

·        تدريس مقرر مقاومة الحشرات للمبيدات – وبرامج المكافحة المتكاملة.

Modified 12/16/2011

·       الاشتراك فى عضوية جمعية اصدقاء المرضى.

.الاشتراك فى وحدة مكافحة الافات وحماية البيئة

Modified 12/16/2011
اساسيات الكيمياء الطبيعية
اساسيات مكافحة الافات
التأثير السام لمبيدات الافات
تلوث البيئة
دراسات عليا
دراسات عليا
مقاومة الحشرات للمبيدات
دراسات عليا
دراسات عليا
Modified 12/16/2011
1.      El-Sebae A.H.,Soliman S.A., El-Gendy K.S. and Khames A.(1981): Phenoloxidase and its interaction with diflulbenzuron in Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) . Proc. 4 th Arab Pesticide Conf., Tanta Univ., Vol. 11: 315-328.
2.      Ahmed N.S., El-Gendy K.S.,Soliman S.A. and EL-Sebae A.H.(1983): Toxicological interaction of pollutants: Interaction of lead and phosfolan in mice. Proc. Int. Conf. Env. Haz. Agrochem., 1: 562-572.
3.      Ahmed N.S., El-Gendy K.S., El-Refaie A.Kh., EL-Bakary A.S. and Soliman S.A. (1983): Effect of occupational exposure to pesticides on level of serum cholinesterase lymphocyte esterase- like activities.Proc.Int. Conf. Env. Haz. Agrochem., 1:404-416.
4.      Soliman S.A., Charlet E., Curley A., EL-Gendy K.S., Ahmed N.S. and Farmer J.D. (1983): Effect of neurotoxic organophosphates on the levels of some enzymes and other biochemical components in sheep blood. Proc. Int.Conf. Env.Haz. Agrochem., 1: 494-517.
5.      Ahmed N.S., EL-Gendy K.S., Farmer J.D., Novak R, Bakry N.and Soliman S.A. (1983): Time course dose dependent in vivo effect of ethyl leptophos on hen brain neurotoxic esterase activity. IU Tox., 3rd Int.Cong. of Toxicology .Toxicology Letters, 18 : 111.
6.      EL-Gendy K.S., EL-Bakary A.S.,Ahmed N.S., Ismaeil F. and EL-Sebae A.H.(1985): Interaction between toxicity and some biochemical targets for some insecticides against Spodoptera littoralis larvae. Alex. Sci. Exch., 6 (4): 330-340.
7.      Soliman S.A., Ahmed N.S. and El-Gendy K.S. (1985): Effect of methyl / ethyl-substitution on the delayed neurotoxicity of some O-alkyl O- substituted phenyl phosphonothioate insecticides. Neurotoxic, A joint meeting of neurobiologists, biochemists and pesticide scientists on neuropharmacology and pesticide action, March 31-April 4.
8.      Soliman S.A., Ahmed N.S., El-Gendy K.S. , El- Bakary A.S. and El-Sebae A.H.(1986) : Delayed neurotoxicity in wild mallard duckling caused by organophosphorus insecticides, cyanofenphos and leptophos. J.Environ. Sci. Health B, 12 (5): 401-411.
9.      Ahmed N.S., El-Gendy K.S., El-Bakary A.S., Soliman S.A. and El-Sebae A.H. (1986): Monitoring of hazardous pollutants in drinking water. J. Agric. Res., Tanta Univ., 12 (2): 400-409.
10. EL-Bakary A.S., Ahmed N.S., EL-Gendy K.S.,El-Sebae A.H. and Soliman S.A.(1986): Quality of underground water in west desert northern coast areas near Alexandria , Egypt. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ., 12 (2): 410-433.
11. EL-Gendy K.S., EL-Bakary A.S. and Ahmed N.S.(1986): Effect of pesticides on some liver function testes in workers occupationally exposed and others not exposed to pesticides. J Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 11(2): 821-825.
12. Ali H.A., EL-Gendy K.S., Abd-Allah A.A. ,EL-Sebae A.H.and Mostafa H. A. (1986): Determination of inorganic and organic mercury in Hg Cl /Me Hg Cl mixtures using flameless A.A.S. Proc. 7th Intern. Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment.Univ. Aberdeen, Scotlaand, U.K. July 6-11:1-11.
13. Ali H.A., EL-Gendy K.S., Abd-Allah A.A. and EL-Sebae A.H.(1986): Monitoring of industrial pollutants in effluents from Alexandria and Kafr EL-Dawar industries. Proc. 7th intern. Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment.Univ. Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K. July 6-11: 13-19.
14. Ahmed N.S., El-Gendy K.S. and EL-Karaksy I.A.(1987): Selective hazards of new benzoyl urea insecticides to the beneficial silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) .2 nd Nat. Conf. of Pests &Dis. of Veg. &Fruit, Ismailia, October : 464-473.
15. EL-Sebae A.H., Ahmed N.S., EL-Gendy K.S., EL-Bakary A.S. and Soliman S.A. (1987): Methamidophos (Tamaron R ) - A delayed neurotoxic compound to man , but negative to chickens. 2nd Nat. Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. & Fruit, Ismailia, October: 474-485.
16. Ahmed A.S., EL-Gendy K.S., EL-Refaie A.Kh., Marzouk S.A., Bakry N.S., EL-Sebae and Soliman S.A.(1987): Assessment of lead toxicity in traffic controllers of Alexandria (Egypt) road interactions. Archives of Environmental Health, 42 (2): 92-95.
17. EL-Gendy K.S., Ahmed N.S., EL-Bakary A.S. and Soliman S.A.(1988): d - aminolevulinic acid dehydratase in relation to blood level in occupational lead exposure. J.Pest Control & Environ .Sci., 1: 35-39.
18. El-Sebae A.H., EL-Gendy K.S. Enan E.E. and Soliman S.A.(1988): Selectivity in delayed neuropathy . J.Pes Control & Sci., 1:41-47.
19. Soliman S.A., Osman K.A., Ahmed N.S., EL-Gendy K. S. and El-ShennawyI.E. (1988): Delayed neuropathy of methyl - cyanophos,O-methyl O-(4-cyanophenyl) phenylphosphonothioate in chicken. Society of Toxicoloy, 27 th Annual Meeting, 8 (1): 50.
20. EL-Gendy K.S. (1989): Toxicity of thiodicarb and dimethoate on the honeybee workers and effects on some of their enzymes. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Econ. Ent., 1: 89-97.
21. Ahmed N.S., EL-Bakary A.S., EL-Gendy K.S. and Abou EL-Khear R.K.(1989): Toxicological effects of coumatetralyl on albino rats and wild rats ( Rattus rattus ). Com. Sci. & Dev. Res., 25: 145-160.
22. Abdel-Ghany M., El-Gendy K.S., Zhang S. Raden D. and Racker E. (1989): Brain protein kinase C phosphorylating poly ( arginine , serine ) or lamin B is stimulated by anions and by an activator purified from bovine serum albumin preparations. Proc. Natl. Acad. USA., 86: 1761-1765.
23. Igarashi Y., hakomori S., Toyokuni T., Dean B., Fujita S., Sugimoto M., Ogawa T., EL-Gendy K.S. and Racker E. (1989): Effect of chemically well - defined sphingosine and its N-methyl derivatives on protien kinase C and Src kinase activities. Biochemistry, 28 (17): 6796-6800.
24. Abdel-Ghany M., EL-Gendy K.S., Zhang S. and Racker E. (1990): Control of scr kinase activity by activators, inhibitors and substrate chaperons.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. , 87: 7061-7065.
25. EL-Gendy K.S. (1990): The effects of thiodicarb and cypermethrin on some liver enzymes of rats. Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. Xxxvi (4): 607-612.
26. Ahmed N.S., EL-Gendy K.S. EL-Bakary A.S. and Abou EL- Khear R.K.(1990): Evaluation of brodifacoum, coumatetralyl and chlorophacinone anticoagulants against wild rats ( Rattus rattus ). Assiut J. of Agr . Sci., 21: 3-17.
27. Ahmed N.S., EL-Gendy K S., EL-Bakary A.S. and Abou EL-Khear R.K.(1990): Cases study of human occupational exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides. Asuit J. of Agr. Sci., 21: 19-29.     
28. EL-Gendy K.S., EL-Warraky A.A., Ahmed N.S., Soliman S.A. and EL-Sebae A.H.(1990): Interaction of some insecticides and heavy metals with Japanese quails enzyme systems. J.Pest Control & Environ. Sci., 2: 9-20.
29. EL-Gendy K.S., Ahmed N.S., Aly N.M., Sabar N. and EL-Sebae A.H. (1990): Effect of some pesticides on the antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation in carp tissues. J. Pest Control & Envion. Sci., 2: 21-27.
30. El-Gendy K.S., Aly N.M., Ahmed N.S. and El-Sebae A.H. (1990): Comparative toxicity of some pesticides to common carp and their effects on biochemical targets in living tissues. J.Pest Control & Environ. Sci., 2: 29-41.
31. El-Sebae A.H., El-Gendy K.S., El-Bakary A.S. and Ahmed N.S. (1991): Monitoring of mercury, lead and cadmium in hair and teeth samples of general population in Alexandria. J. Pest Control & Environ. Sci., 3 (1): 23-33.
32. El-Sebae A.H , El-Gendy K.S., El-Bakary A.S. and Ahmed N.S. (1991): Biochemical characteristics of different human blood groups in Alexandria population. J.Pest Control & Environ. Sci., 3 (1): 50-65.
33. El-Gendy K.S. (1991): Biochemical target affected by sub-lethal doses of lindane El-Gendy. S. (1991): Biochemical target affected by sub-lethal doses of lindane and decamethrin. J. Pest Control & Environ.Sci., 3 (2): 63-76.
34. Zhang S., El-Gendy K.S., Abdel-Ghany M., Clark R., McCormick F. and Racker E. (1991): Isolation of highly purified and stable preparation of C-Src and V-Src Kinase. Cell Physiol. Biochem., 1: 24-30.
35. Shawir M.S., Mourad M.A., El-Gendy K.S. and Moustafa F.I. (1991): Status of resistance in field strains of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) in relation to certain enzyme systems. Alex. Sci. Exch., 12 (2): 275-289.
36. El-Gendy K.S., Abd-Alla A.A., Aly H.A., Tantawy G. and El-Sebae A.H. (1991): Residue levels of chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds in water and sediment samples from Nile branches in the delta, Egypt. J.Environ.Sci Health, B26 (1): 15-36.
37. Abbas M.M., El-Gendy K.S., Abd-Alla A.A., Ali H.A., Tantawy G. and El-Sebae A.H. (1991): Residue levels of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) in the Mediterranean water and sediments of Nile delta. Bull Nat. Inst Oceanogr & Fish., ARE, 17 (1): 71-77.
38. Abbas M.M., El-Gendy K.S., Abd-Alla A.A., Ali H. A., Tantawy G.and El- Sebae A.H. (1991): Residue levels of organochlorine insecticides in Mediterranean water and sediments of the Nile delta. Bull.Nat.Inst.Oceanogr & Fish., ARE, 17:79-87.
39. Abd-Alla A.A. , Abbas M., El-Gendy K.S., Ali H., Tantawy G. and El- Sebae A.H. (1992): Residue levels of organochlorine pesticides in sediments from northern of Nile delta Mediterranean sea coast.Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 37: 43-47.
40. EL-Gendy K.S., Osman K.A. and Aly N.M.(1993): Comparative studies on the toxicity of some pesticides to silkworm , Bombyx mori L. and their effects on enzymes modulation. Alex. Sci. Exch., 14 (3) : 449-465.
41. Soliman S.A., Svendsgaard D., Otto D., Ahmed N.S., Soffar A.M., EL-Gendy K.S. Osman K.A. and EL-Bakary (1993): Biochemical and neurobehavioral assessment of neurotoxicity in workers occupationally exposed to organophosphorus pesticides. Proceedings of the International Conference on Peripheral Nerve Toxicity: 29-32.
42. El-Sebae A.H. and EL-Gendy K.S. (1994): Lake Mariut pollution by pesticides. Workshop on Lake Maruit Pollution problems and proposals for restoration and better management .Alexandria, Egypt.April, 27-30:3.
43. El-Gendy K.S., El-Agamy E.I. and Shawir M.S.(1995): A simple method for production of specific antibodies to carbaryl . Bulletin of the High Inst. of Public Health, 25 (2): 459-462.
44. Abou- El- Khear R.K., El-Gendy K.S., El- Feel E.S., El- Maghraby H.M. and El-Sebae A.H(1995).Comparison of antagonism of brodifacoum and difenacoum by vitamin K in albino rats. Alex. J.Pharm. Sci., 9 (3): 227- 231
45. El-Gendy K.S., Abou- El- Khear R.K.and El-Sebae A.A.(1996): Anticoagulant poisoning and vitamin K antagonism in albino rats. Alex. J.Pharm. Sci., 10 (1): 29-33.
46. El-Gendy K.S., Abou-EL-Khear R.K. and El-Sebae A.H. (1996): Laboratory and field trials of anticoagulants and the detection of rodent resistance. Alex. Sci. Exch., 17 (2):155-165.
47. El-Gendy K.S., Aly N.M. Saber N.and El-Sebae A.A. (1996): Toxicological effects of some pesticides on Tilapia nilotica. Alex. Sci. Exch., 17 (3):243-251.
48. EL-Sebae A.H. and EL-Gendy K.S.(1997):Development & Enviromental Impact Conference. Saudia Arabia Kingdom. September,21-23:216.
49. Marzouk S.A. and EL-Gendy K.S. (1997): Some biochemical effects of the insecticide carbaryl on mice. Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. XXXIII (1): 87 – 92.
50. Safey G.M., El-Sebae A.H. El-Gendy K. S. and Kenawy A. (1997): Aluminum cation feed toxicity to male mice. Egyptian Journal of Occupational Medicine., 21 (2):215-228
51. EL -Gendy K. S. , Aly N .M. and El -Sebae A.H. (1998): Effects of edifenphos and glyphosate on the immune response and protein biosynthesis of bolti fish (Tilapia nilotica). J. Environ. Sci. Halth , B 33 (2) : 135 - 149.
52. EL –Gendy K. S., Aly N .M. and Sabra F. S. (1998): Biochemical effects of a single oral dose of two acetanilide herbicides alachlor and butachlor on female mice. Alex. J.Pharm. Sci., 12 (2): 87 - 90.
53. El-Gendy K. S., Aly N. M.Rashwaan E. and EL-Sebae A.H. (1999): Biochemical targets affected by sublethal doses of cypermethrin in mice.Egypt. J. Agric. Res., 77 (2): 701-711.
54. EL -Gendy K. S. Aly N., El-Sebae A.H. (1999): Sublethal effects of molluscicide niclosamide on the immune response and protein biosynthesis in fish. Int. conf. On Environmental Mangement, Health and Sustainable development. 22-25 March, 1999. Alexandria: 1073-1082.
55. Aly, N.M. and EL -Gendy K. S. (2000). Effect of dimethoate on the immune system of female mice. J. Environ. Sci. Health., B 35 (1): 77-86.
56. Aly, N.M. and EL -Gendy K. S. (2001): Comparative studies of technical and formulated chlorprifos on the immune system of female mice. Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. XXXVII (3): 373-378.
57.  El-Gendy, K. S.; El-Bakary, A.S., Khadiga, S. Moursy; El-Sebae, A.H., and Abo-Shanab, A.S.H. (2002): Biological activity of certain mineral oils, organophosphorus, biocidas alone and in binary mixtures against psyllid Euphyllura straminea (vallot) Infesting olive trees at west-north coast, Egypt. The first conf. Of the centralagric, Pesticide Lab., 3-5 Sep. 2002:706-712.
58. Moursi, Kh. S., El-Gendy S. K., El-Bakary, A.S., El-Sebae, A.H., and Abo-Shanab, A.S.H. (2002): Ecological studies on olive psylla, Euphyllura straminea loginova with special reference to its natural enemies at Burg E;-Arab area. 2nd International conference. Plant Protection Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt, 21-24 December volume (1): 509-515.
59. Aly, N.M., El-Halwagy. Farid, M.S. and EL -Gendy K. S. (2003): Influence of decis, a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, on the immune system and thyroid function of albino rats. Bulletin of High Institute of Public Health Vol. 33 (3): 451-464.
60.  Aba. Alkhail, A.R., Askar, A.I., Younis, L.K.; El-Gendy, K.S., Abbas, M.M., and Marei, A.S.M. (2004). Risk Assessment of Tributyltin oxide in aguatic environment: A. toxicity and Sublethal Effect on Brain AChE and ATPases activity of tilapia Fish, Oreochromis niloticus. Pakistan Journal of biological sciences 7 (7): 1117-1120.
61. El-Gendy K.S., Kenawy, A., El-Bakary, A. and El-Sebae A.H. (2004): Safe Alternatives of pesticides for pest management of Tribolium confusum. J. Pest Cont. & Environ. Sci. 12 (1/2): 13-26.
62.  El-Gendy K. S.,Radwan, M., Gad, A. (2009):In vivo evaluation of oxidative stress biomarkers in the land snail; Theba pisana exposed to copper-based pesticides. Chemosphere,77: 339-344.
63. EL-Gendy K. S., Aly, N., Mahmoud, F. Kenawy, A. and El-Sebae,A. (2010): The role of vitamin C as antioxidant in protection of oxidative stress induced by imidacloprid.Food and Chem. Toxicol., 48:215-221.
64. Radwan, M., El-Gendy K. S., Gad, A. (2010): Biomarkers of oxidative stress in the land snail, Theba pisana for assessing ecotoxicological effects of urban metal pollution. Chemosphere, 79: 40-46.
65. Aly, N., El-Gendy, K. S., Mahmoud, F. and El-Sebae A. (2010): Protective effect of vitamin C against chlorpyrifos oxidative stress in male mice. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 97: 7-12.
66. Radwan, M., El-Gendy K. S., Gad, A. (2010): Oxidative stress biomarkers in the digestive gland of Theba pisana exponed to heavy metals, J. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 58:828-835.
67.  Radwan, M., El-Gendy K. S., Gad, A. (2010): Feeding and growth responses of the snail Theba pisama to dietary metal exposure. J. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, In Press.
Modified 12/16/2011