1. Imamaliev, A.I., and M.A. Omar, 1972. On the Indogenous auxins and inhibitors in the shedded young bolls of cotton plant. (Rus.). Reports of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the U.S.S.R., 6: 7-9.
2. Omar, M.A., and A.A. Abdel-bary, 1973. Cytological study of some interspecific hybrids in the genus Gossypium L. (Rus.). Genetika, IX (7): 163-166.
3. Omar, M.A., 1973. Water relationships in the young bolls of cotton plant in correlation to shedding and soil water stress. (Rus.). In "Biochemstry and Physiology of Cotton Plant and Other Crops", pp. 25-30. A.I.Imamaliev and F.Y.Rjevskaya (Eds.), Scientific Works of Tashkent Agricultural Institute, vol. 37, Tashkent, Uz.S.S.R.
4. Gad, A.M., F.A. Bedair, M.A. El-Fawal, and M.A. Omar, 1978. Estimation of the genetic variance and its components in the advanced generations of the insterspecific cross Gossypium barbadense L.x Gossypium hirsutum L. Egyptian Cotton Gazette, 71: 117-127.
5. Shams, M.S., M.A. Omar, and E.A. El-Khatib, 1979. Nitrate accumulation, growth and yield of seed cotton in relation to nitrogen-soil application. Jour. Agric. Res., Tanta Univ., 5: 391-399.
6. Omar, M.A., A.M. Gad, O.B. Nassef, and A.A. Abdel-bary, 1979. Effect of Some dinitroaniline herbicides on chlorophyll content and Hill-reaction activity of isolated chloroplasts of cotton, rice, jungle rice, and barnyard grass. Proceeding of the Third Arab Pesticide Conference, vol. 11, A:11-18. Tanta University, A.R.E., 24-27th., Sept. 1979.
7. Nassef, O.B., M.A. Omar, A.M. Gad, and A.A. Abdel-Bary, 1979. Effect of some dinitroaniline herbicides on weed control, seed cotton yield, and some agronomic characters of cotton plant. Proceeding of the Third Arab Pesticide Conference, vol. II, A:258-269. Tanta University, A.R.E., 24-27th., Sept. 1979.
8. Gad, A.M., M.A. Omar, O.B. Nassef, and A.A. Abdel-Bary, 1979. Effect of some dinitroaniline herbicides on the mitotic behaviour of cotton, rice, jungle rice, and barnyard grass. Proceeding of the Third Arab Pesticide Confereence, vol.II, A: 19-25. Tanta University, A.R.E., 24-27th., 1979.
9. Omar, M.A., E.E. Shalaby, A.A. Kassem, and A.A. Abdel-Bary, 1979. Variation, heritability, correlation, and predicted gains from selection in wheat "Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell." Alexandria Jour. Agic Res., 27 (4): 159-163.
10. Kassem, A.A., M.A. Omar, A.A. Abdel-bary, and E.E. Shalaby, 1979. The use of drill and single-seed planting for evaluating wheat breeding stocks. Alexandria Jour. Agric. Res., 27 (4): 141-148.
11. Abdel-Bary, A.A., M.A. Omar, and M.M. Shahbnder, 1980. Evaluation of Bollworm resistance in some Egyptian cotton cultivars and strains. Alexandria Jour. Agric. Res., 28 (1): 91-96.
12. Shalaby, A.A., and M.A. Omar, 1981. Influence of nitrogen fertilization on yield and agronomic characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.). Alexandria Jour. Agric. Res., 29 (1): 89-95.
13. Shalaby, A.A., and M.A. Omar, 1981. Leaf area estimation in maize (Zea mays L.). Alexandria Jour. Agric. Res., 29 (3): 1291-1302.
14. Koraiem, Y.S., A.Kamara, M.A. Omar, and S.F. Kostandi, 1981. Relation between some physical characterisitics of maize (Zea mays L.) stalk and resistance to late wilt disease (Cephalosporium maydis). Alexandria Jour. Agric. Res., 29 (2): 558-567.
15. Koraiem, Y.S., A. Kamara, M.A. Omar, and S.F. Kostandi, 1981. Effect of phenols in host-pathogen interaction of maize (Zea mays L.) - (Cephalosporium maydis) - system. Alexandria Jour. Agric. Res., 29 (2): 568-577.
16. Gad, A.M., M.A. Omar, M.A. El-Fawal, and I.F. Rehab, 1982. Comparative study on fibre properties in some cotton varieties. I. Physical and mechanical properties. The Egyptian Cotton Gazette, 79: 37-51.
17. Nasrallah, A.K., M.A. Omar, F.I. Radwan, and F.I. Rehab, 1982. A comparative analysis of growth of some cotton cultivars. Reseaech Bulletin No. 554, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, April 1982, pp. 1-13.
18. El-Said, K.M., M.A. Omar, A.A. Abdel-Bary, and M.F. Ibrahim, 1982. The effect of polar and non-polar lipids on dough properies and bread quality. Ain Shams University Agricultural Research Bulletin, No. 1908, July, 1982.
19. El-Said, K.M., M.A. Omar, 1982. Polar and non-polar constituents of native lipids in some types of wheat strains - spring and winter spring - and the effect of their fractions on loaf volume. Ain Shams Universilty Agricultural Research Bulletin, No. 1912, July, 1982.
20. Bedair, F.A., M.A. Omar, M.A. El-Fawal, and A.M.M. Dawood, 1982. Response of some cotton varieties to different planting dates under different nitrogen levels. I. Vegetative and reproductive characters and earliness. Communications in Agriscience and Development Research, No. 11: 1-16.
21. Omar, M.A., and F.S. El-Nakhlawy, 1983. Association among economic traits in flax (L. usitatissimum L.). Procceding of the First Conference of Agronomy, vol. 2: 795-799. The Egyptian Society of Crop Science, 10-12 Sept., 1983.
22. Omar, M.A., A.A. Abdel-Bary, and F.S. El-Nakhlawy, 1983. Inheritance of some agronomic traits in flax (L. usitatissimum L.). I. Inheritance of plant height and branching. Proceeding of the First Conference of Agronomy, vol. 2: 801-807. The Egyptian Society of Crop Science, 10-12 Sept., 1983.
23. El-Nakhlawy, F.S., M.A. Omar, A.A. Abdel-Bary, and M.A. El-Fawal, 1983. Inheritance of some agronomic traits in flax (L. usitatissimum L.). II. Inheritance of seed yield, seed weight, number of capsules, and oil content. Proceeding of the First Conference of Agronomy, vol. 2: 809-815. The Egyptian Society of Crop Science, 10-12 Sept. 1983.
24. Gad, A.M., M.A. Omar, and Y.L. Aziz, 1985. Comparative study on the anatomy of three species of henbane, Hyosciamus sp. 1. The Stem. Alexandria Jour. Agric. Res., 30 (3): 1293-1302.
25. Gad, A.M., M.A. Omar, and Y.L. Aziz, 1985. Comparative Study on the anatomy of three species of henbane, Hyosciamus sp. 2. The leaf. Alexandria Jour. Agric. Res., 30 (3): 1303-1314.
26. Gad, A.M., K.M. El-Sayed, M.A. Omar, and H.R. Ibrahim, 1989. Studies on some diallel crosses in rapeseed. Menufiya Jour. Agric. Res., 14 (1): 163-174.
27. Omar, M.A., 1990. Towards a national plan of self-sufficiiiency of cereal crops in Egypt. (Arab.) Proceedings of the Symposium of IPM and Environmental Protection, National Plan Studies, vol. 3: 44-48. Faculty of Agric., Alex. Univ., and the Egyptian Acadimy of Scientific Research and Technology (EARST), Alexandria University, Alexandria, A.R.E., 7-8 Nov., 1990.
28. Ramadan, N.S., A.I. Nawar, M.A. Omar, and F.S. El-Nakhlawy, 1997. Genotype x soil salinity interaction for grain yield and its components in some local and introduced wheat and barley genotypes. Advances in Agricultural Research, 2(2): 53-65.
29. Omar, M.A., 1997. Cropping Pattern in Egypt --- outlook on present status and outlying expansion in Toshke Project. (pp. - ) in Proceedings of Integrated Land Development of Southern Egypt: Available Resources and Alternative Options. Workshop spons. by I.D.R.C. and S.W.S. Dept, Fac. Agric., Alexandria Univ., Dec. 14, 1997.
30. Omar, M.A., 1998. Cropping Pattern for More Efficient Use of Water. The Third International Water Technology Conference: Workshop (4) “The role of Cropping Pattern and Different Irrigation Methods and Technologies Used for Irrigation Water Conservation.” Spons. by NOPWASD, MU, TIMS, EWTA and IC, Alexandria March 20 - 23, 1998.
31. Omar, M.A. (Ed.) et al. 1999. Paper of Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University on “Higher Education Enhancement” presented by Prof. M.A. Omar, in Cairo University Higher Education Enhancement Conference “University of the Future – A Vision” (Arab.), held at Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, May 22 – 24, 1999.
32. Tahoun, M.K., and M.Adam Omar, 2003. Potentility of canola quality Brassica napus in sandy soil of Egyptain desert. Proceedings of The 11th. International Rapeseed Conference, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University,Copenhagen, Denmark vol(2):365-367.