I - Stress effects and tolerance of Agricultural crops:
1. Shalaby, E.E. (2002) Effects of salinity on Kochia indica. International symposium on optimum Resources utilization in Salt affected Ecosystems in arid and semi-arid regions. Cairo, 8- 10 April 2002.
2. Shalaby, E.E. (2001) Differential physiological response of wheat genotypes to seawater and sodium chloride at Iso- electrical conductivity salinity stress. International symposium on Prospects of saline Agriculture in the GCC countries 18- 20 March 2001, Dubai, UAE-
3. Shalaby, E.E. (2000) Effects of drought on barley growth and yield. International conference of European crop science society. 20- 25 August 2000 Hamburg, Germany.
4. Shalaby, E.E., E. Epstein and C.O. Qualset (1993). Variation in salt tolerance among some wheat and Triticale genotypes. J. Agron. and Crop Sci. 170 :298-304.
5. Abd Ella, M. and E.E. Shalaby (1993) Cotton response to salinity and different postassium – sodium ratio in irrigation water. J. Agron. and crop Sci. 170: 25-31.
6. Shalaby, E.E., (1993). Differential raesponse of some maize genotypes to water stress. Egypt J. App. Sci. 7: 325-337.
7. Shalaby, E.E., A. Gad, M.M. El-Ganbeehy and A. Mahmoud (1993). Effect of water deficiency on cotton. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 18(7) 1888- 1900.
8. Shalaby, E.E., A.A. Bary, F.A. Bedair and K. Ali (1993). Differential response of several cotton genotypes to water stress. I. Yield and agronomic characteristics. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ. 19 (2): 380-394.
9. Shalaby, E.E., A.A. Bary, F.A. Bedair and K. Ali (1993). Differential response of several cotton genotypes to water stress. II. Boll and seed characteristics J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ. 19 (2): 395-410.
10. Gad, A., E.E. Shalaby, M. El-Ganbeehy and M. Mahmoud (1993). Response of rape seed genotypes to water stress. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Unv. 19: 320-330.
11. Shalaby, E.E., M.M. El-Ganbeehy and M.H. El-Sheikh (1992). Performance of wheat genotypes under drought stress. Alexandria J. Agric. Res. 37:33-51.
12. Shalaby, E.E. and M. Khalil (1991). Tolerance of different genotypes of wheat to salt stress. Advances in desert and arid land Technology vol. 5: 590- 601. Hardwood academic publishers, New York. U.S.A.
13. Shalaby, E.E., M.K. Abd Ella and H.M. Khalid (1991). Effect of water salinity and potassium rates on wheat. Com. in Sci. and Res. 35:143- 161.
14. Shalaby, E.E., and F. Askr (1987). Wheat and Triticale response to water stress under different nitrogen levels. Egypt J. App. Sci. 2:235- 247.
15. Shalaby, E.E., and M. Khalil (1986). Effect of salinity stress on emergence, growth and yield of wheat and Triticale. 2nd Egypt Conf. Agric., Alex., Vol. 1:589-602.
II –Biotic stress, weed competition and control:
1. El-Sheikh, M.M. and E.E. Shalaby (1993). Effect of weed control and nitrogen fertilization on yield and agronomic traitts of maize. Egypt. App. Sci. 8:518-530.
2. Shalaby, E.E. (1993). Effect of nitrogen application and weed control on cotton yield and quality. Egypt. J. App. Sci. 7(12): 1-18.
3. Shalaby, E.E. and M.H. EL-Sheiekh (1993). Maize response to several weed control treatments. Menoufia J. Agric. Res. 18:1059-1077.
4. Glelah, A.A., E.E. Shalaby and F.S. Soliman (1991). Effect of weed control methods on grain yield and yield components of transplanted rice and associated weeds J. Agric. Res. Tanta University 17:36-48.
5. Gelela, A.A., E.E. Shalaby and F.S. Soliman (1991) Response of yield, yield components and quality of Sugar beet to some weed control treatments. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ. 17:287-303.
6. Shalaby, E.E., A.A. Glelah and F.S. Soliman (1991). Interactive effects of weed control and fertilizer foliar application on seed and several traits of cotton. J. Agric. Res. Tanta University 17:371-385.
7. Shalaby, E.E. and A. Geleha and F.S. Soliman (1991). Efficiency of certain selection herbicides on weed control and wheat productivity. Egypt. J. App. Sci. 6:356-372.
8. Shalaby, E.E., A.A. Glelah and S. El-Deeb (1988). Efficiency of fluometuron on yield, yield components and weed control in cotton. J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ. 14:73-80.
9. Shalaby, E.E., A.A. Glelah and S. El-Deeb (1988). Comparative efficiency of certain Herbicides and some herbicidal combinations on weed control and yield in cotton. J. Agric. Res. Tanta University 14:961-973:1988.
10. Glelah, A.A., E.E. Shalaby and S. El-Deeb (1988). Influence of weed control treatments on yield and agronomic characters in faba been. J. Agric. Res. Tanta University 14:90-102.
11. Glelah, A.A., E.E. Shalaby and S. El-Deeb (1988). Effect of some herbicides on yield, yield components and weed control on corn. J. Agric. Res. Tanta University 14:103-115.
12. El-Deeb, S., A.A. Glelah and E.E. Shalaby (1986). Chemical weed control in wheat, with respect to its effect on yield and yield components. Proc. 2nd Conf. Agron. Alex. Vol. 1:619-634.
III - Crop production and physiology:
1. Shalaby, E.E., El- Sayed, A.A., R.A. bo El-Enin, M.M. Shalaan and M.A. Said. (2000). Response of barley to biofertilizer with N and P application under newly reclaimed areas in Egypt. European Soc. Agron., Third international crop Sci. Congress, (ICAA) August 17-22,2000, Hamburg, Germany.
2. Shalaby, E.E., M. Shalaan, A.A. El- Sayed and M.A, Said (1996). Response of some barley Cultivars to biofertilizer in the rainfed areas and newly reclaimed lands. Ninth annual coordination meeting, Ministry of Agric. and land reclamation, Egypt, ARC, and Nile valley and red sea regional program. Cairo.15-19 Sept (1996) pp:126-130.
3. Shalaby, E.E., M. Shalaan, A.A. El- Sayed and M.A, Said (1996). Inoculation of barley with biofertilizer under different levels of nitrogen application in the newly reclaimed lands. Ninth annual coordination meeting, Ministry of Agric. and land reclamation, Egypt, ARC, and Nile valley and red sea regional program. Cairo.15-19 Sept (1996) pp: 131-135.
4. Shalaby, E.E., M.M. El- Ganbeehy and M.H. El Sheikh (1993). Productivity of several wheat genotypes under different levels of nitrogen fertilization. Menofiya J. Agric. Res.18:1079-1096.
5. El-Ganbeehy, M.M., E.E. Shalaby, M.H. El-Sheikh (1993). Wheat and barley losses as influenced by late harvest under different seeding rates and nitrogen levels. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura University. 18:1901-1910.
6. Mourad, M.A., E.E. Shalaby and A.A. Glelah (1993). Response of wheat to supplementary irrigation and argonic fertilization in northwestern coast of Egypt. J. App. Sci. 8:602-618.
7. Mourad, M.A., E.E. Shalaby (1991). Effect of micronutrients and heribicide application on wheat growth and yield. J. Agric Res. Tanta University. 18:643-661.
8. Shalaby, E.E. (1989). Physiological analysis of growth of wheat and barley as affected by nitrogen under Mediterranean climate. Egypt. J. App. Sci. 4:220-231.
9. Shalaby, E.E. (1988). Genotypic variation and covarition of agronomic traits among F6 wheat lines. Egypt. J. Sci. Appl. 3:9-17.
10. Shalaby, E.E. (1986). Effect of N. fertilization and seeding rate on yield and other traits of wheat. 2nd Egypt. Conf. Agron. Alex. Vol.1: 575-587.
11. Kassem, A.A., A.A. Bary, M. Omar and E.E. Shalaby (1979). The uses of drill and single seed planting methodes for the evaluation of wheat breeding stocks. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 27:141-146.
12. Omar, M., E.E. Shalaby, A.A Kassem and A.A. Bary (1979). Variation, heritability, correlation and predicted gains from selection of wheat. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 27:159-165.