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الاسم بالكامل: محمد عبد الباعث محمدالصيحي
تاريخ الميلاد : 30/4/1947                             محل الميلاد: البحيرة
العنوان: 7 ش الشهيد عادل محمود صبري
التليفون: ( منزل ): 5437788                     (عمل): 5925405
 (محمول): 0109988287


Modified 12/24/2011
المؤهل الدارسى
التاريخ / السنة
التخصص الدقيق
التخصص العام
بكالوريوس علوم زراعية
علوم زراعية
زراعة الشاطبي
ماجستير وراثة
وراثة خلوية
دكتوراه وراثة
وراثة خلوية جزيئية
معهد العلوم البيولوجية 
Modified 12/24/2011
مدرس مساعد
أستاذ مساعد
حتي تاريخه
Modified 12/24/2011
1-    البحثية:.الوراثة الخلوية- التقنية الحيوية – الوراثة الخلوية الجزيئة - السمية الوراثية
2-    التدريسية : نفس المجال السابق
Modified 12/24/2011
1-   دولية:       14  
2-   محلية:      56
3-   مؤتمرات: 30      
4-   ندوات  :      8   
Modified 12/24/2011


Modified 12/24/2011
جيد جداً
Modified 12/24/2011
اسم الجائزة
تاريخ الحصول عليها
الجهة المانحة
جائزة وزارة التعليم العالى للطلبة المتميزين
وزارة التعليم العالي
جائزة الدولة في العلوم الوراثية
أكاديمية البحث العلمي
جائزة الجامعة للتشجيع العلمي
جامعة الأسكندرية
Modified 12/24/2011
1-    إنشاء معمل للسمية الوراثية في معهد الدراسات العليا والبحوث
2-    إنشاء معمل للسمية الوراثية في قسم الوراثة كلية الزراععة ( الشاطبي) جامعة الأسكندرية
3-    إنشاء تخصص الوراثة بفرع كلية الزراعة بدمنهور
Modified 12/24/2011

الإشراف على النشاط الثقافي والريادة الطلابية من 1990 وحتى الآن

Modified 12/24/2011
وراثة 302
1980 حتى الآن
وراثة 402
1980 حتى الآن
التحسين الوراثي للنباتات الإقتصادية
2006 حتى الآن
وراثة 20607
دراسات عليا
1980 حتى الآن
وراثة 20609
دراسات عليا
1980 حتى الآن
وراثة 20610
دراسات عليا
1980 حتى الآن
وراثة 20616
دراسات عليا
1980 حتى الآن
وراثة 20618
دراسات عليا
2008 حتى الآن
وراثة 20513
دراسات عليا
2008 حتى الآن
سمية وراثية
دراسات عليا
1980 حتى الآن
Modified 12/24/2011


1. Sahrigy, M. A. and Seehy, M. A., 1978. Cytogenetical studies in the genus Capsicum: I. The Cytological behavior. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol., 7: 210-226.
2. Sahrigy, M. A. and Seehy, M. A.. 1980. Cytogenetical Studies in the genus Capsicum: II. A morphogenetic study of Capsicum pedicles Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol., 9: 1-13.
3. Badr, E.A.; Mousa, M. and Seehy, M. A.. 1983. Cytological and biochemical alterations induced by two herbicides in the root tips of Vicia faba. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol., 12: 123- 136.
4. Seehy, M. A.; H.G. Shalabi; N. Shaker and Effat Badr. l 983. In vivo induction of sister chromatid exchanges in mice by cypermethrin. Proc Int. Conf. Env. Haz. Agrochem., Vol.     1: 659 - 679.
5. Seehy, M. A.; M. Mousa and E. Badr. 1984. Induction of reverse mutation in waxy locus of Zea mays pollen grains by pesticides. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol., 13: 137-142.
6. Badr, E.A.; Seehy, M. A. and I-f.G. Shalabi. 1983. Sister chromatid exchange detection in plants: A genetic assay of primary DNA damage induced by pesticides. Internet. Cong. Genetics, New Delhi, Dec., Abstracts, Part 1: 271.
7. Badr, E. and Seehy, M. A.. 1984 Comparative studies of primary DNA damage and cytological abnormalities indeed by environmental pollutants in mammals and higher plants. Third Internat. Cong. Cell Biol., Tokyo Japan, August 26-31`, Abstracts: 232.
8. Badr, E. and Seehy, M.A. and H.G. Shalabi 1984. Genetic and Cytogenetic changes induced by chemicals in the environment. I-Evaluation of genetic damage induced by ripcord. Proc. 2ed., Med. Conf. genet., Cairo, Egypt., 631-645.
9. Badr, E.A; FI.G. Shalabi and Seehy, M. A. 1984. Genetic and cytogenetic changes induced by chemicals in the environment. 111 Detection of mutagenicity in plants: A waxy locus assay. Proc. 2ed., Med. Conf. Genet., Cairo, Egypt. 661-671.
10. El-Khateeb, S.M.; A. B. Gharib; M. A. A. Sorour and M. A. Salib. 1986. evaluation of cases of hematuria in children by the use of phase-contrast microscopy. Tanta Medical Journal, 14(1): 595-614.
11. Doss, M., Seehy, M. A. and H.G. Shalabi. 1987. Heterosis in some F1 hybrids of tomato and its relation to cytokinin activity. J. Agric. Sci., Mansour Univ.,. 12(4): 779-791.
12. Seehy, M. A.; F.A. Tallat; E.S. Salem and L.A.M. Abdel Megid. 1988. Genotoxic effect of      Diphenylhydantoin. Tanta Medical Journal.
13. Seehy, M. A.; M.K. Youssef; A.Y. El-Metainy and E.A. Badr. l989. Genetical and                    biochemical alterations induced by chlorpyrifos and paraquat dichloride. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 14 (l): 186-197.
14. Seehy, M. A.; E.A. 13adr and A. T-Tafez. 1989. Genotoxicity of pesticides: 1-paraquat   dichloride. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., l4 (2): 1233-1240.
15. Seehy, M. A. 1989. Detection of sister chromatid exchanges in Allium cepa: A modified Staining technique. J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 14(3): 1573-1577.
16. Seehy, M.A. and Y. Moustafa. 1989. Evaluation of nystatin genotoxicity. I. Yeast strain JDI and DNA content of mice bone-marrow nuclei. J. Agri. Sci., Mansoura Uni., 14 (3): 1578 l 583.
17. Helmi, S.; Shalabi, H.G.; Seehy, M. A.; Moustafa, M.H. and EL-Zayat, H.M.. 1989. Mercuric Chloride-induced changes in three genetic systems: Ascobolus immersus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and vicia faba. J. Agric. Sci. Mansour Univ., 14 (4): 2512 - 2523.
18. Seehy, M. A.; H.G. Shalabi and A. Hafez. 1989. Oral Contraceptives induced mitotic gene conversion and mitotic non-disjunction in yeast,. Bull. High Inst. Public. Health., XIX,4: 905-914.
19. Seehy, M. A. 1989. Sister chromatid exchanges induced by lannate. Bull. High Inst. Pulic Health., XIX,4: 993-1000.
20. Shalabi, H.G.; M. A. Seehy and M.Z. Attalah. 1989. Genetic effects of two antischistosomatic drugs; Praziqantel and oxamniquine: The. induction of mitotic gene conversion and mitotic non-disjunction in yeast Saccharmoyces cervisiae. Bull. High. Tnst. Public Health. XIX, 4:971 – 972
21. Seehy, M.A; Y. Moustafa and M. A. Osman 1989. Evaluation of nystatin genotoxicity. I. Mitotic gene conversion and mitotic non-disjunction in Saccharomyses cerevisiae and Allium cepa chromosomes. Bull. Alex. Fac. Medicine. xxv. 16: 1625-1630.
22. Seehy, M. A. and M. A. Osman. 1989. Evaluation of nystatin genotoxicity: II Bone-marrow chromosomes; micronucleus test; primary spermatocytes and sister chromatid exchanges. Bull Alex. Fac. Medicine. xxv, 6: 1631 - 1636.
23. Seehy, M. A. and M. A. Osman. 1989. Evaluation of nystatin genotoxicity: III. Human leucocyte cultures. Bull. Alex. Fac. Medicine. XX, 6: 1637 - 1641.
24. Seehy, M. A.; E.A. Badr and a. hafez 1990. Genotoxicity of pesticides: II. Fluometuron and Chlorpyrifos. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. 18: 59 – 76.
25. Sahrigy, M.A, M. A. Seehy and A. A. Makhlof, 1988. Physico-Chemical properties of chromatin and mitotic cycle duration of G. barbadernse. L., G. hirsutum L. and their F1 hybrid. 4th internat . Cong. Cell Biology, Montreal, 14-19 August, 1988.
26. Seehy, M. A.; H.G. Shalabi and S. helmi 1990. Micro and marco DNA lesions induced by the herbicides fluometuron. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. 18: 77-85.
27. Seehy, M. A.; S. Helmi; I--I.G. Shalabi and H. Ezzayat. 1990. Mercury and paraquat dichloride induced alterations in chromatin physico chemical properties. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. 18: 147 - lS8.
28. Moustafa, Y.; M.K. Youssef and M. A. Seehy. 1989. Assessment of mice nuclei alterations by image multiparameter analysis after treatment with nystatin. 1st Arab Conf. Genet.
29. Youssef, M. K. and M. A. Seehy. 1989. Mitotic gene conversion and monosomics induced in yeast-by Lannate. 1st Arab Conf. Genet.
30. Talaat, F.M and M. A. Seehy, 1989. Comparative genotoxic studies of marco and micro DNA- lesions induced by Diphenylhydantoin, Na-Valproate and carbamazepine. XIV th World Cong. Neurology New Delhi, October 22-27.
31. Badr, E.A; Shalabi, H.G.; Seehy, M. A. and Barakat. M. O. 1990. Isolation and selection of yeast mutants producing heat tolerant enzymes. First Anglo-Egyptian Conference on Bioscience and Technology, 10-15 November, Abst. 46., Alex. Egypt.
32. Seehy, M. A. and Attalah, M; Z. 1990. DNA lesions induced by oxamniquine and praziquanten. First Anglo-Egyptian Conference on Bioscience and Technology, 10-15 November, Alex. Egypt., Abst. 96.
33. El-Zayat, H. M.; Gaber, S. M.; Helmi, S.; Seehy, M.A; Shalabi, H. G. and Moustafa, M. H. 1990. Interference of heavy metals in r. RNA synthesis in Vicia faba. First Anglo-Egyptian conference on Bioscience and Technology l0-15 November, Alex, Egypt. Abst. 102.
34. Seehy, M. A. and Hafez. A. 1992. Genotoxicity of contraceptives. 1st International Conference on Environmental Mutagenesis on Human Population at Risk, Egypt. Cairo, January, 1992: 19-24.
35. Moustafa, Y. M. A. Seehy and M. Abou-Alfa. 1993. Effect of IAA and GA3 on Sorgum Bicolor genome. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 18: 160- 172.
36. Tallat, F.A, M. A. Seehy, M.M. Ramadan and U. Badr 1993. Genotoxicity of Lithium. Tanta Medical Journal. 12:56
37. Badr, Effat A., M. A. Seehy and Y. Mabrouk (1993) Assessment of genotoxic effects of aluminium. XVII Int. Congress of Cenetics UK.
38. Badr, E.A. and M. A. Seehy (1993). Sister chromatid exchanges in Allium cepa: A Sensitive Monitor for Environmental Pollution. XV International Botantical Congress Tokyo Aug. 28-Spet.3
39. Badr, E.A., M. M. Zaky, M. A. Seehy and O. A. Badr. 1993. An expert system for the assessment of genotoxic and carcinogenic potential of environmental pollutants. Second National Expert System and Development Workshop (ESADW-93) Cairo, Egypt.
40. Seehy, M. A., 1994. Genetic damaging effects of environmental Contamination on Animal Health and Reproductive Ability in Rural Egypt. Report submitted to National Agricultural Research Project (NARP).
 41. Yousef, M.I., Salem, M.H., Ibrahim, H.Z., Helmi, S., Seehy, M.A. and Bertheussen, K. (1995). Toxic effects of carbofuran and glyphosate on semen characteristics in rabbits. J. Enviro. Science and Health. B30(4): 513-534.
42. Yousef, M.I., Bertheussen, K., Ibrahim, H.Z., Helmi, S., Seehy, M.A. and Salem, M.H., (1996). A sensitive sperm-mobility test for the assessment of cytotoxic effects of pesticides. J. Enviro. Science and Health. B31(1): 99-115.
43. Abdel-Rassoul,H., M.A. Seehy, H.G. Shalabi and S. Youssef (1996).The influence of two antipyretics Alexoprine and Paracetamol on mice esterase isozymes. Bull. High. Isnt. Public Health, 25 (1), 199-208.
44. Seehy, M. A., A. Hafez and A. Saber (2007) Evaluation of fast foods genotoxicity. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. (In press).
45. Seehy, M. A., and M. R. Moussa. (2001). Molecular and cytogenetic variations in potato callus. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol.
46. Al-Ayoubi, D.Y. and M.A. Seehy. (2003). Oral contraceptive pills “Anovlar 1” induced clasotgenic effect in human genome. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 28(9): 6691-6700.
47. Al-Ayoubi, D.Y. and M.A. Seehy. (2003). Acrylamide induced genotoxic effect in golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) genome. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 28(9): 6701-6711.
48. Makhlouf, A., A.M. Hafez, M.A. Seehy and M. Morsy. (2003). Spleen cells of mammals: sensitive monitor for genetic damage induced by environmental pollutants. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 48(2): 61-68.
49. Seehy, M. A., E. A. Badr, M. K. Youssef and A. El-Shehawi. 2004. Gene expression in relation to environmental conditions. Alex. J. Agric. Res.
50. Hafez, A.M., El-Shehawi, A.M., Seehy, M.M. and M.A.Seehy. (2004). DNA damage induced by Decis in human lymphocytes and experimental rodents.                        Proceed. Int.Cof. Genet. Eng. & Appl. April 8-11. 545-558.
51. Seehy, 2004. A rapid preparation ofTilapia Chromosomes: In Vivo assessment of aquatic pollution Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol.
 52. Seehy, M. A.; Afaf Hafez, O. Badawy and A. Makhlouf. 2004 Robertsonian Centric Fusion induced animal infertility in Copra hircus. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol.
 53. Seehy, M. A.; O. Badawy; A. Hafez and A. Makhlouf.2004. Micro and Macro-DNA damage in Bos taurus Chromosomes. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol.
54. Seehy, M. A.; Afaf. Hafez; O. Badawy, and A. Makhlouf 2005. Analysis of Ovis aries chromosomes: A sensitive monitor for genetic damage induced by environmental pollution Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. (In Press).
55. Seehy, M. A., S. Helmi, M. Badawy and K. Barakat, 2005. DNA-Adducts in Tilapia zillii induced by aquatic pollution.
56. Seehy, M. A., M. Badawy, S. Helmi, and K. Barakat 2005. Differential DNA synthesis and differential gene expression in aquatic organisms induced by pollution.  
57. Seehy, M. A. and M. R. Moussa. 2005. Somaclonal variations in tissue culture of potatoes. Egypt. J. genet. Cytol.
58. El-Seedy, A. S., A. R., El-mahdy, M. A. Seehy and A. A. Makhlof. 2005. Phosphatases activities and tumour induction in mice treated with Urethane and Indoxan. . Alex. J. Agric. Res., 50(2):95-105.
59. El-Seedy, A. S., M. A. Seehy, A. M. Hafez and A. A. Makhlof 2005. Sister chromatid exchanges and tumour induction in mice by Urethane and Indoxan. Alex. J. Agric. Res.,26(4):363-372.
60. El -Seedy, A. S., A. R., El-mahdy, M. A. Seehy and A. A. Makhlof. 2006. Ultrastructure sperm defects in male during carcinogenicity of urethane and indoxan. Arab J. Biotech., 9(1):27-40. 
61. Abbassy, M. A.; A. H. Belal, M. A. El-Seehy and A. H. Mossa (2004). In vivo genotoxic effects of two pyrethroid insecticides, cypermethrin and deltamethrin on male white albino rats. J. Agric. and Env. Sci. Alex. Univ., Egypt. Vol. (3) No. (2) : 27-38.
62. Abbassy, M. A.; A. H. Belal, M. A. El-Seehy and A. H. Mossa (2006). In vitro genotoxic effect of two organophosphorous and two pyrethroid insecticides on human lymphocytes. . Agric. and Env. Sci. Alex. Univ., Egypt. Vol 5 (1) : 45-56.
63. Mohamed, M. E.; A. Seehy; O. M. Badawy and M. A. Nasr (2006). Cytogenetic and DNA cytophotometric image analysis of some promising varieties of sugarcane. Proc. Internl. Symp. On Technologies to Improve Sugar Productivity in Developing Conutries, Guillin, P. R. China. P 640-645.
64. El-Shehawi, A. M., F. Ali and M. A. El-Seehy (2007). Estimation of water pollution by genetic biomarkers in tilapia and catfish species shows species-site interaction. African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 6 (7): 840-846.
65. El-Shehawi, A. M., Mona El-Seehy, A. Hafez, O. Badawy and M. A. El-Seehy (2007). Evaluation of stevia extract genotoxicity : III-differential effects on human and golden hamster (mescricetus auratus , 2N= 44) genomes. journal of agriculture science mansoura university. Vol. 32 (3): 1851-1864. 
66.  Fagr Kh. Ali, A. M. El-Shehawi and M. A. El-Seehy (2008). Micronucleus test in         fish genome: A sensitive monitor for aquatic pollution. African Journal of  
      Biotechnology.Vol. 7 (5): 606-612.
    67. El – Seehy ,M.A, Badawy O. , Attallah, S. and Yaseen, R. (2008).  Genetic biomarkers and resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus. Inter. Conf. on  sugarcane. Meeting the Challenges of Sugar Crops & Integrated Industries in Developing Countries, Al Arish, Egypt, pp 355-361.
68. El – Seehy, M.A, Badawy O. , El-Korany A. and Elsheikh, A. (2008) .Physico Chemical properties of chromatin and induction of autoploidy in sugarcane.. Inter. Conf. on  sugarcane. Meeting the Challenges of Sugar Crops & Integrated Industries in Developing Countries, Al Arish, Egypt, pp S-82.
69. Badawy, O.M. , El-seehy, M. , Saadalla , M. , Badran M. and Salem E.(2008) Biosafety and risk assessment of transgenic sugarcane plants. Inter. Conf. on  sugarcane. Inter. Conf. on  sugarcane. Sugar Tech. 10(3): 234 – 242.
70. Saadalla , M. , El-Seehy, A.M. , Badawy , O. , Badran, M. and Salem E. (2008) Development of transgenic sugarcane plants resistant to stem borers employing Agrobacterium – mediated transformation. Inter. Conf. on  sugarcane. Meeting the Challenges of Sugar Crops & Integrated Industries in Developing Countries, Al Arish, Egypt, pp 376 – 380.
71. El-Shehawi, A.M., El-Dakak, M. and A.M. Seehy, (2009). Micronucleus test and anticlastogenic activity of phenolic compounds. In press.
72. Seehy, M. A., F. Borrai, N, S, Sabrra and Samah Abd El- Raoof, (2009). Secondary Chromosomal Association and Unilateral Incompatibility in Capsicum spp.   In press.

73- Seehy, M. A., H. F. El- Wakil, A.A. El- Dahar and N.Y. Abass, (2009) .The effect of water pollution on chromosomal behavior in Nile Tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ). J.Adv. Agric. Res. (Fac. Ag. Saba Basha). 14(3): 689-704.

Modified 12/24/2011